It has been a very exciting few days here. The “Birthers” are on a roll and the “Obots” are scrambling.

Today we are all aware that there are some very unscruplous people out there trying to discredit Orly’s original document that she filed with the Federal District Court. Her original document was copied from the web and “remanufactured” a couple of times to give the impression that her original was a fake.

Oops! It looks like the Obots got caught with their pants down on this one.

Rule number one: This is the internet baby! We save things as soon as we download them. Making comparisons is easy if you know where to look.

Forgery number one: “47,O44″ The Obots were laughing when then they joked: 47 years old, Big O, and 44th president.

Wrong: Orly’s document actually says 47,644. I have it shown here as “negative image” so you can see the original document (you have to look close) does say 47,644 and NOT 47,O44.


The next slight of hand from the forgers says “E.F. Lavender” is a brand of soap in Kenya. Wrong again. The Registrar’s name is K. F. Lavender.

And finally the BIG hoopla about the Australian Birth Registration from Bomford being the REAL deal and Orly’s being the fake. A double wammy on this one. The Bomford document was proven within hours of to be a real amatuer waste of photoshopping skills. The biggest tell-tale on this blooper was the signature in the bottom right corner. It is pretty hard to put the “print” on top of the signature in real life.


By the way, the so-called Patriots yesterday that couldn’t wait to spew their venum by saying “Orly is busted” are surprisingly quiet today. I wonder how that happened.. Sam?

We visited with Orly yesterday by email. She offered the following explanation about the forgeries. I think the lady is genuinely concerned that people believe she is doing everything in her power to get this document authenticated through the Court system. One thing is for sure, somebody is lying and I think we all know who that somebody is! Mr. President, would you care to comment?