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What happens in a town when the privileged move in (MA Libs Move To New Hampshire) ^ | March 18, 2008 | Skip

Posted on 03/22/2008 11:35:06 AM PDT by lowbridge

What happens in a town when the privileged move in

Town Meeting and elections have been held here in NH over the last couple of weeks (with more voting in some towns still to come).  I've been helping one group of people, the Moultonboro Citizens Alliance, with their site as they advocate for implementing SB2 style of voting and for keeping taxes lower.

Well, while they did not achieve their goal of getting SB2 implemented, they came REAL CLOSE!  And they did defeat a contentious issue of a new edifice in town.

During that time, lots of Letters to the Editors were written, pro and con.  The two that caught my eye seems to be all too typical lately - Wealthy couple moves into small hamlet, considers taxes dirt cheap, get buyer's remorse over the "smallness" of the town, and decide to ramp up town spending (and therefore taxes).

Because the mentality expressed by this couple (yup!  a twofer!)  of "we know better than you do even though we just moved in and have more money than you" irks me so much, being of sound mind and body, I just couldn't leave them alone. 

These are taken, by permission, from their site:

Well, I guess a number of people liked my treatment of Mr. St Amand's manifesto - I was asked for a repeat performance!  Thus, so as not to be accused of sexism, let's do for her what we did for him.  Let's translate what Madam St. Amand has to say in support of the new edifice being contemplated, shall we?

Letter to the Board of Selectmen                                                       February 14, 2008
Heh! Good start – we know who we are talking to and the date.
Dear Selectmen,
I feel as if you all know my thoughts on the Recreation Strategic Plan based on my previous letter I read. Furthermore, I am in awe that over three hundred signatures did not open your eyes to see how important this vision is to the community and come forth with support.
And it goes down hill from here. Let's see – 4,300 residents, 300 signatories – for the sake of 6.97% of the townfolk, let's build us a building! Funny, I always thought it was a majority that usually carried the day – did the Missus forget the other 93% that didn't sign it?

You know, if someone called me stupid ("...did not open your eyes to see how important..."), I'd not be all that impressed with whatever is being pitched to me.  Influencing people? Absolutely....just not the way she thinks.... 
Still, I understand that we are at a critical point where your support is needed for this immensely important project so I write to you today in hopes of further explaining my thoughts as a strong community member.
Translation: you're still stupid, but since you control the approval process, I'll twist myself in the wind to butter you up.  After all I'm what you call "a strong community member".  Hot diggity-do!  On my say so, you gotta believe me!
When I moved here a year and a half ago, despite my skepticism to move to a small community, I was repeatedly told that this was a small but cozy community.
Small. Cozy. Nice words – admirable words. They connote a certain life style, a certain atmosphere, that is shared and accepted by all. And no one was lying to you either. Moultonborough is just that kind of town.
I immediately noticed that in addition to the limited amenities I would have to get accustomed to, there was no community center in which people could connect on many levels.
Oh, the privations - “limited amenities”.

Methinks the downward slope is pitching down a few more degrees.  Note:  did she not realize that ("small", "cozy") before the ink on the P&S was dry?  Of is this a case of mistaken homework (or homework not done)?  Small means, well, small.  To have all those things means....larger!

Look, I lived in MA for many years – there was hardly ever a community center “ in which people could connect "on many levels”. The fine town I live in now doesn't have one – people go and SEE each other. They do not depend on the benefice of government to provide such. 

Another thought - is anyone else seeing this?  Is this the first time that I see somebody playing "good cop, bad copy" all by herself in each paragraph?  And if she is, what role does that mean that the good citizens are playing?  After all, the good cop-bad cop needs someone else to be present for this to work....

Everything I, or anyone else I knew, wanted to do was predominately outside of this community. A theater, variety of restaurants, a proper supermarket, a pharmacy, clothes/accessory shopping, and a full service health club would all have to be sought after in other people's communities.
Life's tough....get over it...and yourself.  You've deliberately moved into a small hamlet.  Right now, I'm smelling buyer's remorse. Oh, the indignity of it all - no place for decent shopping! 

Actually, the impression I'm getting is that it sounds like “you rubes don't know what you are missing for the necessities of life”. Did you ever think that once all these were added, the terms “cozy” and “small” would no longer apply?

Or is that the point?
So many townspeople wondered why there was not one central place that we could meet, share a party, dance, exercise, listen to a lecture, send our children to knowing they were off the streets free of crime.
So many? How many people get all excited in rural NH “go to a lecture” - really? Parties generally are a normal part of the general life - the building they are often held in is generally called a "home".  And if shoveling all this snow this winter isn't exercise enough, come on over - I still have plenty!

I think the kookiest one is “ send our children to knowing they were off the streets free of crime”. If you are living in a rural area, and they are children, they will have to walk or ride their bikes...on those self-same crime ridden streets in rural New Hampshire. Really - how "crime" ridden is Moultonborough???

If you really look at those items – it all adds up to a lifestyle of leisure wants. Not needs; wants.
By definition, a community in Merriam Webster's Dictionary is an interacting population of various kinds of individuals (as species) in a common location.
"Species".  That's part of a community?  Of people?  Now, I know that taxonomically, we humans are a species.  But to put that in a Letter connotes something.....but I can't put my finger on it.  I guess I'm just a hick.....

Well, here's the actual definition

Function:                  noun
Inflected Form(s):      plural com·mu·ni·ties
Usage:                     often attributive
Etymology:               Middle English comunete, from Anglo-French communité, from Latin
                                communitat-, communitas, from communis
    Date:                         14th century
1:a unified body of individuals: as a:state, commonwealth b:the people with common interests living in a particular area; broadly :the area itself <the problems of a large community> c:an interacting population of various kinds of individuals (as species) in a common location d:a group of people with a common characteristic or interest living together within a larger society <a community of retired persons> e:a group linked by a common policy f:a body of persons or nations having a common history or common social, economic, and political interests <the international community> g:a body of persons of common and especially professional interests scattered through a larger society <the academic community>
You might think that I'm nitpicking, but c'mon, we a merely "a species"?  If so, what is the use of a community center?  I think of the above definitions, I would have picked a different one.....
We continue to call ourselves a community, however, we leave for most of our needs outside of the library, town hall, post office, and a school event.
So, a community is now defined by this newly arrived person by what is or what is not in town for “things” it possess rather than for the people that are in it? She concentrates not on the bonds that have already existed for years between its residents but for the buildings in town (or lack thereof)?
We run into our friends far more in Shaw's Supermarket than in Heath's which takes us out of our community.
Again, this is so typical - a community is defined by what it does not vs what it does have.  Instead of cherishing what is present, it is downgraded for what it does not have.

And tell us, is this travel to Shaw's forced on you?  Tell us, do you not have the freedom to shop at Heath's?  So isn't it a bit of hypocrisy that you complain about the size of the town but deliberately shop out of town so as to not organically grow your own community?  You raise your nose at the community that you are trying to call home?

Or do you pine for a home that only exists elsewhere?
There is very little "in common" about our interactions in this community as is stated a community should be.
The question, the hard question, is who are you to tell the present community that they are not a proper community? After a year and a half, I surmise that you might just be starting to know your fellow townfolk – NH people aren't particularly enamored of “air kisses” and faux airs – it takes time, sometimes a long time, to develop the kinds of linkages you are seeking (but by the wrong method).

Have you ever thought that by putting down the citizens and the Town of Moultonborough, as you have complained about so far, that you may well be self-selecting out of those friendships and that sense of community? After all, who wants to deal with a newly arrived carpetbagger that immediately begins the screeds of “you're not good enough” and that the town must change according to their norms?
However, a community center and the prospect of all our recreation needs being significantly improved holds promise for our community to connect, find common ground, show empathy to a variety of age populations because we actually interact with each other if only to say hello in passing on our way in or out of our community/senior center.
Oh yeah, only saying “Hi there!” is going to deepen community bonds. Isn't that just a tad bit – superficial?

All of our recreation needs” - oh Hallelujah, salvation is at hand! We won't ever have to wish for another thing again! If she really wants this to be true, this project will have to graduate from edifice to grandiose in a heartbeat (or a few millions of dollars, take your pick).

Look, get real.  A building is not going to do any of these things.  The staff that will have to be paid to run the place and programs will not do or provide all these things either (any more than the staff at an exclusive country club is going to enhance your self-esteem other than that they do your bidding).

If you want all these psychological or spiritual benefits, there is one and only one answer to your sense of "needs "– that is you yourself. It seems that you have a tremendous lack of being involved. Trust me, get involved in the people - buildings generally don't seem to care. You don't need a “community center” to achieve these goals – you only need YOU.
As a Family and Community Nurse Practitioner trained at the master's level, I have expertise in evaluating the needs of communities of all ages and diverse backgrounds. I practiced with personal integrity and sought ethical truths in constantly changing environments.
I cannot help but think "let's brag about ME!  I know better than you about what you need - let me prove it to me!".  And you should believe me too!

Please, what the heck is"ethical truths"?  Here we go with the psychobabble / New Age histronics.  And with this humanist phrase, who is the grand poobah that decides what is "truth" and what is "ethical"?  And what does that have to do with tax money (the main topic)?  And what will "ethical truths" mean if your idea of "ethical truth" id directly in opposition of someone else's common sense?   What if it is voted down?  In your eyes, will the voters become "unethical" or will they have merely "lied" to themselves to fit your narrative?

Is it ethical for you to force your vision on others?  Remember 93% of the folks in Town DIDN'T sign your petition.
As a RSPT committee member, I bring forward my professional background to evaluate the plan, financial responsibility, and health and mental well being benefits. I have been a part of the process in cheering the ideas while remaining grounded and offering other thought provoking alternatives as well based on my experience. While I serve as an interested community member, I also offer my professional expertise to this committee and the town at large. Having said that, it is most important to me that you as a governing body understand how responsible this plan is on so many levels and likewise, how irresponsible it is to put the brakes on a long overdue plan to improve our community.
Sigh...I just do not know what to say here (my head hurts).  She certainly likes her "professional expertise".
I hope that it has been obvious to see that I take an unbiased approach.
Nope, it's not obvious, and no, you're not unbiased. What is clear so far is that you are ticked that Moultonborough does not have all the amenities (goodness gracious, not even a “proper supermarket”!) that it should based solely on your definition of what "community" should be.

And it seems that you are bound and determined to get what you want so that the “sticks” won't seem so “sticky”.
There are many aspects of the community center that will not improve my life directly, however, it will improve the community.
'Course it won't – your needs are not to be met within Moultonborough until your expectations are changed to meet the community. You made that quite clear in her opening paragraphs. Yet, some of the folks' needs in town are such that this Community Center is far from being a need - the basics are. By building and operating this, you might make that much harder for them.

Note:  It should not be that the community change itself for you; rather, it is the other way around.

There are aspects of the community such as Meals on Wheels that don't improve my life.
Let's face it – unless Mr. St Amand fritters away the family fortune being a Venture Capitalist, it is doubtful that she would be availing herself of that program – a program that may well be needed for those who can not afford the taxes that would be “growing the sense of community” in your fashion.

Why is it that those who want larger government never seem to connect the dots financially?  Clueless pills?  Or do we thank our educational system for not teaching proper civics, math, and a sense of playing good checkers (it teaches that there are consequences to making bad decisions rather painlessly, readying one for more important decisions).
But I am a community member so I support such services wholeheartedly. When I hear townspeople, including Selectmen, express concern over their own retirement issues in regards to supporting this plan, I am disheartened because they are negating the need to look at the progression of our community as a whole.
No, you are being selfish, plain and simple.  Again, at the rather young age of 40 or so, your husband has already retired. This is a dream far beyond (and already past) many of us.  Most people in town are not as privileged are you; perhaps a bit more of humility and a wee bit less of hubris could be served the next time you go to the diner for some home cookin'?

Note: there is NOTHING wrong with people voting their pocketbooks.  Or voting for the needs of their families before the wants of the community.

The townfolk that you denigrate (as they think of their ability to provide for their loved ones in seeing what may come over the horizon financially during their Golden Years) obviously have a better handle on the actual needs of their community than you.  One reason may well be (more than likely) far closer financially to those in real need than you.   They understand the potential heartache far better. And probably, are a bit more wise as well.

Again, being a “transplant” versus an “escapee” often means that the empathy you allude to above , at least the financial aspect, totally escapes you.
If the Selectmen truly believe in the definition of community, an interacting population of various kinds of individuals (as species) in a common location,
You know, “as species” is getting annoying. Stop it. The residents are people, not “species”.
then I believe you need to take a look inside yourselves and ask why you could possibly lead our community to believe that this plan is anything but responsible
Here we go again with the "stupid" part again - if you do not agree with me!.
and beneficial to the growth and development of our community at large. Moving forward to approve the requested $375K for the Architectural and Engineering phase allows us to move forward in getting the proper information to our community for further consideration.
Note: a lot of people don't have to spend a lot of money to have already figure it is not a good fit for the Town at this time....that's called being frugal....and not stupid.  And just think - they may not WANT the town to get larger.
This community is counting on your support even if they don't understand the impact of forgoing your support and this Recreation Strategic Plan.
Another translation: "In closing, just let me call you all stupid once again.  After all, we're only talking on the order of $90 / resident?"  What's that to a wife of a successful Venture Capitalist (to heck with the thought that this amount, for some, can be the better part of a week's take home pay)?

Lisa St. Amand


TOPICS: Culture/Society; US: Massachusetts; US: New Hampshire
KEYWORDS: ma; massachusetts; newhampshire; nh
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To: lowbridge
Bookmarked!!! What a great example of the mASSification effect. I moved here for the ambience ... now let's change it. Perhaps the town meeting should reinstate another old New England custom: warning out
21 posted on 03/22/2008 1:54:35 PM PDT by NonValueAdded (Who Would Montgomery Brewster Choose?)
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To: lowbridge

Let’s see. Rich folks move in and decide to take over. So they raise property values like a skyrocket, which is OK with the greedy and power hungry local politicians. Then the original citizens are driven out by the high property taxes and the local politicians are replaced by newbys. Kind of sounds like Vail Colorado.

22 posted on 03/22/2008 2:06:37 PM PDT by fella (Is he al-taquiya or is he murtadd? Only his iman knows for sure.)
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To: lowbridge
When I moved here a year and a half ago...

Any self-respecting Selectman should chuck this hussy's letter by this point...

23 posted on 03/22/2008 2:08:18 PM PDT by Virginia Ridgerunner ("We must not forget that there is a war on and our troops are in the thick of it!"--Duncan Hunter)
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To: lowbridge

Did someone promise these people that things would stay the same forever?

24 posted on 03/22/2008 2:18:35 PM PDT by durasell (!)
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To: Cicero
If this douche-bag wants a community center and large grocery store she should use her own money to build it herself. I can't stand liberals who act as if having money makes them smarter than everybody else. Her and her husband had to leave MA after turning it into a liberal paradise and now there ready to ruin small town NH.
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To: lowbridge
"Lisa St. Amand"

Jaw droppingly overwhelming in its faux intellectualism and condescension. An elitist fascist to her very core.

My reaction to her letter was an urge to jump in my car, drive from Maryland to New Hampshire and punch her in the mouth.

26 posted on 03/22/2008 3:05:43 PM PDT by Jimmy Valentine (DemocRATS - when they speak, they lie; when they are silent, they are stealing the American Dream)
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To: SandRat

I feel sorry for both of us!! :)

Thanks for your pinglist BTW.

27 posted on 03/22/2008 3:10:56 PM PDT by xmission (Democrats have killed our Soldiers by rewarding the enemy for brutality)
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To: xmission

Which list





28 posted on 03/22/2008 3:12:34 PM PDT by SandRat (Duty, Honor, Country. What else needs to be said?)
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To: lowbridge

Has anyone else noticed that after the elitists move into a small town, they jump up and down about the lack of “community centers”, “health clubs”, big swimming pools, etc. Then they whine at the annual town meeting about the needs of the community, gets all the “new-bees” to vote to build the items (at tax-payer’s expense) with a 20 year bond that “only” increases the tax bill $100 for the average homeowner, and THEN after another year or two, sells their Mc-mansion and moves out of town, leaving the new items to be paid for by the rest of us?

29 posted on 03/22/2008 3:13:31 PM PDT by Howindependent
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To: Howindependent

must be about keeping the riff raff occupied and away from the “good” places.

30 posted on 03/22/2008 3:22:54 PM PDT by longtermmemmory (VOTE! and
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To: lowbridge
What if she was allowed to “build it” and nobody came?? This is straight out of the diversity book bag. Let's do everything we can to get them ALL together, even if they would rather not.
31 posted on 03/22/2008 3:52:42 PM PDT by gidget7 (Duncan Hunter-Valley Forge Republican!)
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To: Howindependent
"Has anyone else noticed that after the elitists move into a small town, they jump up and down about the lack of “community centers”, “health clubs”, big swimming pools, etc. Then they whine at the annual town meeting about the needs of the community, gets all the “new-bees” to vote to build the items (at tax-payer’s expense) with a 20 year bond that “only” increases the tax bill $100 for the average homeowner, and THEN after another year or two, sells their Mc-mansion and moves out of town, leaving the new items to be paid for by the rest of us?

Precisely. It needn't be a rural community either, as we're learning in our suburb. We managed to kill the proposed community athletic complex, against very vocal newby opposition. Unfortunately, we are already footing the bill for fatter contracts for the "poor teachers" and full-day Kindergarten. The Kindergarten proposal flew through our School Board's approval process, now that it's stacked with "cooperative" directors who all get along as they spend themselves silly. I never saw one shred of evidence that it was scholastically justified. It's just taxpayer-funded child care.

We built a new (4th) elementary school in 2000, which was based on pretty shaky enrollment projections. The latest is replacement of the high school. I'll grant that the existing high school has seen better days and is inconveniently sprawling. The proponents of a new school stacked the deck through the evaluation process. They made sure that the requirements of the new or improved building were so great that improvement of the existing facility would cost nearly as much as new construction. The voters were given the choice of new or repair, and of course, selected new. The new building will be monumental indeed. Unfortunately, we're just now borrowing the funds, and I suspect they're not going to come cheap in this lending environment.

32 posted on 03/22/2008 4:57:45 PM PDT by Think free or die
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To: SandRat
I'm a resident of 23 winters in a small town in central mountain Colorado. We've seen lots of the same sort of people moving in, trying to change stuff, and then moving out. Most usually leave after their second winter. But we still have too many who stay on for years -- and keep meddling with their neighbors for years. I wish for more winters like this one -- to make more of those suburban liberals to leave after one winter.
33 posted on 03/22/2008 5:23:22 PM PDT by Solitar ("My aim is not to pass laws, but to repeal them." -- Barry Goldwater)
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To: GeorgiaDawg32; SWAMPSNIPER

Add Kenly, North Carolina.

34 posted on 03/22/2008 10:52:11 PM PDT by perfect stranger (Nobama)
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To: fella
I've got almost 25 years of sweat invested in what was intended as a long term family homestead. Now, I worry about whether the kids will be able to keep it when I'm gone, or be taxed off of it. I get frequent offers from real estate agents, so I know I'm in their sights.

I never bought this land for any reason other than a homestead. I don't worry about how much it increases in fiscal value each year, with a view to selling, and making a profit. What I do worry about is the kids paying more in taxes than I ever paid in mortgage payments.

We aren't "condo" people, or "gated community" people, we cleared this land with hand tools and an old pickup truck, never been a bulldozer on this land. I can walk around and tell you when I planted each Oak tree, when I dug a drainage ditch, when I built a shed. It is personal land, we live here. A house was built on the 6 acres just North of my land, folks moved in, in 6 months there was a for sale sign out front, they'll move on, and do it again, it's good money, I can't blame them, but it isn't my thing, and it will cost me, down the road.

My folks have lived near here since 1798, but I don't know how much longer we can afford it.

There is a right to use your land as you see fit, but your neighbors shouldn't have to pay for it.

If I was younger I'd start raising hogs, before they change the zoning.

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To: SandRat

I’m on your FRWn list. Why don’t you sign me up for the others?

Thanks again

36 posted on 03/23/2008 6:49:37 AM PDT by xmission (Democrats have killed our Soldiers by rewarding the enemy for brutality)
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To: xmission

You’ve just been added to them as well.

37 posted on 03/23/2008 7:41:12 AM PDT by SandRat (Duty, Honor, Country. What else needs to be said?)
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To: lowbridge

We are seeing this in Maine.

People who come in with money realize that they cannot buy a lot in the south coastal communities are now moving inland and want the amenities of the expensive coastal regions that they couldn’t afford and get the mini mansion they wanted.

So tired of these folks.

38 posted on 01/02/2019 6:37:09 AM PST by Chickensoup (Leftists totalitarian fascists appear to be planning to eradicate conservatives)
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