Posted on 07/04/2009 7:04:31 AM PDT by skimbell
Rather than a blow to a career, Sarah Palin's decision to resign underlines her self-awareness, writes The Daily Beast's John Batchelor. She is now unmatched for the 2012 primary. The early excuse for the Republican circular firing squad of the holiday weekend is that Weekly Standard editor and party brainiac Bill Kristol claims that pugnacious McCain campaign enforcer Steve Schmidt has been caught gossiping to Vanity Fairs Todd Purdum about Sarah Palins rambling and incoherent vice-presidential campaign last September and October...
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Extending Palins basketball analogy:
I think shes attempting to execute a political give and go or a backdoor cut. You pass the ball to a teammate and cut hard towards the goal. The tendency of the defense is to play the ball, not the player. If it works, you get a wide-open layup. If it doesnt, you circle around the basket and set up on the perimeter for another play.
Also, one basket doesnt win the game. You need to score repeatedlybut you cant do that if the other team is double-teaming you all the time, so you HAVE to pass the ballhit the open man.
Finally, sports-related, Palin is a marathon runner. She knows something about pacing herself.
Im guessing many of Palins detractors have never played or even seriously watched and analyzed any kind of sporting event.
Her opponents remind me of a bunch of three year olds playing soccer. They just run after the ball in a big herdtheres no strategy there, just a lot of shouting and futile effort to get to the ball. Only the older kids grasp things like spacing and passing and set plays.
I think Palin understands political spacing, passing, and set plays, in a way that lots of Beltway people just dont. Its a different kind of politics from the smashmouth variety theyre used to.
Itll be fascinating to see if Palins kind of politics can work on a national level as well as it did in Alaska.”
Good points on the sports analogy, and even better on the assessment of the herd / politicians.
She’s got the long view in mind, and is willing to look like she has temporarily lost the battle to win the war.
Unless I’m convinced she is against Amnesty and for secure borders, I won’t vote for her. but I will send her a few bucks to honor her carrying the little fellow to term.
Think about this .. some dude I don’t know who was gopac or something says bambi has broken the mold - that you don’t HAVE to have a lot of experience ....
Thanks Mainframe...but remember, Reagan was the runner-up in 1976, and became the default front-runner for 1980...the whole primary system will have to be changed to “break the cycle” can this be done? I’m not sure...magritte
I appreciate that insight...DEMs have typically went more outsider at times, however, Republicans tend to go for “next man up”...I’m not big on “experience”, as in Governor vs Senator, Mayor vs Representative...I’m looking for background and policy ... magritte
. . .who can smell what Sarah's cookin'.
Yes, saw Batchelor’s article earlier.
Glad to see he has a clue.
Am a long time listener to John Batchelor from 4pm to 10 pm on Sundays.
Has great guests on the subject of Middle East to Politics to economy.
Some of his regulars are John Fund, Mona Charen, Aaron Klein, dozens more
I watched live when Gov. Palin was on yesterday.
I trust and understand what she is doing and back her all the way to the White House.
"What Kristol and Schmidt know is that the only Republican candidate worth cutting each other up about is Sarah Palin. The governor certainly does not need either of them other than as stable hands for Joan of Arcs replacement horses or as Joan Crawfords makeup artists.
Don't count on it. Evil is alive and well and trying to take down ANY goodness that comes along.
We must strap ourselves in for what is to come. We must stay strong and back our new leader of the free world to come.
you and me both!
I think Hannity will suppprt Mitt-Witt or Newt, but not Sarah.
I think Hannity will suppprt Mitt-Witt or Newt, but not Sarah.
Did you watch his interview with Sarah...They reran it again today. They really seemed to connect. Very relaxed but a good interview.
From Sarah site and here Independance Day greeting. In her final paragraph she states the following target areas:
less government intervention,
greater energy independence,
stronger national security, and
much-needed fiscal restraint.
Hannity is Hannity. He'll support Mitt or Newt as long as Rudy Tutty doesn't try again. After all, Hannity's a New Yok kinda guy. He doesn't understand the Sarahs of the World. But that's his problem. And his numbers will rise or fall this time as no time in the past...
McCain was the one who was RAMBLING and INCOHERENT!! Thanks are REALLY a GREAT CAMPAIGN MANAGER.....NOT!
Calm down sonny......unless Sarah starts a new party, the Pubs are better than the VILE, EVIL Dems anyday.
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