Catholic Ping
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Looks like a blob of protoplasm to me.
It makes me cry to imagine a little one who used to be safe in the womb now could not only be sucked out in pieces but if Obama has his way, infanticide would surely end the little life who survived the botched abortion in a most heinous way. What the hell is with people?
excellent post...every Priest should be required to read it this Sunday...with the picture as a back-drop....
Bishops are growing spines all over the landscape!
I wonder if the liberal squishes among them finally realized that Obama's support of the FOCA legislation means the end of Catholic Charities and Catholic hospitals.
Better late than never!
btt for later
Looks like punishment for the daughter of an arrogant, pompous, self-important Chicago thug politician.
Over the last 10 days, The Pope called the democratic Party of the United States, The Party of Death!
The Bishops have heard the call from Vatican City!
God Bless!
Bump for Life.
Bless the unborn.
Abortion, it’s just murder.
Beautiful, powerful and should be shown to every woman considering her “choice.”
Love the pic. I want to send it along. Just curious how it was taken. Is it inside the womb? what’s the blue background? How did they take the pic? If you have any additional info, I’d appreciate it. Thanks.
"If there is a time when something less than a human being in a mother morphs into a human being, it is not a time that anyone has ever been able to identify, though many have made guesses. However, guesses are of no help." ... The fundamental point is, from conception onward, there is a distinct human ORGANISM, not an organ or mere tissue mass, a distinct human organism So long as that ORGANISM is alive and growing he or she (and yes, even within the first day or two following conception, the sex of the organism can be discerned) is an ORGANISM not a mere mass of cells. I'm an organism, you are an organism. Even the abortionist is an organism, and we know the aborticution ends the lifetime of an organism who has been at least one distinct human organism since conception.
I spent a time being brainwashed in my youth.
I was working as a secretary on a busy medical floor in one of the local hospitals.
We admitted a woman in labor , they knew her baby had died.
Labor and delivery was busting at the seams and they couldn’t take another patient.
One of the delivery nurses came up and they delivered her son in the room.
They brought me the baby to wash and wrap in a little blue blanket for photographs.
20 week baby was every bit as perfect and the one in the picture..So perfect, so beautiful, so tiny and so lifeless.
I knew my error , my willing “buy in” into the deception.
Abortion is from Satan..