Posted on 05/25/2009 9:31:04 AM PDT by GodGunsGuts
Is 'String' the next big thing?: Theories about cosmic evolution dangle by a thread
by Gary Bates
Most people have heard of the expression the big bang. Its usage is so prevalent among mainstream scientists and the media that it has become the accepted fact for how the universe began. However, there are an increasing number of secular scientists who are sceptical of this theory of cosmic evolution, and much of their scepticism has been caused by increasing discoveries that fly in the face of big bang theory. In May 2004 An Open Letter to the Scientific Community signed by dozens of secular scientists was advertised in the renowned New Scientist. At the time of writing this article, the total number of scientists signing the letter who are sceptical of the big bang has increased to over 400.[1]
One of the great problems for those who believe that the universe came into existence by itself is...
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I’m not surprised that we have someone denying time dilation. I’ve seen posters on FR deny evolution, a universe older than 6,000 years, Linnaean taxonomy, and the Earth going around the Sun.
Um. If they did not correct for the time dilation you wouldn’t be able to use GPS.
They *DO* program the correction in. The fact that it is still accurate proves that it happens. If it was fake, your GPS results would gradually be off more and more.
There is NO WAY that it doesn’t happen. The difference in velocity relative to the earth and the reduced gravity must be compensated for, and is.
Now, I don’t really see how you can deny this.
I’m pretty amazed. It is on the level of flat earth. There are actual applications of the science, and they still deny it? It would be like denying atoms exist cause you can’t see them.
It’s staggering to me.
You can imagine whatever you like.
Actually a nuke going off proves a lot about fission reactions. It most certainly does not follow that time runs at different speeds, that string hypthesis is real, or anything about quantum mechanics.
Using a nuclear bomb as your proof of the factuality of the totality of everything modern physics claims, in the name of relativity, makes very little sense.
It’s LAG. And pretty darn simple to calculate. “Time shifting” LMAO!
What is this lag from then? It doesn’t really matter what you call it, but it’s effect of the different motions and gravity from the ground to the satellite.
In a 2001 National Science Foundation (NSF) survey of scientific literacy, 53 percent of American adults were unaware that the last dinosaur died before the first human arose. Just 50 percent of American adults knew that the earth orbits the sun and takes a year to do it.
Those who support Intelligent Design should be reserved with either embracing on condemning physics at this level, because arguments can be made for many competing theories that are essentially neutral to the concept of Intelligent Design. Importantly, they are also neutral to the idea of their not being Intelligent Design as well.
For example, there are some very interesting parallels between universe creation theories in physics and the ancient Hebrew mysticism found in Kabbalah. Even in ancient days, accepting the axiom that JHVH created the universe, they strove to answer the question “How?”, and reached some impressive conclusions that might even be said to be more advanced than modern physics. That is, they also tried to answer the question “Why?”
That a modern physicist would try to justify his atheism with such theories is just silly. It reminds me of the story of the mathematician Leonard Euler, a brilliant and religious man in the court of Catherine the Great of Russia.
When atheist French philosopher Denis Diderot came to her court, he tried to convert the nobles he talked to into becoming atheists. This annoyed the queen, so she asked Euler to put him in his place. To do so, Euler wrote a closed algebraic equation, which he said proved that God existed. Then he demanded that Diderot refute it, to prove that God did not exist.
Of course Diderot could not, because the equation was closed, so it was inherently true. This caused the Russian court to laugh, but Diderot was wise enough to understand that his credibility was shot, and asked to return to France.
But the important lesson is how silly to try to prove or disprove God with some tiny part of things, even if they are universal laws. Gravity does not prove or disprove God. And whether or not God exists, it is insulting to even assert this, one way or another.
It’s one thing to be ignorant, it’s another to flaunt it and demand that observed reality doesn’t happen. Very frustrating.
I can kinda someone denying evolution or whatever. But stuff like time dilation is as proven as gravity. Phew.
Well put, ref the satellite and you being in the same place, at the same instant. No difference in time. And using what time it is to describe those same positions at a particular instant is fine. But its nothing like what that guys says it is. And that is where it becomes a flight of fancy,,,
well guys, love a good physics brawl, but i got to rush and pick up my daughter. I better take a wormhole, im in a hurry.
How would you invent a hypothesis that includes God, and how would you test that hypothesis?
“Im not surprised that we have someone denying time dilation. Ive seen posters on FR deny evolution, a universe older than 6,000 years, Linnaean taxonomy, and the Earth going around the Sun.”
**Says the man taking his identity from a sci-fi comic strip****
Ok, it wasnt Star Trek, it was “masters of the universe” LOL,,you guys make this too easy,,
Peace out.
Both involved.
Anyone 70 years old should be able to describe galaxies he's seen as a kid that are no longer visible if you say the universe is expanding at light speed away from us.
No wonder it's getting colder out. that darn sun is running away at light speed. Universal expansion means everything is moving away from everything.
But then, with the outer edges of the universe slowing, the inner universe would be moving faster, closing in on slower outer bodies in the universe, created an empty space at the point of origin of the big bang.
Anyone got a joint? Preferably what Tolsti is smoking so I can be on the same cosmic wave length and time continuum he's on.
Whereas evolution & dinosaurs are, to a larger degree, something most people can get their head around. They've seen Jurassic Park and The Flintstones, after all...
The cause of gravity is proven? Gee, I didn't know that. Care to tell me what it is since I seemed to have missed that news report?
Ok, it wasnt Star Trek, it was masters of the universe LOL,,you guys make this too easy,,
It's actually a reference from the Green Lantern comic book published by DC Comics. The difference being of course that I know that it's fantasy, whereas those who base their view of the universe upon mythology don't.
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