I’m currently reading a biography of Lincoln.
It is distressing to compare the “bottom-of-the-barrel” intellect of Obambi to the giants of the past.
First off, I can’t imagine any earthly thing being above the US President’s pay grade: nuclear football, judicial appointments, access to intelligence briefings, commander in chief— you name it. This verbal flub staggers the mind.
I noticed another aspect to this when searching for confirmation:
Funny! When he was a senator in Illinois, where, presumably he was paid to think before he voted on matters of substance, where it wasnt above his pay grade, he voted against human rights for babies that survived an abortion. Did he thoughtfully consider the matter then, or has he forgotten what little experience he has as a legislator? (Too craven to speak his mind gets MY vote!) — blogger screen named Proof.
I didn’t watch the forum, so don’t know the context of this remark, but when I read it I took it to mean that the decision about when life begins is God’s.
I don’t think the pay grade remark referred to the Presidency. I think it was intended to mean that it was above his pay grade to play God. So on this particular issue, he won’t take a moral stand. Although he doesn’t seem to mind taking moral stands on just about every other issue pertaining to government intrusion into private lives.
Either way, it was a flippant answer which could be taken in many different ways, none of them positive.
Well if he won’t answer a simple question directly, I guess we’ll have to refer to his voting record to figure it out.
Its Barry/Hillary in Nov.
Either he has an opinion but he is hiding it (which I suspect) or he is one of those many libs who does NOT have opinions unless he has walked that path. Since he is not a woman, he doesn’t dare to have an opinion about it. Which is spineless.
Your choice — spineless or a liar.
Obama’s abortion answer to woman:
This is incredible. As Not WRIGHT for America points out, who is above his pay grade, Planned Parenthood?! That’s who he takes orders from on this issue! www.notwrightforamerica.com
Now if McCain upholds his end of the deal and chooses a pro-life VP, the evangelicals and pro-lifers will support the GOP.
LOL! at his comment.
What does he think priests and ministers have for a paygrade?
Oh, their’s is in heaven. God bless those who support life at all stages.
Obviously he didn't like his conservatism, but if that Justice was in Obama’s eyes not ready for prime time, then he should himself be looking into the mirror and stepping down from the race.
Obama is a hypocrite though, so do not wait for that one.