Posted on 11/24/2008 11:16:12 PM PST by solfour
Need more money
Even if I could float for a few months, I don’t know what I’d do or where I’d go.
Iceland fell first. The UK will fall before the US. The socialist European Union is collapsing just like the communist Soviet Union did and just like eventually the socialist North American Union will fall. None of the European countries have the cost structure that the US government has (evidence the US debt crossing over the 10 trillion level).
BTW - Go to the Drudge Report. You can see videos of the Icelandic Vikings rioting and attacking a police station.
..No, the best thing to come out of Russia was the AK-47 rifle...
That and I’ll raise you a ZSU-23.
Didn’t Bill Ayers have some idea like this? Divide up the country into three or four parts and give them to our enemies? I can’t seem to find where I read that.
Anyway, I want to go with the part that has the nukes!
I was quite surprised.
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Moscow always requires a foreign enemy to blame for their failures.
Great cartoon!
For a second, I thought you might be talking about Russia, not us!
Here’s a question...
What does America produce fhese days that others want to buy? What does the average American (have you seen the average American these days?) do ten times better than the upper quintile* of India and China? In what marketable skill does it take 10 others to do the work of one American?
If an American can’t answer one of these with his field of expertise, then he shouldn’t expect to make 10x the salary as other workers. And he should remember that OSHA protections are part of his compensation, so I’m being generous.
Why should we expect others to pay for our irresponsibility?
*These countries could match an honor student to every single student of ours.
Because the USA is the emitent of the "world currency". Everybody demanding USD for his product finances the US economy.
Post-WWII political situation gave the USA this advantage.
Funny. The odds of a breakup are far higher for Russia then the US.
The Russians and Chinese will invade the US should we break apart. Count on it.
70 million americans of retirement age is 70 million voters. You reckon they are going to vote for measures to restrict medicare, or reduce pensions, or raise the retirement age? And yet, unless the system crashes, that is exactly what they will have to do.
It may be obvious, but that hasn’t stopped people of all political stripes ignoring the coming financial tsunami for years. Human Beings have an infinite capacity for self deception.
They would be happy to vote for such measures as long as they didn't affect them and were told that such measures would save the system for them. This country has been engaged in a long term transfer of wealth from the young to the old for some time. In 1950 there were 16 workers for every retiree, today it is 3.3, and by 2030 it will be two workers for every retiree. Taxes will be raised on the workers to support the entitlement systems and it wouldn't surprise me to see the entitlement systems means tested eventually.
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