Posted on 03/26/2009 7:34:13 PM PDT by NormsRevenge
WASHINGTON (AFP) President Barack Obama will Friday announce a new strategy to "disrupt, dismantle and defeat" Al-Qaeda in safe havens in Afghanistan and Pakistan and deploy an extra 4,000 military trainers.
The new strategy, the product of a 60-day review in conjunction with US allies, marks one of the boldest foreign policy bets laid so far in Obama's two months in power and defies those who warn he is walking into a quagmire.
The 4,000 US troops will build up the Afghan army and are in addition to 17,000 extra troops already promised by the president.
Obama will also send hundreds more civilian and development workers into Afghanistan, three administration officials said on the eve of his announcement.
The review will set a target of expanding the Afghan army to 134,000 men and the police force to 82,000, but the numbers could go higher if needed, the officials said.
As a result of the troop increases, the US force in Afghanistan will reach 61,000-65,000 by mid-September, which officials said would have a significant impact on the war zone.
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More troops? This has to be driving the moonbats nuts.
He is going to hit them with shelly’s purse!
What was the USA thinking when they made this dilettante teleprompter read CIC?
Anyone can see that soros, ayers and wright don’t know anything about defeating a determined enemy.
“Disrupt, dismantle & defeat?” Oh he is talking about what he is doing to the U.S. economy. He wants to get as many U.S. troops out of the USA for a specific reason.
As he releases inmates...on OUR land.. ((Shaking head))
Hope is not a valid strategy.
What are they going to do to the Taliban, talk and bore them to death?
Will there be any actual killing involved?
A cheaper plan would be to saturate the airwaves in the Middle East with 0bama speeches and news conferences. That should turn the entire area comatose.
Hey, seriously. I wouldn’t doubt that. Because he knows they would not turn on their own citizens. So, if there was civil unrest, he could call in the U.N. troops.
I think I’m getting paranoid. Maybe time to go watch some mindless t.v. or something.
Is this part of the new “Overseas Contingency Operation” we’re fighting? I guess we won the War on Terror...the war on stupidity continues...
Something is very fishy on this one. I can’t put my finger on it but he has been talking about Afghanistan and as he prounounces it “Pakeeston” even back in the campaign. I am kind of wondering why his “friends” are influencing him to go this way.
Isn’t it sad that I don’t even think Obama is looking after the protection of its citizens but how it benefits his friends.
Maybe this one is $$campaign$$ payback.
Summary of Obama’s plan: blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,....
“A cheaper plan would be to saturate the airwaves in the Middle East with 0bama speeches and news conferences. That should turn the entire area comatose.”
Yeah, that would work like in the movie Mars Attacks and the only thing that kills the aliens is when the grandma plays the Slim Whitman song and their heads explode.
sounds like he’s going to do some serious community organizin’ over there.
I just figured they were going to start an ACORN chapter with them...
Phase one was to meet Moderate taliban and Moderate al qaeda.. hahah
Phase two of the Obama {Plan send a chain letter To OBL and if he doesn’t forward it to 10 of his best friends he will die from bad luck!!
Wait ‘til Obutthead unleashes a brigade of community organizers on the Taliban.
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