Posted on 09/04/2007 8:09:56 PM PDT by DollyCali
Wheelbarrow has been a FReeper for a few years. He lurks alot & has participated in many FReeps in Ohio, was active in the 04 national election & rallies & went to DC in 2005 for several events in FReeperdom.
He is 82 & was part of the European Theater in WW2. He received a bronze star for the efforts in the war.
Honor Flight i s a marvelous program only a few years old. It provides FREE FLIGHTS & ALL EXPENSES for a one day trip to DC so the vets can see the memorial before they die. It originated in Ohio & most flights have been from Columbus, Cleveland & Cincinnati.
The first flight from Akron is this Saturday & Wheelbarrow, will be part of it. The program is spreading throughout the USA & is designed to help the men & women who may not be able to get to DC at this point due to financial or physical reasons. Wheelchairs, volunteers, "you name it" assistance is available.
I am putting in the schedule with the hopes that any DC FReepers who can be there in the time slot for the Honor Flight at the WW2 memorial might be there. (bring signs?).There will no doubt be good media coverage & Sen Bob Dole will be part of the events at the WW2 memorial.
I know there is a morning FReep in Olney..perhaps afterwards some could join the memorial trip folks.
Say hi to Bill (wheelbarrow) & do take pix of him with digitals for this thread please.
Here is the schedule they have provided the men participating:
(NOTE: be very careful in choosing your screen name lurkers)
I haven’t had the honor of “meeting” wheelbarrow, but I thank him for his service and am so happy he is able to participate in this.
Thanks for posting this. Wheelbarrow, you rock! And have a great time in DC.
PLEASE if you go there, Take pix for this thead???
Would someone please do a DC chapter ping?
How cool is that! And to think...I have shook his hand, and eaten BBQ with him! :D
What theater did you serve in?
My Grandad was in Burma.
Congrats, and thanks for your service.
Thanks for the PING Dolly!
God Bless you, Wheelbarrow!
It was my pleasure to meet both of you!
Wheelbarrow, you wild and crazy guy! I thank you for your service. Please continue to outlive the rest just like ya do.
I consider it an honor and a privilege, Dolly.
Pinging the DC Chapter!
Please read DollyCali's thread about WWII Veteran and Freeper, Wheelbarrow's trip to DC this weekend, and her request that as many of us who are able, meet and greet Freeper Wheelbarrow on his very special DC visit.
Scroll down the article to view the schedule... maybe we can have Freepers at more than one place on his whirlwind tour?
Dolly, I have to work on Saturdays, but I may be able to finagle an early departure and find Wheelbarrow at one of his later stops that afternoon. I will do my best to do so!
Enjoy ‘your’ day in DC, Wheelbarrow.
Thank you for your wonderful service to our country, Wheelbarrow .. God bless you, and have a SPLENDID time on your meritorious flight.
Thanks, Dolly!
thank you Ma’am. I was possibly going to tag along for a media shoot but $$(lack thereof for travel etc) & my yukky health are shouting “stay home you fool”
I think that the Honor Flights to the WWII Memorial is a wonderful thing to do for our WWII vets. When my husband and I visited the Memorial a few months after it opened, it was such an emotional experience. We both have fathers who served during WWII. Unfortunately, neither lived long enough to be able to see this tribute to their service. It is by far the most beautiful memorial of it’s type that I have ever seen.
God bless you, Wheelbarrow, for your service. Have a wonderful day in DC.
Lori, I have been there 4 times & each time I just am tingly all over. One meets such great vets & the images & the time looking at water & at the various other sites from the memorial are very profound. I think the last time I was there I took close to 2000 pix! glad I have digital
Do get him signed up for an Honor Flight. Check the opening .. there is a link to the Honor Flight Site & you can find necessary info.
I am trying to get my uncle Bill a trip there also.
Most excelent. However, I’’m headed to Coshocton on Friday.
That is a whirlwind schedule planned for these veterans. I hope they find it not too strenuous. Wow! what a great idea!
Thanks so much for your service during WW II. You and your brothers-at-arms serve as illuminating heroes and role models for millions of young Americans (including myself, though I am not so young).
God bless you and your family.
Thanks so much for your service during WW II. You and your brothers-at-arms serve as illuminating heroes and role models for millions of young Americans (including myself, though I am not so young).
God bless you and your family.
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