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Obama’s Answer to Drilling Debate: Inflate Your Tires (Video clip)
| July 30, 2008
Posted on 07/30/2008 1:08:44 PM PDT by Free ThinkerNY
"We could save all the oil that they're talking about getting off drilling if everybody was just inflating their tires and getting regular tune-ups. You could save just as much."
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Extended News; Front Page News; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: 2008; affirmativeaction; barackobama; beautyqueen; clueless; deerintheheadlights; democratcongress; democratparty; democrats; domesticoil; drillheredrillnow; drilling; electionpresident; elections; energy; gasprices; lendmeyourears; nobama08; obama; obamatruthfile; obambi; obaminflation; offshoredrilling; oil; unfirforcommand; usamericansneedmaps
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To: Skenderbej
Glad you can run yours on hope.Errr, maybe I meant to say I'm hoping my car will run. It's got a lot of miles...
posted on
07/30/2008 1:28:20 PM PDT
green iguana
To: Hazwaste
I'd like to know when the last time (if ever) B.O. ever did a tune up.
Or aired up a tire.
posted on
07/30/2008 1:28:27 PM PDT
(I do not suffer from mental illness. I quite enjoy it, actually.)
To: Free ThinkerNY
Didn’t they HAMMER Bush the Elder for not knowing how much a gallon of milk cost at a supermarket, and marveling at a check out scanner?
This idiocy has GOT to be on part with that bit of out of context reporting about Bush.
Quayle’s political career died on one misspelled word. What is taking so long for this guy to fold up. He pissed the Germans off last week when he said NATO ought to step it up to give US taxpayers a break.
To: Williams
Actually that statement has been making the rounds for the last five years. Mostly about ANWR. Four years ago I was arguing with a co worker about energy and I mentiond ANWR. He immediately said that all the oil in ANWR would amount to no more than the oil we’d save if we all inflated our tires properly. It sounded rehearsed but I didn’t carry the discussion further. If someone would google the haloed one’s words I’m betting you’d be directed to a five year old talking point.
posted on
07/30/2008 1:28:41 PM PDT
(Freedom is purchased not with gold, but with steel.)
To: Skenderbej
I started a telecommute job a few weeks ago. I’ve gone from burning $100+ week to $25/week and am lovin’ it!
posted on
07/30/2008 1:29:21 PM PDT
(Black dogs and bacon bombs.)
To: WayneS
...and computer controlled fuel injection systems, air-mass meters and such. Good point. Haven't had a carburetor since my 1975 VW Rabbit.
posted on
07/30/2008 1:29:23 PM PDT
(Vote! Vote for the conservative local, state, and national candidates of your choice, but VOTE!)
To: Maceman
I loved The Jeffersons, George was something else. My favorite scene is where he is giving a elegy for an employee that everyone hated since the guy's mother was attending. As the scene progressed, there were closeups of the other people there with voice-overs saying the bad things this guy had done to them. There were 3 or 4 women in succession each saying "he cheated on me" and one was his wife.
posted on
07/30/2008 1:29:55 PM PDT
(Tactical Is Still Missing A Chair!)
To: Free ThinkerNY
and pelosi says drilling is a hoax, RIGHT....
posted on
07/30/2008 1:30:15 PM PDT
To: Williams
Are the Chinese and Indians inflating tires and getting tune ups also? That's why Congress needs to immediately pass a law spending $100 gazillion to send everyone in China an air pressure gauge, a tire pump and a timing light.
posted on
07/30/2008 1:30:33 PM PDT
(Whale oil: the renewable biofuel for the 21st century.)
To: Free ThinkerNY
"We could save all the oil that they're talking about getting off drilling if everybody was just inflating their tires and getting regular tune-ups. You could save just as much." We could almost save as much energy if Obama would deflate his ego, a prime source of hot air which leads to global warming.
posted on
07/30/2008 1:31:29 PM PDT
(Tagline:optional, printed after your name on post): -30-)
To: Hazwaste
posted on
07/30/2008 1:31:30 PM PDT
(Tactical Is Still Missing A Chair!)
To: Free ThinkerNY
posted on
07/30/2008 1:31:32 PM PDT
God luvs America
(When the silent majority speaks the earth trembles!)
To: TexanToTheCore
this comment really is something that you would expect to come from Paris Hiltons mouth.I give Paris Hilton a little more credit than this. Now Okara or rosie o'donut saying that may be about right.
posted on
07/30/2008 1:33:08 PM PDT
(A vote for any Democrat from BO on down the ticket is a vote for $10 a gallon gas.)
To: maine-iac7
Freep the ad makers at GOP and McCain site.
I don't think that the RNC has ever had or will ever possess the backbone needed to run the types of advertisements you describe.
posted on
07/30/2008 1:34:02 PM PDT
(Suppose you were an idiot and suppose a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.- M. Twain)
To: moose2004
Since March I’ve inflated my tires in my Xterra to 40 psi, up from the 32 I used to keep. I haven’t noticed any difference in mpg. For some reason I still continue to check my mpg at each fill-up in both of my cars even though I can predict my mpg pretty closely without doing the exact calculations. I’ve been doing it for so long in both of my cars.
I guess Barry wants me to overinflate my tires to 80 psi and risk a freeway blowout and compromise the safety of those around me in order to save billions of barrels of oil. We should risk killing others instead of killing a seagull while drilling for oil.
To: Williams
Dear Lord,
Spare me the agony of listening anymore to this false prophet. Better yet, put me to sleep like Rip Van Winkle and re awake me on election day.
posted on
07/30/2008 1:34:35 PM PDT
(The first black president of the US should be at least a "Jackie Robinson.")
To: Hazwaste
Yeah, and be sure to “repack” those tires...every 10,000miles
posted on
07/30/2008 1:36:09 PM PDT
(The first black president of the US should be at least a "Jackie Robinson.")
To: Free ThinkerNY
Eureka!!!! Jay Leno finally has something to hit this guy with!!!!!!! He should have a field day with this tonight.
posted on
07/30/2008 1:37:14 PM PDT
(The first black president of the US should be at least a "Jackie Robinson.")
To: maine-iac7
The moron actually said that?? No, of course he didn't say that. Obama is not that ignorant. If he actually did say that he will have officially, and successfully, graduated from ignorant to stupid.
posted on
07/30/2008 1:37:17 PM PDT
(Love many, Trust few, and always paddle your own canoe)
To: river rat
The silly incompetent big eared sonuvabitch is even more stupid than I had feared. LOL
posted on
07/30/2008 1:39:53 PM PDT
( b/c Obama is just creepy.)
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