Posted on 11/16/2008 2:39:10 PM PST by Nachum
The Israel Defense Forces released a video on Sunday evening showing militants in the Gaza Strip in the process of firing rockets at Israel.
The video was released just hours after Israel Air Force troops killed four Palestinian gunners at a launching pad in northerern Gaza.
The video shows militants positioning a rocket launcher and distancing themselves from it before opening fire.
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G-d Help Israel, as their Government KNows NOT what they do!
Gotta enjoy stories with happy endings.
Well, I was hoping that Isreal would make a move before Bush leaves office. Not looking good tho....
I’m also hoping Isreal makes a move on Iran as well, hopefully before Jan 20!
Not to worry. Obama will save them. sarc off
I would be taking infrared images of Gaza. Any hotspot that coincides with a missile launch into Israel should become a crater half a kilometer wide. Anyone who thinks this would end missile launches into Israel within a week needs a mental examination.
What I want to know is did the bride and groom escape from the blast. Whenever any action is take concerning a group of Islamic persons we always hear that we have attacked a wedding party and some children were killed./s
They know (and are assisted by media) how to play the media game to make Israel look like the bad guy. Jenin, The fake dead kid in the stretcher who fell out, got up and got back into it again, even shooting their own people and staging their bodies have all been exposed, plus many more.
Those so called journalists sympathizers who help stage these events to fool the world public should get life in prison for doing such things, but they don’t.
We can only hope they get shot by those Islamic nut cases when they outlive their usefulness.
The US in Iraq and Afghanistan has had great luck with up to 100 foot tall observation towers to protect their bases. From these towers, threats can be seen from dozens of miles away.
By erecting just a few such towers around Gaza, terrorist crews would be forced much further back to set up rockets without retaliation *before* they could launch them.
Of course, they would try to set up launchers behind buildings and in defilade, but that would both radically reduce their firing areas, and make it much easier for them to be detected en-route to setting up rockets.
They would still try to surround themselves with women and children against retaliation, but no system is perfect. And there are lots of times when there are just no women and children around to use as human shields.
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