It is important that Dobson understand that electing Clinton by throwing away Republican votes will bring his heart misery he has yet to imagine.
Dr. Dobson and his associates should announce who they would support for President and why they support them. That would be more helpful than passively leaking that they cannot support a certain candidate without saying why.
I make my own decisions when voting.
Enjoy the Democrtic Party instead, they appear to be MUCH closer to the Christian Ideal.
< / sacracm >
What does any of that have to do with Christianity?
Dobson, like all of us, can cast his vote based on what principles are most important to him.
I, too, am pro-life but I will vote for Giuliani over Clinton any day because I think the defining issue of our time is the WOT.
When it’s the choice two not so good candidates, I will always vote for the lesser of two evils. I’m not going to throw my vote away or stay home and let the worst candidate triumph. That’s like cutting your nose off to spite your face.
I was at a Republican group meeting the other night, and minority leader Boehner was there to speak. My cousin asked him about getting back to the social conservative roots. He said they have to get moderates and independents to vote, and the social conservatives will vote for the GOP because usually their candidates are socially conservative. My cousin pointed out that’s not happening as much, and he still said they have to pull the moderate and independent to vote. My cousin remarked that the social conservatives are the strong base that faithfully gets out there and works for the candidate, and a lot of them are getting frustrated about the drift from social conservative values. She said one of the candidates they won’t get behind is Guiliani. He seemed to disagree, and he proceeded to talk about how social conservatives love Guiliani (not this one) who he said will move further to the right. Basically, it didn’t feel like she got anywhere. He seemed to think social conservatives will continue to stay loyal as they appeal to the moderates and independents to pull them under the tent, but my cousin and I both disagree. There is only so much social conservatives will take before they split off and form a new conservative party or join a more conservative party like the Constitution Party.
"But...But....But.....YOU'LL PUT HILLARY IN THE WHITE HOUSE!", they will scream to (try to) convince us to vote for one pro-abortionist over another, as if that is any kind of relief.
This vote here of AiT's, delivered by absentee ballot if I am still over here at that time, will definitely go to a Third Party Conservative or Indpendent if RUDY, McCAIN or any of his ilk get the GOP nomination somehow. They can take that to the bank over at the RNC. There are millions of us Christians just like that.
Mr. Dobson should look around his fundamentalist congregations very closely and realize that many of those alleged fundamentalists are consistent democrat voters and always have been. I do not understand how one can be a fundamentalist evangelical and support the party that renders more unto Caesar than that which is Caesar's, the party of baby killing, the party of special rights for homosexuals, the party that hates America. Dobson has some work to do in his own house before he condemns the work that we might do not in his house.
If Dobson does this then he is a bigger fool than ever.
Stay home yes, but a third party effort is EXACTLY what hillary clinton needs to vote.
I think Dobson WANTS a left winger to win so he has a foil to be relevant.
He is “claiming the issue” instead of the solution.
He has a picture of winston churchill on his wall. Churchill was in a parlamentary government. He is also 100% bs-ing because it is the CONGRESS that originates laws. The president will not produce a bill to do whatever. A president does not vote on a constitutional amendment.
I'll give you this example, and I know many Freepers do NOT want to hear this, but it is fact and more widespread than people know: in the 2000 campaign, I was at a local donut shop frequented by people on their way to work. I was seated behind four businessmen---salesmen or realtors, as best I could tell. They were discussing the campaign. These were OBVIOUS and NATURAL GOP VOTERS, and they were saying about Bush, "I think he's too connected to the religious right." and, "I don't like his connections to Falwell." Now, ignore for a minute what, if any, "connections" Bush had to Falwell. The point is, there are millions of those natural GOP voters who, for whatever reason, are repelled by what THEY view as "fundamentalist" Christianity.
If a political party cannot find other things to attract them without driving off believers, then we are finished as a party anyway. By one survey---"Did you REALLY go to church last week?"---pollsters for Christianity Today found that while a majority of people say they are "churchgoers," if you ask the question about going to church last week, the number drops to about 25%.
For the record, I am looking at the candidate, Fred Thompson, not the GOP,as are millions of other voters.
He is not a majority. Not even in the GOP. Sorry, but true.
After that there will be the choice of the Republican Party( of which Dobson is but a minority ) the Democrats and other parties. Dobson should then voice whom he supports.
Right now, like a gangsta playah, Dobson is sallying forth like an Arab and making pubic pantie hissy fit noises. Grow the F up. Dobby? Does ya know who you want, or are you rug merchant trading right now for better position, which means you are flexible, er, your values are flexible, that is depending on the best deal you get. Dobbson, the car shopper, tire kicker. What a punk. A white Jessie Jackson.
Say what you will about Dobson...on this particular point (Giuliani), I am in total agreement.
If the GOP nominates Giuliani, not only will I not vote for him, I will actively work against him for a third-party candidate.
Because, at that point, all bets are off, and the GOP as we know it will be history.
And it’s not just abortion...Giuliani is a pro-abortion, anti-gun, big-government authoritarian.
I thought the Giuliani issue had been settled here, but it looks like some still don’t grasp it.
GROW UP!@ in the real/adult world, OMMISION and COMMISION both exist and are choices! Not voting for X, which causes Y to get elected, is ABSOLUTELY no different from voting for the wrong candidate.
I hope these clowns are happy when they get Hillary elected.
If they know what’s good for them, Republicans had better kowtow to Christians or face the wrath of God.
Misleading Headline.