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Iraqi president urges release of Iranian detainee ^
| September 22, 2007
Posted on 09/22/2007 12:40:36 PM PDT by do the dhue
Edited on 09/22/2007 12:42:42 PM PDT by Admin Moderator.
Iraqi President Jalal Talabani has blasted the United States for the arrest Thursday of an Iranian and called for his immediate release.
The U.S. military said the detainee is a member of an elite Iranian unit that has been accused of training and equipping insurgents in Iraq, but Talabani said he is a civil servant who was on an official trade mission in Iraq's Kurdistan region.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Extended News; Foreign Affairs; News/Current Events; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: iran; iraniandetainee; iraq; iraqipresident; kurdistan; release; revolutionaryguard; talabani
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Is the Iraqi President acting in the best interest of the Iraqi people or Iran here?
To: do the dhue
Instead of releasing this individual, he should receive a "military tribunal trial" (think Nathan Hale and Major John Andre). Then, if found guilty of being an illegal combatant, he should be tied to a post and executed by firing squad.
That's how the Americans handled the werewolves in their sector of Germany, after WW II. Does anyone else remember seeing movie clips of American soldiers conducting such trials, and executions? I do.
Then, the US could return the body to Iran. It would not be necessary to pin a note to his chest suggesting that other Iranians ought to think twice before they sneak into Iraq in civvies, to fight outside the Geneva Conventions.
Congressman Billybob
Latest article, "Dan Rather, CBS, Plus Duke"
posted on
09/22/2007 12:49:16 PM PDT
Congressman Billybob
(2008 IS HERE, NOW.
To: do the dhue
Probably just political posturing. When he thinks we are going to bug out any minute, he’s got to cover his butt.
posted on
09/22/2007 12:52:05 PM PDT
Comment #4 Removed by Moderator
To: do the dhue
I support his release also...from the hatch of a C-130 at altitude.
posted on
09/22/2007 12:54:43 PM PDT
To: RichInOC
posted on
09/22/2007 12:57:27 PM PDT
do the dhue
("They've got us surrounded again……the poor bastards." — General Creighton W. Abrams)
To: Congressman Billybob
I think Iran is holding two Americans against their will. If so, release them and we will release the bozo we have.
posted on
09/22/2007 12:58:34 PM PDT
do the dhue
("They've got us surrounded again……the poor bastards." — General Creighton W. Abrams)
To: rhombus
How do the Iraqi people feel about Iranians coming across their border teaching folks how to kill innocent Iraqis?
posted on
09/22/2007 12:59:48 PM PDT
do the dhue
("They've got us surrounded again……the poor bastards." — General Creighton W. Abrams)
To: RichInOC
posted on
09/22/2007 1:00:24 PM PDT
( Hunter/Thompson/Thompson/Hunter in 08! "Read my lips....No new RINO's" !!)
Comment #10 Removed by Moderator
To: do the dhue
Dear Mr. Ahmadinejad,
I hope your will enjoy your stay in New York City. As way of welcoming you to our city, please find in your hotel room a complimentary assortment of Jimmy Dean Sausage products. Also waiting in your hotel room is one of your Quds Force officers that we detained in Iraq a few days ago. You will find him sitting in a chair near the desk with a small round hole between his eyes.
Have a nice day!
To: Ben Hecks
Found this number from Columbias public affairs office. It has a statement regarding Irans President Amadjihad. You can leave a message for the public affair folks at Columbia.
212 854 7328
I left a message that says you should not give him a platform of credibility and if you want to hear what he has to say then go to Iran and listen to him.
posted on
09/22/2007 1:26:27 PM PDT
do the dhue
("They've got us surrounded again……the poor bastards." — General Creighton W. Abrams)
To: do the dhue
Thanks for the phone number - I will also leave a message.
To: Ben Hecks
posted on
09/22/2007 1:31:14 PM PDT
do the dhue
("They've got us surrounded again……the poor bastards." — General Creighton W. Abrams)
To: do the dhue
I guess we’ll eventually see.
posted on
09/22/2007 1:38:07 PM PDT
To: do the dhue
I’m so sick and tired of Iran and Iraq, I would’t care if some enterprising nation irradiated both cesspools.
posted on
09/22/2007 1:39:41 PM PDT
To: do the dhue
Release him?
How about we set off and IED under his ass instead.
posted on
09/22/2007 1:44:28 PM PDT
Joe Boucher
(An enemy of Islam)
To: rhombus
I guess it is not election year in Iraq.
Seems to me that it would be not be advisable to turn people lose who may be training others to kill your people.
posted on
09/22/2007 1:45:39 PM PDT
do the dhue
("They've got us surrounded again……the poor bastards." — General Creighton W. Abrams)
To: Joe Boucher
I would say, âRelease him? We already did. You havn’t received him yet? What the heck did your people do with him? Yâall need to get your act together. Geesh.’
posted on
09/22/2007 1:50:14 PM PDT
do the dhue
("They've got us surrounded again……the poor bastards." — General Creighton W. Abrams)
To: do the dhue
Seems to me that it would be not be advisable to turn people lose who may be training others to kill your people.But the question is what do people in Iraq really know about it. What is their media and their gov saying about it?
posted on
09/22/2007 1:51:42 PM PDT
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