To: All; laurenmarlowe; Kathy in Alaska; Arrowhead1952; beachn4fun; E.G.C.; GodBlessUSA; LUV W
Good Evening To The Canteen
To Our Veterans, Our Military And Their Families
~Thank You For Serving Our Country~
37 posted on
05/25/2009 6:50:26 PM PDT by
(God Bless Our Military Men And Women)
To: MEG33
Good evening to you MEG, and Happy Belated Birthday!! *HUGS*
To: MEG33
58 posted on
05/25/2009 7:04:50 PM PDT by
(TAZ:Untamed, Unpredictable, Uninhibited.)
To: MEG33
((HUGS))Good morning, MEG33. How’s it going?
165 posted on
05/26/2009 2:58:32 AM PDT by
To: MEG33
Your picture is a fav, Meg. Thanks for helping honor our troops.
172 posted on
05/26/2009 8:07:09 AM PDT by
Kathy in Alaska
(~ RIP Brian...heaven's gain...the Coast Guard lost a good one.~) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson