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Warrants could lead to more FLDS charges
Deseret News ^ | unday, Sept. 7, 2008 | Ben Winslow

Posted on 09/07/2008 6:49:24 PM PDT by UCANSEE2

ELDORADO, Texas — When a grand jury meets here later this month, criminal indictments could be handed down against more members of the Fundamentalist LDS Church.


Some of that evidence has been used in child-custody cases over the hundreds of FLDS children taken into state protective custody during the raid. Texas Child Protective Services has said it has evidence of at least 10 underage marriages. A CPS caseworker testified during a court hearing last week that an investigation revealed "48 percent of the men at the ranch were involved in underage marriage practices."


"Sheriff Doran advised affiant that Becky Musser has provided him with information regarding the FLDS on more than 100 occasions over the past four years, including as recently as April 8, 2008, and that, on each occasion, that information has proven to be reliable, true and correct," Wilson wrote in the probable cause statement.

Becky Musser is a sister of Elissa Wall, who was the star witness in Utah's case against Jeffs. Musser also testified at the trial and was married to Jeffs' father, Rulon, when she was a teenager.


The FLDS Church and some of its members have filed legal challenges to have the search warrants and any evidence tossed. A hearing has been scheduled Oct. 1.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Government; News/Current Events; US: Texas
KEYWORDS: cps; cpswatch; flds
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To: Elsie

I guess we will have to wait until the hearing to see.

41 posted on 09/08/2008 7:30:34 AM PDT by UCANSEE2 (The Last Boy Scout)
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To: brytlea

Correct. The men are required to have as many children as possible. That’s why they need young girls. The whole system revolves around providing young girls for the top guys in the cult.

The whole cult is taught to lie to the authorities because outsiders are part of Satan’s conspiracy to destroy them. That’s why the children are so desparate to get back into the cult. Their eternal salvation depends on being in the cult.

42 posted on 09/08/2008 7:36:03 AM PDT by AppyPappy (If you aren't part of the solution, there is good money to be made prolonging the problem.)
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Becky Musser has provided him with information regarding the FLDS on more than 100 occasions over the past four years, including as recently as April 8, 2008, and that, on each occasion, that information has proven to be reliable, true and correct,

If her information has been reliable, true and correct. Then why didn't the CPS take the one child that may have been in danger and the Sheriff simply arrest 48% of the men from the start?

43 posted on 09/08/2008 8:15:33 AM PDT by LeGrande
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To: brytlea
So, do you suggest they shouldn't prosecute?

Absolutely not. As long as they acytually have factual evidence this time.

I would like to see equal vigor in prosecuting all underage, unwed pregnacies caused by adult males.

44 posted on 09/08/2008 8:19:45 AM PDT by Iron Munro (The Alaskan landscape is littered with the bodies of those who have crossed Sarah Palin)
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To: Elsie
No doubt "they churned out kids" ~ but are "they churning out kids"?

Years ago a buddy of mine got a job in Naptown running down gas line leaks. He discovered that most of the lines in the black areas of the city had leaks sufficient enough to kill all the grass and shrubbery in the lawns.

He deduced it wasn't so much the children running everything, but the gas "burning" it out.

Another rule of thumb ~ people who send their kids outside to play seem to have more children than those who keep their kids inside glued to the TV or the videogames.

What we need are some census data to show us that any specific ethnic group is "churning out kids" at a greater rate than any other ethnic group, or that welfare mothers are proliferating faster than we might otherwise imagine.

Numbers, numbers, numbers ~ who has got the numbers?

45 posted on 09/08/2008 8:36:45 AM PDT by muawiyah
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To: DoughtyOne
It's a doggone shame we still have SOME Freepers who think of children as being their parent(s) property.

You may not like the process set in place by the law to deal with the rights of children, but there it is. It's not unconstitutional.

46 posted on 09/08/2008 8:42:04 AM PDT by muawiyah
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You saw how I ran the numbers ~ the minimum whole number of miscreants could be 12 ~ or, if we can assume one baby daddy per child, one child per family, as high as 400.

I strongly suspect it's much closer to 12 than 400.

If they follow old'time Apostolic Charismatic Church of the First Born rules, you could have one child per possible "couple", and end up with numbers of miscreants equal to the entire adult population in the Texas camp.

47 posted on 09/08/2008 8:46:38 AM PDT by muawiyah
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To: Iron Munro
Sure it's happening. However, since at least one party to the situation is a minor, it's being done confidentially in family court.

That's why the thousands of family court judges in this country have not been sending you reports on the situation.

48 posted on 09/08/2008 8:48:42 AM PDT by muawiyah
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To: LeGrande

Why don’t you ask them?

49 posted on 09/08/2008 8:58:02 AM PDT by brytlea (Obama--Keep the change!)
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To: Iron Munro

I would like to see that too, so why do you bring it up here?

50 posted on 09/08/2008 8:58:34 AM PDT by brytlea (Obama--Keep the change!)
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To: HeartlandOfAmerica
Legally the question is: When were they married, and what was the age of consent at that time?

I was going to make the point that there was no legal marriage involved, the crime is statutory rape, or it's equivalent in Texas, but I see others have replied to this point. So I say again, "Git a rope!"

51 posted on 09/08/2008 9:11:54 AM PDT by TheDon
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To: muawiyah

Being “involved” in an underage “marriage” is pretty vague.
Maybe they are counting the “fathers” who are pimping their baby girls out as being involved.

52 posted on 09/08/2008 9:13:01 AM PDT by Politicalmom (President McCain: "Ok, Ted, I want your list of supreme court nominees on my desk by Monday.")
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To: Politicalmom

Well, that, and the mothers, although we haven’t yet heard about the mothers.

53 posted on 09/08/2008 9:17:13 AM PDT by muawiyah
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To: brytlea
I’m puzzled as to what you’re suggesting, so maybe you can clarify.

When I said "which guys" I was implying that many could NOT be 'identified' if they wanted to be!

54 posted on 09/08/2008 9:28:11 AM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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Until then - it’s mere speculation.

55 posted on 09/08/2008 9:28:51 AM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: muawiyah
He discovered that most of the lines in the black areas of the city had leaks sufficient enough to kill all the grass and shrubbery in the lawns.


How do the 'gaslines' know who lives above them?

56 posted on 09/08/2008 9:30:09 AM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: Elsie

What a ridiculous question. Everybody in the country knows that the black parts of town were pretty generally the OLDEST parts of town.

57 posted on 09/08/2008 9:42:03 AM PDT by muawiyah
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The children were abducted, removed from their homes by force. The adult males were allowed to remain at home.

If need further help, just let me know.

58 posted on 09/08/2008 10:11:57 AM PDT by DoughtyOne (McCain, the Ipecac President.)
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That’s a moronic response. When the government can violate Constitutional rights with impunity, then those rights no longer exist.

We’re those children removed for sixty days improperly? The answer is yes. Were the government perpetrators prosecuted? No.

Your twisting of due process and Constitutional rights or guarantees are childish. And yes, those Constitutional rights are guarantees, even if you can’t quite grasp it.

59 posted on 09/08/2008 10:15:40 AM PDT by DoughtyOne (McCain, the Ipecac President.)
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To: brytlea
Why don’t you ask them?

Why? I saw their illegal, unconstitutional and immoral actions. What is there to ask?

60 posted on 09/08/2008 10:19:47 AM PDT by LeGrande
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