2 hours to get to plane 2 to get off 1 hr to fly if your not stuck someplace half across the country sitting forever
your better off driving , walking going with a horse
anything maybe use the river system like the colonial days
i really really dont like flying
Classic example of what you get in an unregulated market where people view the service as a commodity and shop only on price. Of course amenities and service deteriorate. What else would you expect?
BTW, I include myself as part of the problem. I shop air travel strictly on price.
It sucks.
The overstated importance of commercial air travel is one of the biggest scams going . Tax payers have subsidized this luxury for years . The governments grant of immunity to the airlines for their negligence on 9-11 was the last straw .
I don't plan on flying commercially again until I can smoke on the airplane and carry a handgun.
I understand they can do that in Argentina. It may be time to move.
One word: Amtrak.
I hate flying too but that is totally unrealistic. Especially if you travel overseas as often as I do.
Not to mention that the economy would grind to a halt if it weren’t possible to get from one place to the other as quickly as a plane can get you there.
I don’t know about you, but I use astral projection... ;-P
Okay, just kidding. (obvious)
Otherwise, I use one of these. If I'm driving between Austin or Houston and Dallas, it's almost no contest. I can literally drop someone off at DFW airport (if they're flying AA) and meet them at the Houston airport just as they step out of the terminal. Been there, done that twice.
More comfortable than AA or SWA, too - but SWA is actually cheaper than driving. AA almost never is.
Havn’t ridden a plane for ten years and never plan to again!
I practice the flight free life style and enjoy seeing the country from my comfortable old Lincoln Towncar.
The wife and I actually drove across the US this past summer instead of flying. We enjoyed it FAR more than if we had flown. We even went to additional places on the way there and back that added to the vacation. Flying isn’t all that great when it is such an expensive hassle and we would have missed some great highlights of our trip.
If the airlines want to make money they are going to need to re-engineer their industry. They are circling the drain.