Above comments summarize the original paper about Cosmic rays influencing climate changes: remarkably, the cosmic ray flux (intensity) DOES track with the changes we have seen in temperatures - both historically and in the geology (plant life, etc.) of the past few thousand years.
But CO2 levels are conspicuous in their FAILURE to track past climate changes.
But CO2 changes do track well with the environmentalists/socialists/neo-communists/Euro-naitons is THEIR efforts to control the world's energy supplies.
To: Robert A. Cook, PE
Is this the next “Global Warming” or just another cause of it?
2 posted on
11/12/2007 10:21:31 PM PST by
matthew fuller
(Crop-circles, killer rabbits and UFO'S are caused by GLOBAL WARMING!)
To: Robert A. Cook, PE
Unfortunately, Al Gore cannot make money off of cosmic rays as yet.
But thank you for your interest. In the event that Mr. Gore can make money off of cosmic rays in the future, he’ll contact you.
9 posted on
11/13/2007 12:12:37 AM PST by
(Don't taze me, Bro!)
To: Beowulf
To: Robert A. Cook, PE
13 posted on
11/13/2007 5:03:46 AM PST by
("I regret that I have but one life to give for my country", Nathan Hale before execution.)
To: Robert A. Cook, PE
Are you saying that AlGore is wrong?
But....I thought the debate was over.
14 posted on
11/13/2007 5:05:55 AM PST by
(Proud to be a conservative! Proud to support Duncan Hunter for President!)
To: Robert A. Cook, PE
The truth shall be suppressed by the left and its minions in the media.
To: Robert A. Cook, PE
However, the CO2 radiative forcing exceeds this variability, no?
16 posted on
11/13/2007 5:47:04 AM PST by
(I'll give up my right to die when hell freezes over my dead body!)
To: Robert A. Cook, PE
This can’t be true. The ONLY thing that affects climate, is your SUV. Nothing else.
Well, maybe smoke stacks of large corporations, but it’s mostly your SUV.
30 posted on
11/13/2007 10:19:40 PM PST by
(I repeat myself when under stress I repeat myself when under stress I repeat myself when under stres)
To: Robert A. Cook, PE
34 posted on
11/15/2007 5:20:33 PM PST by
To: Robert A. Cook, PE
But CO2 levels are conspicuous in their FAILURE to track past climate changes.
Ha! What do you know? Next thing you'll be telling us is that you're a nuclear engineer...........LOL! /sarc
35 posted on
11/15/2007 5:27:10 PM PST by
Hot Tabasco
(I could be Agent "HT")
To: Robert A. Cook, PE
But CO2 levels are conspicuous in their FAILURE to track past climate changes.My goodness, failure. So CO2 tracking is really quite useless? This screws up the algore/carbon offset crowds' idea of how they can prove we are killing our planet. So they will have to bury and disavow this report.
Maybe you just don't understand how CO2 emmissions and carbon footprints work? ;-) Send in a donation, buy some carbon offsets, and the lovely folks taking you're money will happily edumicate you. Don't be alarmed if they seem flabbergasted that you 'just don't get it', they mean well. /major sarcasm
37 posted on
11/15/2007 5:37:49 PM PST by
(Communism/socialism has failed millions, it wasn't right for them - and it isn't right for US.)
To: Robert A. Cook, PE
The authors should be arrested for “Global Warming Denial” and put into a concentration camp at once.
To: Robert A. Cook, PE
So the stars (sun) do effect our destinies. Must start reading astrology section in the paper.
45 posted on
11/18/2007 10:45:04 AM PST by
(The proper application of the truth far more important than the knowledge of it's existance."Ike")
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