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I would like to keep this thread as a depot for resources to help us survive our future government. Please post your ideas on the most likely scenario and what we could do to protect ourselves.
1 posted on 02/25/2008 2:41:30 PM PST by Isara
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To: Isara
First, let's start with the most extreme scenario of 'change.' It's less likely to happen but let's get it out of the way.

Scenario: Is it possible that our country is going to turn into another Venezuela? With a lot of youths just out from Liberal public schools and colleges and highly motivated by misguided 'hope and change', anything can happen. Moreover, many are looking for opportunities to create chaos, such as, communists, anarchists and terrorists.

Possible Reactions:

  1. Sell everything and move out of the country. Is there anywhere else on earth as good as our country for us to escape to?
  2. Carve out a few states and secede. Which states?
  3. Create an underground organization to fight back. Better start now because they are going to shut down or bug any communication. Networking with right-minded people who you can trust. It would be tough with snitchers around especially your own kids.
  4. Shrug. Flip hamburgers for a living instead, assuming that we will still have McDonald's and the like.
  5. Build a hidden Shangri-la with high-tech protection and, of course, with John Galt at the helm.

2 posted on 02/25/2008 2:42:15 PM PST by Isara
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To: Isara
It's likely that there will be milder scenario of 'change' at first such as, socialist healthcare, higher taxes, more regulations, fairness doctrine (I know that Rush will take care of himself), etc. before it slowly 'progresses' into full-blown socialism if we let them. We heard about the pendulum swaying back and forth, but it's never swung back to the previous right, has it? What it does is moving further and further to the left. We have to wean people off the dependency on the government. Do you think this will happen when the dependency is a goal for politicians?

Scenario: New regulations and taxes will lead to a recession. How did you survive the malaise in 1970's?

Possible Reactions:

  1. Look for more sources of income.
  2. Cut spending.
  3. Consume less.
  4. Get a secure job with the government.
  5. Get rid of growth stocks and buy commodity stocks except the big oil. They are going to take the profit from the big oil.

Talking about big oil, I heard the ads from American Petroleum Institute (API) informing people that they, too, own big oil if they have pension fund. People in businesses are already starting to protect themselves and their employees from a drastic 'change' by our own socialist government.

I bet that in boardrooms all over the world, the executives and their advisors are discussing constringency plans in case that the US government turns far left. So should we.

3 posted on 02/25/2008 2:43:19 PM PST by Isara
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To: Isara; All
shame on you! you might as well be telling people how to prepare the spare bedroom for the home invaders.

Does anyone take being an American seriously?

4 posted on 02/25/2008 2:44:42 PM PST by the invisib1e hand (the model prescribes the required behavior. disincentives ensure compliance.)
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To: Isara

6 posted on 02/25/2008 2:45:30 PM PST by The_Republican (You know why Chelsea Clinton is so Ugly? Because Janet Reno is her Father! LOL! - Mac is Back!)
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To: Isara

I am going to buy some ammo for sure. Maybe start listing myself as minority on government forms.

7 posted on 02/25/2008 2:47:28 PM PST by Sybeck1 (It's truly bad when your Savior in November is Judas Himself.)
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To: Isara; RKBA Democrat

I posted my thoughts a few weeks ago.

RKBA, for the ping list...

9 posted on 02/25/2008 2:50:33 PM PST by oblomov
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To: Isara

I would begin moonshining, but everything you could ferment would already be so sky high and rationed.

Prepare stories for my children about when the government let you have more than one pair of shoes a lifetime.

10 posted on 02/25/2008 2:54:13 PM PST by Sybeck1 (It's truly bad when your Savior in November is Judas Himself.)
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To: Isara
I think you raise an interesting question. Many here state that as the conservative party...we don’t protest, etc. Well, why is one of our Rights and we have given it away for many years. Now, is the time to take back our Rights.

1. Is indeed our Right to Assembly and yes those connections should not be ‘underground’ and hidden.

2. I intend to purchase several firearms in the next 6 months.

3. I’ve been considering going ‘cash,’ but truly am not convinced it will be of value in a year from now.

4. Victory Gardens, food has already been forecast as a potential shortage and taking the hardest inflationary hit.

5. Frugality. I’ve been visiting a good website that helps with relearning the old skills of being frugal with ones money...starting with the grocery budget. HillBilly Housewife.

6. Homeschooling. If I had children.

7. Potentially moving. Montana has been looking promising as their constitution has a clause about gun ownership. We get a gun-grab, then Montana reverts to a territory if they want. And if enough of us move there, then we can vote for territory status for violation of the statehood contract. ( is a wild idea.)

18 posted on 02/25/2008 3:06:07 PM PST by EBH ( ... the riotousness of the crowd is always very close to madness. --Alculin c.735-804)
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To: Isara
I can only give you the experience of my friends and relatives who survived the USSR.

First option: Leave
My grandfather took his entire family out of communist Russia, many others flee socialist countries to any remaining countries where they can survive.

Second option: Black Market Marketable skills
Many people who live in socialist countries have second or third jobs that earn money under the table.

Bribery is rampant in all socialist economies. Socialism creates instant black markets for goods or services rationed by the government. Doctors in Russia routinely accept bribes, as to do doctors in Canada. As we live in a corridor with Mexico and goods/services are allowed freely through, importation and export of various goods will expand as demand grows. Now might be a good time to build a relationship with those that can import a wide variety of goods under the table.

Third: Precious Metals
As the currency becomes systematically destroyed, precious metals become extremely popular along with other valuable items such as diamonds.

Fourth: Barter Club
Create a network of individuals who are willing to barter goods and services. It can provide necessary services or goods when otherwise unavailable or unaffordable.

Fifth: Bribe public officials

Sixth: Start farming your own yard for food.

I will leave it from here for others to continue....

19 posted on 02/25/2008 3:08:09 PM PST by Nachum
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To: Isara
To read later
21 posted on 02/25/2008 3:17:34 PM PST by Fiddlstix (Warning! This Is A Subliminal Tagline! Read it at your own risk!(Presented by TagLines R US))
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To: Isara


and tomorrow and the day after that .. and...

30 posted on 02/25/2008 3:45:19 PM PST by El Gato ("The Second Amendment is the RESET button of the United States Constitution." -- Doug McKay)
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To: Isara


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To: Isara; All
Folks, whether you avoid thinking about it or not, we may be governed by socialists in all three branches of our government next year.

The sad truth is that the people have only themselves to blame if they find themselves governed by socialists next year. More specifically, regardless that we have a Constitution that favors conservative values, ignorance of the Constitution and how the government is supposed to work is epidemic. Such ignorance is evidenced by the following links.
The consequence of widespread constitutional ignorance is that the people are foolishly letting Godless Liberals (thanks Ann Coulter) walk all over their freedoms and steal their money. More specifically...

This post (<-click) tells how the Constitution-ignoring Supreme Court has robbed the states of their 10th A. protected powers. Such powers include the power to address religion and the power to address abortion.

And this post (<-click) explains why liberals are in contempt of the Constitution with respect to spending our tax dollars using non-existent federal government powers.

Again, the people have nobody to blame but themselves if they let socialists walk over their freedoms and steal their money next year, not that socialists aren't already doing these things

The bottom line is that the people need to wise up to what the Constitution actually says about their freedoms and federal government spending. The people need to quit sitting on their hands, and send Constitution-ignoring socialists home instead of letting them take over DC.

41 posted on 02/25/2008 4:28:07 PM PST by Amendment10
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To: Isara
We can't do anything to change the mess that is going on in our country overnight....

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.
Thomas Jefferson

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security

Declaration of Independence [Adopted in Congress 4 July 1776]

43 posted on 02/25/2008 4:36:59 PM PST by ATOMIC_PUNK (Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake and thine often infirmities.)
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To: Isara

Whenever I get paranoid, I start stockpiling rice, beans, sugar, coffee, peanut butter, tuna, bottled water, and matches. For some reason, I always feel better if I have all that in a “bug-out kit,” along with a back-up supply of blankets and clothes which I keep in the trunk of my car, as well as some hunting knives. My friends all think I’m nuts.

45 posted on 02/25/2008 4:44:12 PM PST by A_perfect_lady
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To: freespirited; oblomov; Jet Jaguar; wastedyears; nascarnation; Henry Belden; petercooper; ...
Surviving Socialism Pinglist
Stories and tips with a financial emphasis to help conservatives prosper during difficult times.

To be added or taken off this list, please send a FR mail to RKBA Democrat

48 posted on 02/25/2008 4:57:06 PM PST by RKBA Democrat (Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner!)
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To: Isara
First of all, shift the immigration battle immediately to the STATE and LOCALITIES-LEVEL, and force lawmakers to get strict anti-illegal alien laws (on hiring, transporting, drivers licenses, residency, tuition, benefits, etc. etc.) passed across the land throughout this year. Granted, it won't pass in sanctuary counties, cities and states, but in many areas in the USA, it will. Fine.

Then throughout 2008 we can have both a shift/exodus of illegal alien population to the blue states, or self-repatriation/deportation by attrition as a fait d'accompli when they cannot get employed nor obtain benefits. Along with this, we need to FUND and IMMEDIATELY BUILD the DOUBLE FENCE from Gulf to Pacific, to complement this massive exodus and to not allow them to get back in, and thus reverse third worldization/Democrat vote-bank growth.

As much as can be done on immigration MUST be done throughout 2008--the clock is ticking and the window of opportunity is only 9 more months-- because come 2009 with either a President McCain, or President Clinton or President Obama, all HELL is going to break lose and the floodgates are going to burst with amnesty regardless. In the meantime, we need to get solid pro-border conservative renegade GOP candidates into the House and Senate. Now is the last chance for example to unseat Lindsey Graham. With spineless GOP politicians in office towing the line from President McCain on Immigration, we are going to be in a world of sh*it, so we better get done what can be done for the remainder of 2008. The illegal alien lobby knows our vulnerability. They cannot win on the local level, though.

If we lose on Immigration, the long term erosive politico-demographics are such that the USA is doomed to entrenched Statist/Socialist Liberal Democrat rule for centuries, and in that sense, there goes the neighborhood. Good things on WOT, school prayer, taxation, gay marraige, immigration, pro-life, support of troops, free speech/talk radio rights, gun rights, etc. will ALL GO DOWN THE TOILET for good based on our success or failure on this one, key, linchpin issue: Immigration.

49 posted on 02/25/2008 4:57:10 PM PST by AmericanInTokyo (Sean, Rush, Laura, Mark, Michelle, Neil, Michael nor others do ANY thinking for THIS conservative.)
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To: Isara

Looking only at FedGov overlooks checks and balances as built in to the Constitution. While it is possible FedGov itself might be totally socialist for an election cycle or so, the State governments are independent to a degree. Some States will not be socialist. Live in a non-socialist State until sanity returns.

51 posted on 02/25/2008 4:59:27 PM PST by RightWhale (Clam down! avoid ataque de nervosa)
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To: Isara

You can’t. Socialism only get worse.

And all the 3rd party/stay home voters need to realize that if the dims ever get the WH again, they will make sure that all voting machines are programmed to return them to power in perpetuity.

53 posted on 02/25/2008 5:11:03 PM PST by Let's Roll (As usual, following a shooting spree, libs want to take guns away from those who DIDN'T do it.)
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To: Isara

Start preserving and burying guns and ammo. Who knows what crazy laws they’ll pass.

54 posted on 02/25/2008 5:12:06 PM PST by July 4th
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