I find the messiah is not only naive ... but stunningly stupid when he’s not reading from a teleprompter. I had no idea Harvard has an affirmative action graduation path.
He isn’t naive. He is ignorant and wrong headed and hateful.
But if Slate is starting to question IF he is the wrong candidate, they should have been asking these questions in JANUARY 2008.
Those wild eyed people represent the millions of Americans raised in the government day-care and indoctrination centers we call public schools who did not have, or would not listen to, parents and others who tried to counterweight the garbage they heard at school...who have been raised on 60 second sound bite time spans and know no better.
You have other tens of millions on the dole who will vote for him regardless of position because he promises to keep pilfering the public largess for them.
Still othes of millions will vote for him simply because he is black.
Other millions will vote for him because they know exactly who he is and what he represents and agree with his anti-American positions.
The first three are all what is termed, useful idiots, a term coined by Lenin for the dupes he got to support him.
Against this it is left to us to educate, arouse, and amass the tens of millions of Americans who understand and hold fast to the foundational principles our constitutional republic rests upon...many of them the bitter, rural Americans clinging to their guns and religion that Obama so arrogantly spoke of.
Finally, note this comparison:
Barack Hussein Obama is the apex of the hate-America, domestic enemy in this country. His election as president would be the greatest coup any enemy has ever scored against this country and could easily lead to the worst, horrific disaster in our nation's history.
Obama is not naive - he’s evil.
Never met a payroll?
Here is what I would like to know about:
Well first, He’s so naive that he didn’t know about Rev Wright for 20 years. Secondly he was too naive to know about Bill Ayers, then Pfleger.
But he was also apparently naive about REZKO.
If someone cannot afford to purchase a piece of real estate or a house that they really want AND
they are a political figure that has decision making powers.
someone purchases a piece of the real estate at full price or above full price and then turns around and sells it to you at a loss or gives it to you in order for you to be able to get the real estate in the first place. What does one expect in return for this arragement?
Is this not called a conspiracy? technically?
Did Obama not participate in a conspiracy to enter into this arrangement? Is there not several oversight laws in the state of Illinois that prevent such transactions?
Was Obama too naive to understand these things or was he a part of a bribe? Which was it?
Why is the press not askng him which it was?
Naive - no. Crazy, power-mad and scary, yes.
Hell, that's the LEAST of the problems with Obama!
Corrupt black racist, suspect Islamist, Surrender Monkey, Disarmament champion, Tax and Spend zealot, Reparations hero, Welfare hiker, Leftist/Marxist, America hater - who wishes to CHANGE it to Amerika.
Naive — hell no — anyone who thinks Obama is naive is the one suffering naivety.
No one is too naive or too anything else to be president, alas. Hussein is too lots of things to be a successful or maybe a successful-for-America president. We really don’t know what constitutes success for Hussein. It might be wholly incompatible with success for America.
Uh, yeah.