To all of the Washington elite that described Senator Ted Kennedy in glowing terms and gushed that he will “ will be missed for both his friendship and personality” (Orrin Hatch). Your “vigorous opponent, valued friend” (Omaha World Herald Op Ed page headline) murdered a woman. The drunk coward abandoned Mary Jo Kopeckne alone in the dead of of night in sinking car screaming and drowning. He headed for his hotel room to dry off and call a lawyer she headed for the bottom of the Chappaquiddick Isand waters scratching at the carpet of the car floor. Her life and her death was and is just an irrelevant, inconvenient footnote to the life of this “class act” (Bob Dole)
Senator Hatch embarrassed himself. But, in the Senate they glad hand people that are diligent in destroying the country. Basically, the contract with the people and the states (the Constitution) is of no concern to either party. Look at Judge Roberts (I now call him Pirate Roberts) who has the oath he took to defend the Constitution yet he allows cases brushed aside that deal with Obama’s constitutional credentials for Presidential office. We have a well coordinated attack on the Constitution which has been going on for many years. The states and people are no longer considered participants in the contract. We are led by oath breakers at all levels of government.