Posted on 08/18/2008 12:11:05 AM PDT by Schnucki
The soldiers told us they had an order from Putin - leave or be killed. Manana Dioshvili showed no emotion as she described how Russian troops forced her to flee her home. Her former neighbours nodded in agreement, huddled together in a kindergarten whose windows had been blown out by a Russian bomb.
That's how they explained themselves to us, she recalled of the moment they fled the ethnic Georgian village of Kurta, near the capital of South Ossetia, Tskhinvali.
They said, Putin has given us an order that everyone must be either shot or forced to leave'. They told us we should ask the Americans for help now because they would kill us if we stayed.
Vardo Babutidze, 79, was not lucky enough to be visited by Russian soldiers. Her husband Georgi, 85, was shot twice through the chest by an Ossetian paramilitary who came to their house to demand weapons.
We didn't have any guns, so he shot Georgi in front of me without saying a word, she said. A neighbour helped me to bury him in our garden and then I just fled.
Manana Galigashvili, 53, whose husband Andrei stared vacantly from a bed behind her, said that Ossetian soldiers had returned later and torched the house. They, too, had left after a soldier threatened to slit their throats.
Frightened refugees told similar stories all over the city of Gori yesterday as the Russian army extended its reach deep into Georgian territory despite a ceasefire agreement signed by President Medvedev that requires them to withdraw.
Troops and tanks moved to within 25 miles (40km) of the capital, Tbilisi, setting up roadblocks and digging in defensive positions in the hills above the highway. A line of tanks faced towards Tbilisi outside the village of Kaspi, a day after
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Time for Putin and his army of Orks to be sent back to their place of origin... the deepest circle of hell.
Soft power - the expressway to death.
It keeps coming up that Putin/Russia have been mentioning America specifically in their attacks. I’m sure this is just intended as humiliation but such taunts shouldn’t be ignored or backed down from.
Sounds like we need to “loan” Georgia a bunch of Stingers and Javelins.
Always remember that the Western Euros are quick to condemn the USA for arresting and imprisoning dangerous scumbags.
However, when the Russians refuse to discriminate between civilians and combatants on the battlefield and subsequently kill everything they see, all you will ever hear from the Western Euros is the sound of crickets chirping.
Their politically correct ways are overshadowed only by their amazing collective sense of bravery.
“Im sure this is just intended as humiliation but such taunts shouldnt be ignored or backed down from.”
hopefully american foreign policy wont be dictated by this. Unfortunately, unless you are among the ‘nuke russia now crowd’ that is posting on FR demanding a pre-emptive nuclear strike on moscow, practical options which don’t immediately start world war three are limited. One wonders if the USAF personnel in theater as tripwires are in fact likely to be targetted, if russia decides victory is more important than the political consequences of doing it.
I can't for the life of me understand how we've reached this point in world history. Of all the things that have ever been considered wrong and worthy of immediate correction by whatever means necessary was the violation of a country's border by another country's military.
The sad thing is that the organization that was formed with such ballyhoo to address this kind of aggression is the very reason the situation has reached the sorry point it's at today! The UN has done more to promote this sort of savagery than anyone else on Earth. Period.
Oh that we had the cojones to say ‘adios’ to the UN then go around the world gathering up like-minded governments who would support going into a situation like that in Georgia today and kick ass and take names. No drawn out warnings, no negotiations, no waiting and watching. The understanding is the moment you cross a border and attack another country you are the enemy. The members of this kick-ass, keep-the-peace organization would be able to decide amongst themselves that a country deserved to be invaded, but it would be on strictly subjective terms. Iran comes to mind right off the bat.
I'm afraid we're beyond the point of no return. And unless we act quickly and decisively to put Russia back in line it's only the first of a series of such escapades. They have the money now and that's the only thing that's slowed them in the past. The Cold War wasn't over, it was just put on hold by Russia until oil prices and supplies put them on top of the heap again.
Where are the Dems and moonbats demanding war crimes trials?
Sadly, a broader and deeper knowledge of human history would lead you to agree with Rush that we live in a world that is governed by the threat and use of physical force. We’ve gotten used to the idea that our principles for the way we want the world to be are representative of what prevails in the real world, but this is not so, and never has been. Remember that diplomacy is an extension of war by other means.
We are being goaded to attack the russian positions.
They are waiting for “justification” to start their next phase.
I say we oblige them... But we do it for real, and not just in Georgia.
Also, if a team can be sent in to kill Putin and his buddies, it should be done now.
Something is up, and we need to get ahead of the curve.
Talk is cheap when one does not have to bear the consequences.
We ALL bear the consequences...
Talk IS cheap...
Its time to start killing Russians.
Until we dis-abuse ourselves of this silly, and very dangerous, notion that it's wrong for us to stand up around the world for what we believe it's not going to get any better. No country in the history of the world has given so much, so often to protect and extend its beliefs. This idea, that somehow our way of life as outlined in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution and defended in war after war, is simply “equal but different” to life in Russia,Iran, Syria, Cuba, etc., is an insult to the Americans who have fought and died for it in lands their loved ones couldn't even spell!
You could hear it dripping from every word that seeped from the mouth of Barrack Obama the other night! So afraid to take a stand, unless it's against America, for fear of appearing to be judgmental.
Stop it! Stand up, like John McCain did (and I'm no McCain for Pres. fan!) and tell the entire world of creation, America is it! It being the best chance a person has to live free, realize their dreams and be whatever a loving God created them to be. Period. No place on earth has ever offered as much and paid for it with the resources and blood as the USA.
If you can't take pride in yourself, you certainly can't expect anyone else to be proud of you!
The world is indeed governed by the threat and use of physical force. Far better it be exercised by a military whose fighters want nothing more than to finish the job and get back home to their families!
Was if Bob Dole who made the point that the only foreign land America has ever taken in war is the six feet it takes to bury her dead who died fighting for a country half-way ‘round the world from home.
I know I'm preaching to the choir, but damn I'm tired of these blame America first Dems and MSM. The America they dream of, and would impose on us, is nothing like the America we live in.
I'm not. Although one should be able to distinguish between a serious suggestion and hyperbole when reading an internet forum.
...practical options which dont immediately start world war three are limited.
Options are always limited. Few here actually know what all the limitations are and if Putin wants to start WWIII he will do it whether we like it or not. The real question about that is does he get to set the ground rules.
One wonders if the USAF personnel in theater as tripwires are in fact likely to be targetted, if russia decides victory is more important than the political consequences of doing it.
I don't think there is any doubt that they may be targeted. They are definitely going in to harms way where there are undisciplined Russian troops and two separatist militias running around getting revenge. Who knows what Putin might do? I'm more concerned with what Bush will do. Especially if our personnel are targeted. Whatever limitations exist a non-response or a weak response to that would be very dangerous IMO.
Russians are so brave mounting a daring assault against this evil Georgian kindergarten.
Let’s see how these Russian thugs do when it comes more even odds.
I am certainly not a conservative, but I am willing to do what it takes to preserve freedom and democracy in the world.
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