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Ann Coulter Shocks Cable TV Show, Declaring 'Jews Need to Be Perfected by Becoming Christians'
FOX ^ | 10/11/07 | Unknown

Posted on 10/11/2007 10:36:00 AM PDT by Froufrou

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To: vetvetdoug

No, we don’t study the New Testament, but I’ve never heard my Rabbi or anyone else denigrate it in any manner, either.

What she said *is* offensive because she is saying that Jews are inferior to Christians — which is NOT something that Jews say about Christians.

321 posted on 10/11/2007 2:05:40 PM PDT by NYC GOP Chick
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To: A_Tradition_Continues; Badeye
As a Scout volunteer I have put in approximately 2000 hours in hospital ERs over the last four years. Additionally, I was raised in a medical household. Mom is a radiologist and my Dad was a cardiovascular physiologist. Reading and studying medicine has been a large part of my life.

You are to be commended for your efforts, no question.

Having been raised in a medical household as you say, might I gently suggest that I'm sure at some point the concept of avoiding 'long distance diagnosis' was discussed?

Our humble interaction in this thread began with you suggesting that Ann Coulter was a meth user, and unless you have actually met with her, conducted a physical examination (no jokes from the peanut gallery you clowns!), your hypothesis is at best, not founded in medical evidence, and at the worst, reflective of your personal dislike for her, for whatever reasons you have.

Would that be accurate?
322 posted on 10/11/2007 2:08:08 PM PDT by mkjessup (Jan 20, 2009 - "We Don't Know. Where Rudy Went. Just Glad He's Not. The President. Burma Shave.")
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To: Hostage
Ann has the opinion that everyone including Jews would be better if they were Christian. I disagree; Christians are mostly sinners and many are frauds. The world would not be better off if everyone labeled themselves ‘Christian’ because many so-called Christians are not Christians but members of a herd.
To be a true Christian is a blessing. If you consider yourself a true Christian, then you have a gift that can only come from above. You cannot be a Christian by saying ‘I am a Christian’ nor can you be one by publicly proclaiming the catch phrases and passages of Christianity such as John 3:16. It is something much more deeply spiritual and powerful that makes a true Christian. It is something that guides every thought and lives in every word.
Your theology is that Jesus does not have the power to save sinners. You imply that Christians are born that way, or that they can become that way on their own without prayer. And you imply that Christians are perfect, no longer sinners. None of which is scriptural. To become a Christian is to agree with God that you are a sinner, and that you cannot change that apart from His grace through Christ. And yes, it takes the grace of God to enable you even to accept the gift of salvation, "by grace are ye saved, through faith, and that not of yourselves - it is the gift of God, lest any man should boast." As my uncle put it, "If you are saved and then you go to hell, you weren't saved from very much, were you?" Salvation is a gift to be accepted. Being sinless is an aspiration, not a reality - and it is "self righteous" for anyone who claims to be a Christian to claim otherwise. Claiming to be a Christian is setting a high standard for your own behavior - if you aren't a Christian, you put quotation marks around "sin" and don't think that it matters. So it accepts that sin matters, even while accepting that sinlessness - but not the forgiveness of sin, which has the same effect - is unattainable.
Most persons calling themselves Christians are not Christians, they are trying to be Christians, they are practicing to be Christians but they are not yet near. But Jesus made it clear to keep knocking at the door and never give up.
Ultimately what this interviewer did was to place Ann in a position where her religion obligated her to speak exactly as she did - and then to condemn her for saying exactly what the New Testament says. She didn't walk into that interview with a chip on her shoulder demanding that he repent, he forced the conversation exactly where it went. That fact may not be obvious to him, even yet - but "them is the conditions that prevail," as Jimmy Durante used to put it.

She never told him to violate the Old Testament, but he demanded that she violate the New Testament. And along the way he compared her adherence to the New Testament with a mullah threatening to murder an infidel - which is nowhere in the New Testament and certainly not what she said in that interview.

323 posted on 10/11/2007 2:08:41 PM PDT by conservatism_IS_compassion (The idea around which liberalism coheres is that NOTHING actually matters except PR.)
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To: StructuredChaos
"Islam contains the profits teachings"

LMAO, does it ever!
324 posted on 10/11/2007 2:10:30 PM PDT by mkjessup (Jan 20, 2009 - "We Don't Know. Where Rudy Went. Just Glad He's Not. The President. Burma Shave.")
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To: SJackson

Medved is talking about this right now.

325 posted on 10/11/2007 2:11:30 PM PDT by Cinnamon Girl (OMGIIHIHOIIC ping list)
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To: StructuredChaos
Jews, if asked if Judaism and its teachings and expressions are superior to Christianity’s would answer yes, unless they were not answering honestly. There is no, well all religions are equal and it’s merely a matter of personal preference or it’s just the way I was brought up. Huey, Jews believe their religion to be better, more truthful, indeed, more valid than Islam, Christianity, etc...

That is why the practice um, Judaism, there's an idea for you. Where a religion, and of course it adherents, believe its teachings to be the “truth”, (as all major religions do by the way), then they necessarily believe that other religions contain or promote “non truths”. By any objective person’s measure the observance of truth is better or superior to the observance of “non truth”.

Ergo, you have the old my religions better than yours is, na na na na na.

They would answer no such thing. That's why Jews don't prostylize, there's no reason to.

I'll reprint a short cut and paste from another thread. You shouldn't foist your misconceptions about Judaism off on others as truth.



Jewish Attitudes Toward Non-Jews

Level: Basic

FriendsJudaism maintains that the righteous of all nations have a place in the world to come. This has been the majority rule since the days of the Talmud. Judaism generally recognizes that Christians and Moslems worship the same G-d that we do and those who follow the tenets of their religions can be considered righteous in the eyes of G-d.

Contrary to popular belief, Judaism does not maintain that Jews are better than other people. Although we refer to ourselves as G-d's chosen people, we do not believe that G-d chose the Jews because of any inherent superiority. According to the Talmud (Avodah Zarah 2b), G-d offered the Torah to all the nations of the earth, and the Jews were the only ones who accepted it. The story goes on to say that the Jews were offered the Torah last, and accepted it only because G-d held a mountain over their heads! (In Ex. 19:17, the words generally translated as "at the foot of the mountain" literally mean "underneath the mountain"!) Another traditional story suggests that G-d chose the Jewish nation because they were the lowliest of nations, and their success would be attributed to G-d's might rather than their own ability. Clearly, these are not the ideas of a people who think they are better than other nations.

Because of our acceptance of Torah, Jews have a special status in the eyes of G-d, but we lose that special status when we abandon Torah. Furthermore, the blessings that we received from G-d by accepting the Torah come with a high price: Jews have a greater responsibility than non-Jews. While non-Jews are only obligated to obey the seven commandments given to Noah, Jews are responsible for fulfilling the 613 mitzvot in the Torah, thus G-d will punish Jews for doing things that would not be a sin for non-Jews.

The Seven Laws of Noah

According to traditional Judaism, G-d gave Noah and his family seven commandments to observe when he saved them from the flood. These commandments, referred to as the Noahic or Noahide commandments, are inferred from Genesis Ch. 9, and are as follows: 1) to establish courts of justice; 2) not to commit blasphemy; 3) not to commit idolatry; 4) not to commit incest and adultery; 5) not to commit bloodshed; 6) not to commit robbery; and 7) not to eat flesh cut from a living animal. These commandments are fairly simple and straightforward, and most of them are recognized by most of the world as sound moral principles. Any non-Jew who follows these laws has a place in the world to come.

The Noahic commandments are binding on all people, because all people are descended from Noah and his family. The 613 mitzvot of the Torah, on the other hand, are only binding on the descendants of those who accepted the commandments at Sinai and upon those who take on the yoke of the commandments voluntarily (by conversion). In addition, the Noahic commandments are applied more leniently to non-Jews than the corresponding commandments are to Jews, because non-Jews do not have the benefit of Oral Torah to guide them in interpreting the laws. For example, worshipping G-d in the form of a man would constitute idolatry for a Jew; however, according to some sources, the Christian worship of Jesus does not constitute idolatry for non-Jews.

There is a growing movement of non-Jews who have consciously accepted these seven laws of Noah and chosen to live their lives in accordance with these laws. This movement is referred to as B'nei Noach (Children of Noah). For more information about the B'nei Noach movement and the Noahic commandments, see Chavurath B'nei Noach of Fort Worth, Texas.





326 posted on 10/11/2007 2:13:04 PM PDT by SJackson (isolationism never was, never will be acceptable response to[expansionist] tyrannical governments)
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To: NYC GOP Chick
I didn't see it that way during the interview. She tried to explain it but without knowledge of what is written and explained in the New Testament I may be able to see why Jews without any understanding of true Christianity would be offended. The man I worship is/was a Jew...I have no beef with his brethren...
327 posted on 10/11/2007 2:15:58 PM PDT by vetvetdoug
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To: amutr22
amutr22 wrote:

Perhaps her words are correct to true Christianity, yet the way she speaks to people is becoming very un-christian, no?

x x x x x

You are absolutely correct.

I would not be surprised if Miss Coulter scans FreeRepublic, especially when articles about her show up. So if she sees this, I hope she thoughtfully and, more importantly, prayerfully, considers the following:

Christians are told not only to tell the Truth by announcing the Gospel of Christ, but to do so in a certain way — we are to speak like Christ did.

To be bold, fearless and resolute, but also to be humble, gentle, respectful and loving.

I don’t think Christ would have said, “Kill their leaders. Convert them to Christ.” That was not his tone. Nor was it his theology. (Any mature Christian knows that no Christian EVER converts another person to Christ. A Christian can only speak the gospel; the rest is up to the Holy Spirit preparing — or not — that person’s heart to receive the truth.)

I also don’t think Christ would have cracked wise about John Edwards by referring to him with the “f-word.”

There are many reasons why most non-Christian readers of the Bible recognize Jesus as, at a minimum -- even though he is much much more, an extraordinarily wise and moral teacher, a fount of humility and gentleness, a proponent of love and forgiveness. A Christian’s speech and actions should reflect the Spirit of Christ that lives within himself or herself.

As for her Deutsch interview . . . Ann needs to consider whether or not she was following the Biblical prescription. In other words, did her speech and actions reflect the fruits of the Spirit? Did her speech and behavior reflect accurately on the true nature and character of Christ, which she presumes is guiding her? Did she GLORIFY God with what she said and the way she said it?

Galatians 5:22-24:

22But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, 23Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.

Colossians 3:11-13:

11Where there is neither Gentile nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all.
12Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, full of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering . . .

2 Timothy 2:24-26:

24And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient,

25In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; 26And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.

1 Peter 3:14-16:

15But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:

16Having a good conscience; that, whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ.

328 posted on 10/11/2007 2:16:11 PM PDT by RetiredArmyMajor
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To: Cinnamon Girl
Hardly. Maybe some hostility against the misuse of language, but the discussion itself drifted into the question of someone in the United States, to wit, Ms. Coulter, or parties unknown, actually "forcing" someone to convert from one religion to another.

I think you are the person who "drifted" the discussion. I just took it to those other areas of the "forced conversion idea" that usually pop up, e.g. Inquisition, Foist, Jesus as a Magician, and so forth ~ using up your next 15 posts.

Coulter and other Christians in the United States are an unrealistic threat for converting Jews to anything except maybe Democratic government. Guess that's why half of them are here and not in Europe, at large, where "forced" conversions may have taken place, and "coerced" conversions certainly did, mostly in Spain and Portugual. Seems to me there was a lot more killing of Jews than converting them ~ those guys just talked big about converting people ~ no substance to it.

The Inquisition, BTW, was not about converting people ~ it was about keeping the converted (and those born to that system) on the straight and narrow.

I really do dislike being criticised for things done by someone else's ancestors! Don't you?

329 posted on 10/11/2007 2:18:37 PM PDT by muawiyah
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Comment #330 Removed by Moderator

To: Hostage
We Christians aren’t perfect....just forgiven by the Son of God who was, is and is to come.
331 posted on 10/11/2007 2:21:10 PM PDT by afnamvet (Duncan Hunter : THE consummate conservative.)
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To: NYC GOP Chick
Christian organization and that Jews aren’t particularly welcome

It is very common the refer to America as being of the Judea/Christian origin. That is the tie that Ann is promoting. And yes they are welcomed as Ann says.

But it can't be the other way around, as Christians are not welcomed to convert to Judaism, considering the obstacles, years of study, being fluent in Hebrew. She is merely inviting you into her house even though she is not invited into yours.

332 posted on 10/11/2007 2:22:40 PM PDT by duckln
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To: conservatism_IS_compassion

I wouldn’t be too quick to tell me what my theology is. You can of course share your own, that’s fair but I resent you telling me what I believe.

Wherever you got the idea that I believe Jesus does not have the power to save sinners is beyond bizarre.

It is true that to ask for mercy and to confess one’s sin will indeed lead to salvation. But Jesus said to all those he forgave to sin no more, and yet sinners never stop sinning. When they sin are they Christians? Of course not. For how many minutes of the day are they Christians?

And that’s the point. Many so-called Christians think they need only go to some gathering, sing hymns and quote scripture. When asked whether they are ainners they respond yes, because they know in the eyes of the herd they must say that. It is ritualistic.

My point is that many so-called Christians are not Christian. They merely call themsleves that. And they are conditioned to think that they need only join the herd to be saved.

A true Christian in my view is a person who prays and worships constantly, in private as well as public, who defers every thought and every encounter to their Lord for guidance, patience and strength. They live each moment requesting divine guidance. When they sin it is rare, it may be in the form of a moment of doubt, of anger at God, at cowardice in the service of others and so on. But the true Christian quickly recovers and allows guidance be given from above whether they are blessed to receive it directly or through a person they recognize as blessed in receiving it.

And lastly, to receive divine guidance and wisdom is a great blessing. Not all true Christians receive it but they recognize those that do as blessed.

333 posted on 10/11/2007 2:32:43 PM PDT by Hostage (Fred Thompson will be President.)
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Comment #334 Removed by Moderator

To: zeebee
This is exactly why the Jews vote for the dims.

I think it has more to do with family tradition and habit. And I always thought one of the lamest excuses for not voting for a political party or not belonging to a faith was that some member of a party or some adherent to a faith said or did something you consider mean -- or even evil.

You belong to a party because you agree with its principles, and you're a member of a religion because you believe in it. Anyone who gives much weight to other issues is being childish.

335 posted on 10/11/2007 2:36:35 PM PDT by Glenmerle
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To: 1st-P-In-The-Pod; 2ndDivisionVet; A_Conservative_in_Cambridge; af_vet_rr; agrace; Aiko; ...
Would Ann Coulter have said the same thing in a conversation with Debbie Schlussel? I really don't think so.

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336 posted on 10/11/2007 2:38:24 PM PDT by Alouette (Vicious Babushka)
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To: Froufrou
Jerry Falwell: Jews and Muslims Can't Go to Heaven
337 posted on 10/11/2007 2:38:47 PM PDT by mjp (Live & let live. I don't want to live in Mexico, Marxico, or Muslimico. Statism & high taxes suck)
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To: 1st-P-In-The-Pod; 2ndDivisionVet; A_Conservative_in_Cambridge; af_vet_rr; agrace; Aiko; ...
Would Ann Coulter have said the same thing in a conversation with Debbie Schlussel? I really don't think so.

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338 posted on 10/11/2007 2:39:09 PM PDT by Alouette (Vicious Babushka)
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To: Froufrou

I used to really like and respect Ann Coulter but she “jumped the shark” a while ago. She reminds me of a Paris Hilton want to be who can’t accept that her 15 minutes of fame is long over and she just can’t step away from the microphone and the glaring lights of flash bulbs.

339 posted on 10/11/2007 2:41:04 PM PDT by Caramelgal (Rely on the spirit and meaning of the teachings, not on the words or superficial interpretations)
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To: vetvetdoug

I don’t need to read the New Testament to understand that she believes Jews are inferior to Christians.

340 posted on 10/11/2007 2:42:25 PM PDT by NYC GOP Chick
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