What a crock of crap.
Shameless b**ch.
Sorta like Joe Biden blaming the driver of the truck his wife pulled in front of.
I am at a loss for words...
Unbelievable. A drunk alcoholic floozy tries to blame the guy she ran.
She obviously hasn’t learned her lesson, throw her back in the slammer for another year, fine her for damaging the truck this guy was driving, and fine her for the wages of the police and highway workers that had to clean up the mess.
Drunk Logic???? Of course its his fault. If he hadn’t been there she wouldn’t have hit him.
Damn truck stopped in the road observing traffic laws! How dare you let me rear end you! Don’t you know who my daddy is?
Is she filing this suit from behind bars?
If I was the parents of her boyfriend I would be looking to wring someones neck...
Here’s hoping she gets laughed out of court (I can always hope, can’t I?)...
This happened to my mom once, back when I was a kid. She was T-boned in the middle of an intersection by a judge’s wife who had run the red light. Both cars were totaled. Judge and wife then sued my mom! (The insurance companies came to an agreement without trial.)
Suing the person you hit after you ran a red light. Now that’s chutzpah!
Gotta love East Texas... where some people are more equal than others.
I hope the insurance company fights this. Too often they just settle.
Key phrase.
Father knows all the ins and outs, so there is some chance she will prevail.
You see this all the time and generally its one of two things:
1. Lawyers who shamelessly utilize the legal system to its fullest (as the article says, they can sue everyone and see what sticks).
2. People who aren’t able to fact the fact that they were responsible for a loved one’s death (you see that a lot with parents suing everyone under the sun when their child dies due to the parent not paying attention).
What? Her drunken double vision straightened out for a second so it looked like the guy to her left, swerved in front?
Why doesn’t the court throw this out and not even consider it? Hell.....SCOTUS does this all the time.
I'm thinking this is not a very good idea. The 21 year-old dingbat may have no assets and may be "judgement-proof" in civil court, but a counter-suit against her family could bankrupt them.
This is why -- despite the rank dishonesty of it -- it always makes sense to feign an injury at the scene of an accident . . . just in case the other driver is 100% at fault but files a lawsuit like this anyway.
They should have thrown her in jail for much longer.
Isn’t she the one who bragged upon arrest that her daddy was a judge and she’d get off?