Posted on 07/14/2008 10:14:42 PM PDT by Ernest_at_the_Beach
Sen. John McCain on Monday accused his Democratic presidential rival of flip-flopping on the war in Iraq, as a pair of new polls showed the Republican's strategy of painting Sen. Barack Obama as politically expedient is beginning to take hold with voters.
As Mr. Obama repositions himself for the general election after exclusively targeting the Democratic base of committed liberals, it leaves some voters on the left feeling he is abandoning them on their top issue - Iraq - and has independents questioning his veracity.
"If a perception takes hold that a candidate is flip-flopping on core convictions, that will hurt," pollster Scott Rasmussen said, noting that nearly a third of voters are "up for grabs" this fall.
A Fox 5/The Washington Times/Rasmussen Reports poll shows 19 percent of voters classified as "other" - neither Republican nor Democrat - think that on the Iraq war, Mr. Obama is "abandoning voters that got him nominated." (Eleven percent of Democrats agree.) About 20 percent of independents think Mr. Obama is "not really going to change his opinion" on a U.S. withdrawal within 16 months of taking office, a pledge he has made repeatedly.
A Newsweek poll found similar dissatisfaction among voters over Mr. Obama's shifts in policy positions. In the survey, 53 percent of voters said he recalibrated his stances on key issues such as the war and President Bush's new electronic surveillance law in order to gain political advantage.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
A presidential Dumocrat nominee who FLIP FLOPS???
What are the odds of that happening...hmmm, anyone feel some Deja Vu?
I feel their pain. NOT. ;-)
Obama can’t “reposition” himself for the general election, because he opted out of federal matching funds, so he is beholden to the left-wing fringe of the Democrat party now to finance his general election bid. It was a strategic campaign killing blunder.
Look, David Plouffe is the man steering Obama’s campaign.
If the name means anything to anyone, that’s because he engineered the Torriceli Switch for Lautenberg in the NJ Senate Race...long after the deadline had passed for the Dems to switch Senate candidates on the ballot...because Torriceli was losing to the GOP.
Well, ask yourself why *THAT MAN* Plouffe is now positioned for the same switch for Hillary.
The Dems finalize their nominee in August at their Denver Convention. Look for the Torriceli Switch there, or later.
Husein will still have plenty of money from anti-American interests bundled from abroad and funneled through the internet. Isn’t that were much of the seed money originated?
“Recalibrated”, eh? That must be the new term for a flip-flopping, politically expedient, finger in the air, valueless t*rd.
"Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached." - Manuel II Palelologus
“The Dems finalize their nominee in August at their Denver Convention. Look for the Torriceli Switch there, or later.”
If they do that, the Dems will lose the black vote and probably for a long, long time.
Please take note of this, here at FR:
Next week Obama’s going to announce that he’s really a white guy with a tan. It’s been polled as bringing in 10 points from other white guys with tans.
Could it be that the New Yorker Cover and enclosed article are not so innocent after all...tinfoil hat firmly on my head:
BBC: Obama team decry satirical image ( New Yorker Cover for article on Obama's Chicago roots )
Going looking....for another thread....that seems appropriate....
Hillary Supporters Planning to Nomination Her at Dem Convention
Hill Democrats miffed at Obama
*********************EXCERPT Intro**********************
After a brief bout of Obamamania, some Capitol Hill Democrats have begun to complain privately that Barack Obamas presidential campaign is insular, uncooperative and inattentive to their hopes for a broad Democratic victory in November.
They think they know whats right and everyone else is wrong on everything, groused one senior Senate Democratic aide. They are kind of insufferable at this point.
Among the grievances described by Democratic leadership insiders:
Until a mailing that went out in the past few days, Obama had done little fundraising for Democratic candidates since signing off on e-mailed fundraising appeals for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee immediately after securing the Democratic nomination.
Obama has sometimes appeared in members districts with no advance notice to lawmakers, resulting in lost opportunities for those Democrats to score points by appearing alongside their partys presumptive presidential nominee.
The Obama campaign has not, until very recently, coordinated a daily message with congressional Democrats, leaving Democratic members in the lurch when theyre asked to comment on the constant back and forth between Obama and John McCain as they were when Obama said earlier this month that he would continue to refine his Iraq policies after meeting with commanders on the ground there.
Coordination between the Obama campaign and the House and Senate leadership is so weak that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) who will chair the Democrats convention in August didnt know of Obamas decision to move his final-night acceptance speech from the Pepsi Center to Invesco Field until the campaign announced it on a conference call with reporters.
Obama spokesman Bill Burton dismissed the criticism as not-for-attribution complaints of staffers who arent knowledgeable about the campaigns Hill coordination efforts.
Its a favorite parlor game in Washington for low-level staff to take shots at anyone they can, given the opportunity, Burton said. But as leadership aides across the Hill have confirmed even in this story, we have a constructive working relationship with the House and Senate leadership and continue to work with them to bring about the change the American people demand this November.
On the record, spokesmen for Democratic leaders and the campaign committees say theyre pleased with the coordination theyre getting from the Obama campaign.
We have a great relationship with the Obama campaign and work closely with them on everything from message strategy to on-the-ground coordination in states where we have races, said DSCC spokesman Matthew Miller. Jennifer Crider, the DCCCs communications director, said the DCCC and the Obama campaign are working together to bring our change agenda to the country.
Privately, however, there is a different message coming from some Democratic quarters on the Hill and on K Street. Some Democratic leadership staffers complain that, having defeated the vaunted Clinton political machine in the primaries, the Obama campaign now feels a sense of entitlement that leads to arrogance.
One Democratic aide, speaking on the condition of anonymity, compared the Obama campaign unfavorably to President Bushs administration.
At least Bush waited until he was in the White House before they started ignoring everybody, the aide said.
Full Text of Obama's Iraq Speech (The Teleprompter Kid Shoots Himself in the Foot)
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