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Hitler's Muslim Nephew Comes to New York
FrontpageMag ^ | September 24, 2007 | Kenneth R. Timmerman

Posted on 09/24/2007 5:49:09 AM PDT by nuconvert

Hitler's Muslim Nephew Comes to New York

September 24, 2007

Kenneth R. Timmerman

What was New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg thinking? Apparently the former Democrat believed that escorting Iran’s Hitler-wannabe president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, to the site of the September 11 memorial at Ground Zero would generate a terrific photo op.

“Here I am with world leaders,” that type of thing.

After all, Bloomberg has already made his appearance at the “World Leaders Forum” at Columbia University, so he was in the zone. And last year, U.S. News & World Report crowned him as one of America’s “best leaders.”

But within hours of the announcement by New York City Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly on Wednesday that the city was “in discussions” with the Secret Service to escort the Mighty Midget of Tehran to Ground Zero, Bloomberg’s office issued a hasty retraction.

No way, nada, not going to happen, they said. Kelly had spoken based on “outdated information.”

Actually, what happened was that someone told the Mayor that the Tweed Hall switchboard had been paralyzed by calls from outraged citizens who were responding to appeals from talk radio hosts, bloggers, Jewish organizations, and human rights groups. Feeling the political heat, Bloomberg backed down.

So much for this man’s presidential aspirations.

Bloomberg, of course, is not the only U.S. politician who thinks there’s an audience for cozying up to dictators. We’ve already seen Dennis of Damascus and Tehran Tom. And let’s not forget Nancy Pelosi’s journey on the road to Damascus, just in time for Passover and Easter.

If Bloomberg still clings to that outdated notion of political accountability, Columbia University president Lee Bollinger does not. He has maintained the speaking invitation for the boy president at Columbia’s World Forum – cleverly scheduled to coincide with a protest organized by major Jewish organizations at UN Plaza. (Guess where the press will go? If you guessed, to cover the Jews, guess again).

Bollinger actually had the chutzpah to tell Columbia undergrads that Ahmadinejad’s visit would be “a celebration of the university and its values,” according to notes taken at a rowdy meeting with student groups on Thursday afternoon.

The students soon discovered that the invitation to Iran’s Hitler wannabe had been convoyed by Richard Bulliet, a former board member of the American-Iranian Council, once the foremost promoter of Tehran’s viewpoint in Washington (now overtaken by NIAC, of course).

Also instrumental in promoting a “dialogue” with Tehran’s murderous regime is Gary Sick, the former deputy National Security Council advisor to Jimmy Carter who so gloriously managed the 1979-1981 hostage crisis.

Sick’s “Gulf 2000” Project, created in the early 1990s and fueled by Exxon-Mobil, George Soros and the Ford Foundation, among others, focused from the start on “engaging” Tehran. When Rafsanjani was president, Sick and his crowd promoted Rafsanjani as the great turbaned hope who would make Iran safe for U.S. business.

Gary Sick conceals his lobbying activity behind a cloak of cuteness, claiming that access to his website, emails, and electronic library “is limited to scholars and analysts with a professional interest in and association with the Persian Gulf region.” Critics and hostile reporters, stay away.

When Khatami took over in 1997, Sick began working with Hossein Alikhani, an Iranian businessman who spent time in a U.S. prison on felony charges after pleading guilty to violating anti-terrorist sanctions.

With Alikhani’s support, Sick founded the “Center for World Dailogue” in 1999 to promote rapprochement (read: business) between the United States and the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Grateful for these efforts, a Tehran court signaled last year that it planned to award Alkhani the deed to the U.S. embassy in Tehran, supposedly to compensate him for damages he suffered at the hands of the Great Satan.

And among the apologists for the regime in Tehran, let’s not forget Washington, DC Episcopal bishop John Bryson Chane, who is planning to grovel to Qom on October 7 to meet with former president Khatami to discuss “theology.”

Bishop Chane disgraced himself last year by inviting Khatami to the National Cathedral and seems to believe that radical Shiite Islamic fundamentalism is just like Christianity, at least the kind practiced by Orthodox Anglicans or evangelical Christians.

In an interview with the Washington Times yesterday, the Freedom Center’s David Horowitz called Ahmadinejad’s visit to his alma mater “a disgrace.”

So what can Americans do?

• If you live in New York, join the street protests

Ahmadinejad addresses Columbia at 1:30 pm on Monday, but the media is gearing up for a rip-roaring street protest centered around 116th and Broadway. The mainline American Jewish groups will be gathering at UN plaza at 12:30 pm on Monday. Take your pick.

• Restrict Ahmadinejad’s visa.

Congress can pass special legislation next week to restrict the travel of Iranian government leaders the next time they come to the United Nations. The current rules restrict Iranian government representatives to a 25-mile radius of New York City, without specific prior approval.

That 25-mile radius, of course, makes it easy for Ahmadinejad or his successor to visit Columbia, Ground Zero, or to meet and greet with Iranian regime supporters in the New York metropolitan area. This should and can be stopped immediately. Iran’s leaders should be restricted to the UN building, the Iranian consulate in New York, and their hotel. Period.

As I peer into my crystal ball, I can discern just a handful of members of the Party of Surrender (plus Libertarian Ron Paul) who would oppose such restrictions, once the phone calls start flooding their offices.

• Demand reciprocity from Iran.

If Iranian leaders can come to the United States and make public statements (which they will do at the UN, even under the above proposal), then Congress should demand similar access so that a senior U.S. government official can address the Iranian Majles, Tehran University, or similar gatherings.

Imagine the panic of Iran’s senior leaders (okay, and the Secret Service) if the President or Vice-President were allowed to speak at Tehran University to deliver America’s message of freedom and self-determination. A high-risk proposal – but one worth considering.

• Demand that the UN enforce genocide convention

Congressmen Steven Rothman (D-NJ) and Mark Kirk (R-IL) introduced House Concurrent Resolution 21 on Jan. 9, 2007, calling on the UN Security Council to charge Ahmadinejad with violating the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide and the UN Charter because of his calls for the destruction of the State of Israel. This wise legislation has 103 cosponsors and is being supported by the Zionist Organization of America, among others.

• Sue Columbia University

The Coalition for Jewish Concerns (AMCHA) is considering legal action against Columbia University to challenge the university’s refusal to allow outside demonstrators to attend the Ahmadinejad speech.

As AMCHA national president Rabbi Avi Weiss wrote, “This limitation on non-University affiliated persons is particularly inappropriate here where the speaker and his considerable entourage is not affiliated with Columbia University.”

• Alumni boycott

Although Columbia depends mainly on its huge endowment and on big alumni donors, nevertheless a grass roots alumni boycott of the university could have an impact. Stay tuned, as I hear that alumni groups across the country are mulling action on this front.

• Congressional ban on federal grants

“If Hitler were in the United States and wanted a platform from which to speak… we would certainly invite him,” the Dean of Columbia’s School of International and Public Affairs, John H, Coatsworth, told FoxNews.

Is this merely an expression of Columbia’s respect for the 1st amendment? No way. Columbia seems to likes proponents of genocide – past and present - but won’t allow Minuteman leader Jim Gilchrest onto campus to talk about securing our borders, or Columbia alum David Horowitz to address academic freedom.

Congress should examine the conditions for federal grants to the University, and consider suspending all grants to Columbia programs that openly defy the United States Constitution.

• Sign the petition

Brigitte Gabriel’s American Congress for Truth has launched an on-line petition to stop Ahmadinejad from speaking at Columbia, and plans to forward the names of signatories (more than 8,000 as of Sunday afternoon) to Columbia president Lee Bolinger.

• Send the lawyers

My favorite (okay, barring a non-stop flight to Gitmo) would be to serve the boy president with a subpoena as a material witness in the billion dollar lawsuit brought against the Islamic Republic of Iran by former U.S. diplomats held hostage in Tehran from 1979-1981.

As I reported at the time of Ahmadinejad’s first visit to New York two years ago, several former hostages have positively identified the boy president as their most vicious interrogator during their 444 ordeal.

Former assistant air attaché David Roeder described in excruciating detail Ahmadinejad’s tactics in a June 2005 interview with the German newsweekly Der Spiegel.

“[Ahmadinejad] was present at at least a third of my personal interrogations, which took place nightly for a little over a month early on in the hostage-taking situation,” Roeder said. “He seemed to be calling the shots, but from the background. The interrogators would ask a question and it would then be translated from Farsi into English by a woman interpreter.”

Most chilling was the very personal nature of the threat Ahmadinejad used in an effort to “break” Roeder.

“Because I was not cooperating, they threatened that they were going to kidnap my handicapped son and send various pieces of him -- fingers and toes is what they mentioned -- to my wife if I didn't start cooperating. You don't forget somebody who is involved in something like that.”

No, you don’t forget somebody who is involved in something like that.

But in its infinite wisdom, the State Department last year intervened to block efforts by attorneys for the 52 hostages and their families from seeking damages from the Islamic Republic of Iran.

These days, of course, Ahmadinejad doesn’t make individual threats such as those he made to Roeder. Today he merely threatens to “destroy America” and to “wipe Israel off the map.”

At Columbia, of course, that passes for free speech.

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Editorial; Foreign Affairs; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: 1933; 1936; 1979; 19791104; 1990s; 1997; 1999; 200710; ahmadinejad; aic; alikhani; bishopchane; bloomberg; bollinger; carteradministration; center4worlddialogue; chane; columbia; columbiau; davidroeder; dismemberment; episcopalian; exxon; exxonmobil; fordfoundation; garysick; genocide; georgesoros; goober; gulf2000; gulf2000project; hitler; hosseinalikhani; hostagecrisis; interrogation; iran; jackasses; jimgilchrest; jimmycarter; johnbrysonchane; johnchane; kennethrtimmerman; khani; khatami; leebollinger; leftwingnuts; middleeast; minutemen; mobil; nationalcathedral; nazis; niac; nsc; prisonerabuse; qom; rafsanjani; rapprochement; richardbulliet; roeder; soros; theology; threats; timmerman; torture

1 posted on 09/24/2007 5:49:13 AM PDT by nuconvert
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To: nuconvert

My favorite is when the left says Mahmood was more democratically elected than Bush.

What a bunch of dopes.

2 posted on 09/24/2007 5:50:17 AM PDT by Slapshot68
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To: nuconvert
Drinking Coffee  I find the entire argument surrounding Ahmadinejad's speaking at Columbia odd.  I just heard John Coatsworth of Columbia say that the holocaust happening is incontrovertible.  Would the Dean be happy if Ahmadinejad convinced the audience the holocaust did NOT happen?  His response on Fox & Friends this morning indicates that he wouldn't.  So if you don't want his viewpoints to be believed, why give him a platform?

This isn't like it's a serious debate over an issue that is not resolved.  Would Columbia be happy to allow someone speak to their students in order to convince them that Henry Ford was the first to discover Bernoulli's equations?  Of course not!  Why?  Because it is clearly false! It is not even remotely a free speech issue.
3 posted on 09/24/2007 5:54:32 AM PDT by HawaiianGecko (There are scandals that need to be addressed. Republicans address them, Democrats re-elect them.)
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To: Slapshot68

4 posted on 09/24/2007 5:54:44 AM PDT by Long Island Pete
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To: nuconvert
Nothing new for Columbia U:

Columbia University has invited a representative of the world’s most antisemitic regime to speak on its campus. This week’s news? Try 1933.

Seventy years before this week’s invitation to Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Columbia rolled out the red carpet for a senior official of Adolf Hitler’s regime. The invitation to Iran’s leader may seem less surprising, but no less disturbing, when one recalls that in 1933, Columbia president Nicholas Murray Butler invited Nazi Germany’s ambassador to the United States, Hans Luther, to speak on campus, and also hosted a reception for him. Luther represented "the government of a friendly people," Butler insisted. He was "entitled to be received ... with the greatest courtesy and respect." Ambassador Luther's speech focused on what he characterized as Hitler's peaceful intentions. Students who criticized the Luther invitation were derided as “ill-mannered children” by the director of Columbia’s Institute of Arts and Sciences.

Columbia also insisted on maintaining friendly relations with Nazi-controlled German universities. While Williams College terminated its program of student exchanges with Nazi Germany, Columbia and other universities declined to do likewise. Columbia refused to pull out even after a German official candidly asserted that his country’s students were being sent abroad to serve as “political soldiers of the Reich.”

In 1936, the Columbia administration announced it would send a delegate to Nazi Germany to take part in the 550th anniversary celebration of the University of Heidelberg. This, despite the fact that Heidelberg already had been purged of Jewish faculty members, instituted a Nazi curriculum, and hosted a burning of books by Jewish authors. Prof. Arthur Remy, who served as Columbia’s delegate to the Heidelberg event, later remarked that the reception at which chief book-burner Josef Goebbels presided was “very enjoyable.”

5 posted on 09/24/2007 6:01:58 AM PDT by Teacher317
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To: nuconvert
Picture this:

Crazy gunman, on a rooftop, managed to take out the Iranian leader. The gunman escapes in the maze of NYC and is never found.

Conspiracy nuts for the next 200 years speculate as to whether George W. Bush ordered the CIA to take him out.

6 posted on 09/24/2007 6:04:11 AM PDT by ClearCase_guy (The broken wall, the burning roof and tower. And Agamemnon dead.)
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To: nuconvert

In 1979-1981, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was one of the “student revolutionary” guards who stood over the US Embassy staff that was overrun and taken captive for 444 days, while Jimmy Carter dithered and acquiesed. Not only was Ahmadinejad one of the guards who trained weapons on the embassy staff, he openly discussed means of torture that should be applied within hearing of these same captives. Apparently he did not realize that many of these captives were sufficiently fluent in Farsi to understand him perfectly.

7 posted on 09/24/2007 6:11:21 AM PDT by alloysteel (As Commander in Chief, who would treat the Secret Service with the most respect?)
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To: ClearCase_guy

Not so far fetched.

8 posted on 09/24/2007 6:26:09 AM PDT by Long Island Pete
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To: alloysteel

Did he use an Iranian plane to get to NYC ?

9 posted on 09/24/2007 6:32:58 AM PDT by Eric in the Ozarks (Go Hawks !)
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To: nuconvert
Hitler does have actual nephews in New York state.

Three Quiet Brothers on Long Island, All of Them Related to Hitler
10 posted on 09/24/2007 7:08:22 AM PDT by George W. Bush (Apres moi, le deluge.)
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To: ClearCase_guy

That is exactly why it wont happen. Bush would be blamed for the next millinium. But it is good to dream....

11 posted on 09/24/2007 8:02:29 AM PDT by crazydad
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To: ClearCase_guy
Crazy gunman, on a rooftop, managed to take out the Iranian leader. The gunman escapes in the maze of NYC and is never found.

Wouldn't have to be crazy to do that. Just pi$$ed off. Say because of losing a buddy to an Iran EFP. Or a son or daughter. Or even a relative on 9-11, plenty of those in NYC and vicinity.

Conspiracy nuts for the next 200 years speculate as to whether George W. Bush ordered the CIA to take him out.

It would give them something interesting to do.

12 posted on 09/24/2007 4:32:45 PM PDT by El Gato ("The Second Amendment is the RESET button of the United States Constitution." -- Doug McKay)
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To: ClearCase_guy
Crazy gunman, on a rooftop, managed to take out the Iranian leader. The gunman escapes in the maze of NYC and is never found.

Wouldn't have to be crazy to do that. Just pi$$ed off. Say because of losing a buddy to an Iran EFP. Or a son or daughter. Or even a relative on 9-11, plenty of those in NYC and vicinity.

Conspiracy nuts for the next 200 years speculate as to whether George W. Bush ordered the CIA to take him out.

It would give them something interesting to do.

13 posted on 09/24/2007 4:32:56 PM PDT by El Gato ("The Second Amendment is the RESET button of the United States Constitution." -- Doug McKay)
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To: Eric in the Ozarks
Did he use an Iranian plane to get to NYC ?

Something I wondered about as well. He probably did, and they should go over that plane with every radiation detector, nerve gas sniffer, and explosives detector they've got. And check for biological agents as well.

Maybe someone ought to drop a dime and report that drugs are on board. Or better yet, that they were smuggling guns into New York City! That might get Bloomy's police and the BATFE off their.. well you know.

14 posted on 09/24/2007 4:36:19 PM PDT by El Gato ("The Second Amendment is the RESET button of the United States Constitution." -- Doug McKay)
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To: nuconvert

A bullet in this thug’s brain would have been JUSTICE SERVED!

15 posted on 09/24/2007 4:38:27 PM PDT by RetiredArmy (America's stupidity is overshadowed only by its pure stupidity.)
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To: crazydad
Bush would be blamed credited for the next millinium.

Fixed it.

16 posted on 09/24/2007 4:38:28 PM PDT by El Gato ("The Second Amendment is the RESET button of the United States Constitution." -- Doug McKay)
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To: El Gato
Iran was recently hit with a successful damage suit by the relatives of Marines killed in Beirut. The airplane could be seized to pay some of this claim...
17 posted on 09/24/2007 7:09:43 PM PDT by Eric in the Ozarks (Go Hawks !)
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