I don’t need to read the New Testament to understand that she believes Jews are inferior to Christians.
NYC GOP Chick wrote:
I dont need to read the New Testament to understand that she believes Jews are inferior to Christians.
The Bible basically says that ALL people are depraved and immoral and so much so that they don’t even realize it.
The ONLY difference between Christians and non-Christians is that the former have placed their faith in Christ to save them from the fate awaiting all persons — eternal separation from God (which is what they want as demonstrated in this life) and conscious torment (after becoming aware of what they have done).
People do not become Christians because they are any better than those who do not become Christians. It’s God’s sovereign choice and in many cases it is obvious that many who become Christians were very much sinners. As Christ said (paraphrased), he came to heal the sick, not the healthy.
I don’t think Ann the Warrior-Pundit does a very good job of expressing Christian doctrine.
The only one’s benefiting from this are the radical Dems.