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Obama the Grandstander, Hillary the Résumé-Padder
Hot Air ^ | March 24, 2008 | by Ed Morrissey

Posted on 03/24/2008 6:43:35 AM PDT by jdm

After her Tuzla fiasco, people may think Hillary Clinton the only one in the race exaggerating her impact on American politics and policy. Not so fast, says the Washington Post’s Shailagh Murray and Jonathan Weisman. Barack Obama has also had to do some grandstanding, and his Senate colleagues don’t appreciate it much:

After weeks of arduous negotiations, on April 6, 2006, a bipartisan group of senators burst out of the “President’s Room,” just off the Senate chamber, with a deal on new immigration policy.

As the half-dozen senators — including John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.) — headed to announce their plan, they met Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.), who made a request common when Capitol Hill news conferences are in the offing: “Hey, guys, can I come along?” And when Obama went before the microphones, he was generous with his list of senators to congratulate — a list that included himself.

“I want to cite Lindsey Graham, Sam Brownback, Mel Martinez, Ken Salazar, myself, Dick Durbin, Joe Lieberman . . . who’ve actually had to wake up early to try to hammer this stuff out,” he said.

To Senate staff members, who had been arriving for 7 a.m. negotiating sessions for weeks, it was a galling moment. Those morning sessions had attracted just three to four senators a side, Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.) recalled, each deeply involved in the issue. Obama was not one of them. But in a presidential contest involving three sitting senators, embellishment of legislative records may be an inevitability, Specter said with a shrug.

Unlike governors, business leaders or vice presidents, senators — the last to win the presidency was John F. Kennedy in 1960 — are not executives. They cannot be held to account for the state of their states, their companies or their administrations. What they do have is the mark they leave on the nation’s laws — and in Obama’s brief three-year tenure, as well as Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton’s seven-year hitch, those marks are far from indelible.

After that press conference, one might have expected Obama to roll up his sleeves and help out with the work in getting the bill passed. His fellow Senators certainly expected it, but Obama came up missing when the media attention disappeared. He finally appeared at one meeting — late — and started raising questions about issues that had already been resolved. Ted Kennedy chewed him out, and Obama retreated, never to return.

Nor was that the only bill on which Obama attempted to steal credit. Chris Dodd and Barney Frank, chairmen of the Senate and House banking committees, created a proposal that would have the FHA bail out some homeowners on the verge of foreclosure. Obama didn’t just come out in support for the proposal; he tried to claim authorship for it. Despite having Dodd’s support for his candidacy, Dodd couldn’t let him get away with it, and told reporters that Obama had nothing to do with drafting the legislation.

At the same time, Obama’s campaign has attacked Hillary Clinton for her exaggerations on Tuzla, Northern Ireland, and S-CHIP. They are correct that the former First Lady has done little legislatively as a Senator, and even less as First Lady. Various members of Congress, Democrats and Republicans alike, have already debunked her claim to have helped create S-CHIP, and Lord Trimble’s dismissal of Hillary as a “cheerleader” for the Northern Ireland accords have put her contributions in the correct perspective. Obama’s team has busied itself with Hillary’s schedules during the Clinton administration in order to find more exaggerations.

However, as the Post reports, that recalls the saying that it takes a thief to catch a thief. Both Hillary and Obama have made their careers by stealing credit for work done by others.

TOPICS: Editorial; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: 2008; demlies; democratparty; democrats; elections; hillary; hillaryclinton; nobama; obama

1 posted on 03/24/2008 6:43:36 AM PDT by jdm
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To: jdm

I’ve been waiting for such to be brought out. Unfortunately, it’s not likely to wake up the dimwitted.

2 posted on 03/24/2008 6:48:46 AM PDT by mtbopfuyn (The fence is "absolutely not the answer" - Gov. Rick Perry (R, TX))
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To: jdm
A democrat friend of mine tried to trash McCain for saying that AQ is in Iran. I had none of it. My final comment that shut him up was that McCain has been a member of the Armed Services Committee who has alway been a hawk and probably knows what he's talking about.

I can just imagine a goof like Obama trying to trash McCain and having it blow back bad because Obama can be painted as a lightweight very easily. IMHO.

3 posted on 03/24/2008 6:54:16 AM PDT by Thebaddog (Dog breath? I don't think so.)
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To: jdm

let them slug it out!

4 posted on 03/24/2008 7:07:43 AM PDT by Shery (in APO Land)
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To: jdm
“I want to cite Lindsey Graham, Sam Brownback, Mel Martinez, Ken Salazar, myself, Dick Durbin, . . . who’ve actually had to wake up early to try to hammer this stuff out,” he said. Traitors - every one of the Atzlan agents named above. Hey, where's Fat Teddy?
5 posted on 03/24/2008 7:12:33 AM PDT by indcons
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To: jdm
"But in a presidential contest involving three sitting senators, embellishment of legislative records may be an inevitability, Specter said with a shrug."

I dislike this nitwit almost as much as Obama.

6 posted on 03/24/2008 7:13:45 AM PDT by cake_crumb (Obama looks, walks and talks like a racist pig...)
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To: jdm
"Ted Kennedy chewed him out, and Obama retreated, never to return."

The same Fat Teddy who endorsed "Obama Osama".

7 posted on 03/24/2008 7:15:27 AM PDT by cake_crumb (Obama looks, walks and talks like a racist pig...)
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To: jdm
"However, as the Post reports, that recalls the saying that it takes a thief to catch a thief. Both Hillary and Obama have made their careers by stealing credit for work done by others."


8 posted on 03/24/2008 7:17:03 AM PDT by cake_crumb (Obama looks, walks and talks like a racist pig...)
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To: indcons; cake_crumb
Traitors - every one of the Atzlan agents named above. Hey, where's Fat Teddy?

I dislike this nitwit almost as much as Obama.


9 posted on 03/24/2008 7:19:15 AM PDT by PGalt
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To: Thebaddog
"A democrat friend of mine tried to trash McCain for saying that AQ is in Iran."

Glad you put a stop to it. McCain is correct.

10 posted on 03/24/2008 7:33:54 AM PDT by cake_crumb (Boycott Genocide. Boycott the Olympics.)
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To: jdm
Both Hillary and Obama have made their careers by stealing credit for work done by others.

How sad is it when a country of 300 million can only offer the likes of these hacks to run for the highest office in the land...and that includes McCain.

11 posted on 03/24/2008 8:10:57 AM PDT by econjack (Most people are as dumb as soup.)
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To: econjack
"How sad is it when a country of 300 million can only offer the likes of these hacks to run for the highest office in the land...and that includes McCain."

Ain't that the truth!
12 posted on 03/24/2008 8:38:40 AM PDT by Convert from ECUSA (Just another "typical white person" who is sure Obama does not want his vote)
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To: jdm
Both Hillary and Obama have made their careers by stealing credit for work done by others.

Has Hillary ever claimed credit for ending the standoff at Waco in 1993?

13 posted on 03/24/2008 8:57:06 AM PDT by Verginius Rufus
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To: jdm

14 posted on 03/24/2008 8:58:11 AM PDT by reagan_fanatic (feh)
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To: reagan_fanatic

15 posted on 03/24/2008 9:48:03 AM PDT by cake_crumb (Boycott Genocide. Boycott the Olympics.)
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To: cake_crumb

Looks like Senator Clinton got the Borg outfit with extra padding.

16 posted on 03/24/2008 10:03:59 AM PDT by upchuck (Who wins doesn't matter. They're all liberals. Spend your time and money to take back Congress.)
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To: upchuck

Obama’s got some extra too ;-)

17 posted on 03/24/2008 10:18:28 AM PDT by cake_crumb (Boycott Genocide. Boycott the Olympics.)
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To: upchuck
Looks like Senator Clinton got the Borg outfit with extra padding.


In the Concession Stand of Life, she only has Milk Duds.

18 posted on 03/24/2008 10:23:19 AM PDT by N. Theknow (Kennedys: Can't drive, can't fly, can't ski, can't skipper a boat; but they know what's best for us)
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