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The Clinton Crime Family

Posted on 08/25/2007 6:01:09 PM PDT by Dr. Marten

Bill Clinton has surrounded himself with criminals

Bill Clinton and Al Gore met with known criminals who either gave large amounts of money to the Democrats or were brought in by those giving huge sums of money to the Democrats. These people included convicted drug dealer Jorge Cabrera; a Chinese arms dealer named Wang Jun; and Grigory Lutchansky, whose company, Nordex, was on Clinton's CIA watch list and who was denied entry into Canada because he failed a background check.

There was also the appearance of foreign policy quid pro quos involving Indonesia, Paraguay, Guam, Vietnam and China. Even more disturbing are allegations of economic espionage, communist Chinese involvement in U.S. elections, and compromising U.S. national security - all in the name of helping the Democrats and securing Bill Clinton's reelection.

There were about 70 Congressional witnesses who have pled the Fifth Amendment right not to self-incriminate (or chosen to flee the country) in the Clinton-Gore dollars for political influence scam. In a round of testimony by FBI Director Louis Freeh before Congress, Rep. Dan Burton asked:
“Mr. Freeh, over 65 people have invoked the 5th Amendment or fled the country in the course of the Committee s investigation. Have you ever experienced so many unavailable witnesses in any matter in which you ve prosecuted or in which you ve been involved?”
Freeh responded: “Actually, I have.”
Burton asked: “You have? Give me, give me a rundown on that real quickly.”
Freeh: “I spent about 16 years doing organized crime cases in New York City...”

Bill Clinton and Al Gore have conspired with known criminals

Jorge Cabrera, a convicted felon from Florida, gave the DNC $20,000 and then attended a political reception in Miami at which Cabrera got his picture taken with Al Gore. Cabrera was soon invited to a December 1995 pre-Christmas event at the White House and was photographed with First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton. The next month in January 1996, undercover agents arrested Cabrera with three tons of Colombian cocaine. Prior to Cabrera's January arrest, he had been arrested twice on drug charges, and pleaded guilty to non-drug-related charges in both cases. Cabrera is serving a 19-year prison sentence. (The Detroit News, 2/16/97; Miami Herald, 1/19/97; The Washington Post, 10/20/96)

Charlie TrieYah Lin "Charlie" Trie, President Clinton's longtime friend and a Democratic fund-raiser, pleaded guilty to two charges in his Arkansas trial (May 21, 1999). Trie plead guilty to a felony charge of causing false statements and a misdemeanor count of making political contributions in the names of others.

It was Charlie Trie who arranged for Wang Jun, chairman of Poly Technologies Inc., an international Chinese weapons dealer, to meet with Mr. Clinton at a Democrat Party event at the White House on Feb. 6, 1996. At the time Clinton met with Wang, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and the Customs Service were wrapping up an investigation which caught Wang's company smuggling at least $4 million worth of 2,000 illegal AK-47 assault weapons destined for gang members in California. (The New Republic, 1/20/97; Chicago Tribune, 1/5/97; The New York Times, 12/27/96)

Kim Weissman writes in a Congress Action update on July 13, 1997,

"One of the many troubling aspects of this affair is how the cesspool of corruption which the Clintons brought to Washington can cause even the most honorable men to prostitute their principles, attempting to defend the indefensible.

John Glenn was an honorable man, a true American hero. A Marine, one of America's first astronauts, the first American to ride a rocket into earth orbit at a time when our rockets had the nasty habit of routinely blowing up in people's faces. His bravery, his patriotism, his honor were above reproach and beyond question. Until Bill Clinton came to town. And in a few short years this bona fide hero has transformed himself into nothing more than a party hack, in service to monumental presidential corruption. Once a man throws his honor on the trash heap, it can never be reclaimed. And Glenn is not alone among democrats compromising their integrity to protect Bill Clinton. As for the media, which has instituted a virtual news blackout in which live coverage is nonexistent and then whines that nobody cares, which ignores crimes, espionage, and possible treason, and shamelessly peddles the democrat line that "the system is broken", their ethics and principles in this matter are beneath contempt. As usual. The media see these hearings as their chance to enact "reform" which will enhance their power even further, and subversion of our government and treason in high office is of no interest. The integrity of our government and safety of the nation ranks below their self-aggrandizement."

Clinton's Criminal Appointees

Janet RenoAttorney General Janet Reno fabricated charges of child molestation against the Branch Davidians in Waco, Texas, ordering the use of military equipment and the use of chemical agents against citizens of the United States. Eighty-six men, women, and children died after FBI agents used grenade launchers to mount a CS gas attack on their compound. Larry Potts—who coordinated the Waco raid and was censured for his role in the 1992 Ruby Ridge, Idaho, shoot-out -- was promoted to deputy director of the FBI by Reno.

With the apparent approval of President Fidel Castro, in a pre-dawn raid of the Gonzalez home in Miami, Janet Reno ordered heavily armed INS agents to storm the house and snatch the young Elian Gonzalez from his relatives there. Outside, more armed thugs fired pepper spray into the angry crowd as they took away the crying and screaming 6-year-old boy.

Snatching ElianMore than 20 federal agents arrived at the home shortly before 5 a.m., using rams on the home's chain-link fence and front door to force their way in. Inside, hiding in a closet, Elian's great-aunt and one of the fishermen who rescued Elian, Donato Dalrymple held Elian in his arms as the federal thugs told him, "give me the boy or I'll shoot you." A short time later, a woman and man brought Elian out of the home as he was screaming, "Help me! Help me! Don't take me away!" in Spanish.

This unconstitutional federal raid on a private and lawful home, seizing a person accused of nothing has been perhaps Clinton's most tyrannical acts of despotism.

Vernon JordanWashington lawyer, Clinton confidant and golfing partner, Vernon Jordan, was deposed by Ken Starr for his role in obtaining $50,000 in “consulting fees” for Webster Hubbell, between the time Hubbell left the Justice Department and entered federal prison. Starr was trying to determine if those fees were “hush money.” That money came from Revlon Corporation, where Mr. Jordan sits on the board of directors.

Jordan, at the request of Clinton's personal secretary, Betty Currie, had also helped Monica Lewinsky search for a new job and a lawyer after she left the White House.

Vernon Jordan's relationship with Bill Clinton goes back to a 1991 Bilderberger meeting where Clinton was introduced to the group by Jordan. The Bilderbergers arrogantly plot the subversion and silent takeover of constitutional governments everywhere. Their goal is a World Government run exclusively by their hand-picked puppets. It was shortly after attending the 1991 Bilderberger meeting, Governor Bill Clinton was selected to be the next President of the United States.

President Clinton has done a masterful job of placing "fall-guys" between himself and his administration’s indigenous corruption scandals. Independent Counsels have indicted and jailed senior administration officials for corruption, but Mr. Clinton has always maintained arms-length plausible deniability. Clinton’s defensive modus operandi: admit nothing, deny everything and make counterallegations.

Clinton administration officials indicted

Henry Cisneros, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development became the second Clinton administration official to be indicted.

The Justice Department probe began on Sept. 22, 1994, it's investigating whether Housing and Urban Development Secretary Henry Cisneros lied to the FBI about payments he made to his former mistress, Linda Jones. In March '95 Attorney General Janet Reno concluded HUD Secretary Henry Cisneros made yearly payments to Jones of between $42,000 and $60,000—contradicting Cisneros' claim to the FBI that his yearly payments totaled no more than $10,000. In May 1995, an independent counsel was named to investigate if the lies HUD Secretary Henry Cisneros told to the FBI constitute a felony.

On Dec. 11, 1997 a federal grand jury in Washington handed down a 21-count indictment, charging Cisneros and Jones variously with conspiracy, obstruction of justice, fraud and perjury. Evidence including 40 hours of secretly recorded telephone calls, IRS records and canceled checks suggests to prosecutors that Cisneros committed perjury and conspired with his ex-mistress and others to lie about the hush money. Those records indicate Cisneros paid Jones about $250,000 and continued to pay her after he came to Washington, including payments totaling some $40,000 prior to his interview with the FBI.

Former Agriculture Secretary Mike Espy was indicted on charges he accepted illegal gifts and lied to investigators. In August, 1994 Attorney General Janet Reno asked for an independent counsel to investigate Agriculture Secretary Mike Espy for accepting gifts from companies regulated by his department. On Oct. 3, 1994, Mike Espy resigns amid charges he accepted gifts and perks barred by federal ethics laws and rules.

In Dec. 1997, Tyson Foods Inc., the nation's largest poultry processor, pleaded guilty to giving former U.S. Agriculture Secretary Mike Espy more than $12,000 in illegal gifts, and agreed to pay $6 million in fines and investigative expenses.

Ultimately, Independent Counsel Smaltz s investigation of Agriculture Secretary Espy, has resulted in 14 indictments yielding 2 convictions, 3 guilty pleas, 4 acquittals, 3 companies paying enormous fines, and 3 defendants awaiting trial or retrial.

In the tenth major probe into high level Clinton appointees, the Justice Department has opened an investigation into whether or not Labor Secretary Alexis Herman was involved in a scheme of influence peddling during ‘94-’96 when she was a White House aide. The seventh independent counsel of the Clinton era will investigate influence peddling and corrupt campaign fundraising allegations against Labor Secretary Alexis Herman. In response to these allegations, President Clinton remarked, "I don t believe that for a minute."

Under investigation for overbilling clients, mail fraud and tax evasion, Associate Attorney General Webster Hubbell resigned on March 14, 1994. On Dec. 6, '94 Hubbell pleads guilty and on Aug. 7, 1995 he began serving 21-month sentence for defrauding the federal government and tax evasion. A June 24, 1997 Los Angeles Times story revealed a City of Los Angeles audit found Webster Hubbell cheated Los Angeles out of almost $25,000 by lying about the consulting work he did for them.

The Justice Department began investigating Commerce Secretary Ron Brown on Feb. 19, 1995 for violation of tax and financial disclosure laws and whether he took money from people seeking to influence him. Apparently, he took bribes from almost everybody saying it is part of the way Washington works. Ron Brown was still under investigation by an Independent Counsel when he died mysteriously in a plane crash in 1996. Former Brown business associate and lover Nolanda Hill revealed on the June 18, 1997 ABC Prime time Live that deceased Cabinet Secretary Ron Brown was set to accept a $700,000 cash payoff from Vietnam in return for pushing normalized trade relations with the communist country.


On Jan. 20, 1994, an independent counsel is named to investigate the Clintons' personal, political and business finances in the 1980s, including their role in the Whitewater Development Corporation. As a result, Clinton's cronies begin to fall around him.

Former Arkansas Municipal Court Judge David Hale was indicted for defrauding the federal government by misrepresenting Capital Management's paid-in capital. David Hale pleads guilty on Mar. 22, 1994 to conspiracy and mail fraud.

Arkansas Gov. Jim Guy Tucker was indicted on three felony charges of making false statements and conspiracy to defraud the United States in the Whitewater venture. Later, 11 new counts of conspiracy, wire fraud, making false statements and misapplying funds are added. When Clinton loyalist Judge Henry Woods dismisses the original three-count indictment against Gov. Tucker, independent counsel Kenneth Starr files an immediate appeal. Tucker is eventually found guilty of fraud in connection with the failed savings and loan institution and faces 10 years in prison and $500,000 in fines. After Tucker's resignation as Governor, Lt. Gov. Mike Huckabee replaced him.

Susan McDougalJim McDougalClinton's partner in the Whitewater venture, Jim McDougal, was indicted on 19 counts of conspiracy, mail fraud, making false statements and false bank reports, and misapplying funds. McDougal was found guilty of fraud in connection with the failed savings and loan institution. Jim McDougal was serving his 3 year sentence for bank fraud at the Fort Worth Federal Medical Center in Texas, a facility operated by the federal Bureau of Prisons for inmates who need medical attention. Just prior to another round of testimony before Kenneth Starr's grand jury, Jim McDougal suffered a heart attack while in solitary confinement, which may have been brought on by the diuretics forced on him.

Susan McDougal was indicted on eight counts of conspiracy, wire fraud, mail fraud and making false statements.

Criticized for attempting to quash a Whitewater investigation at the RTC through White House liaisons, obstructing justice in the Foster suicide investigation by blocking access, removing documents, lying about his removal of documents, and by retrieving Foster's pager from Park Police, White House Counsel Bernard Nussbaum resigns on Mar. 5, 1994 and is under investigation for lying to Congress.

Director of White House Administration, Patsy Thomasson, lied to Congress about the composition of the Health Care Task Force and the size of its budget and obstructed justice when she removed documents from the office of Vince Foster.

Deputy Treasury Secretary Roger Altman resigned on Aug. 17, 1994 amid charges of lying to Congress in his testimony concerning Whitewater/Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC) investigation.

Treasury Counsel Jean Hanson resigns on Aug. 18, 1994 amid charges that she briefed the White House on Whitewater/RTC investigation.

On Dec. 15, 1995, Former White House lawyer William Kennedy refuses to comply with Senate Whitewater Committee subpoena demanding Whitewater-related documents.

Jury selection began on June 17, 1996 in the Whitewater-related trial of Herby Branscum and Robert Hill, two Arkansas bankers indicted on charges of fraud. Prosecutors maintain Hill and Branscum funneled $7,000 to then-Gov. Bill Clinton's 1990 re-election campaign.

Deputy Chief of Staff, Harold Ickes, broke into New York Republican headquarters in 1970 but has never been indicted for this crime which was similar to what the Watergate Plumbers spent time in jail for. He also lied to Congress about his involvement in the Whitewater coverup.

Former White House Counsel, Lloyd Cutler lied to Congress and attempted to withhold vital information from Congress. He obtained a confidential Treasury report and showed it to witnesses before they testified before Congress in the Whitewater hearings. He again lied to Congress when he denied having shown testimony to witnesses. Lloyd Cutler has resigned.

Campaign Finance

In October 1996, the Clinton/Gore campaign, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the Commerce Department engaged in covering up a Democrat political fund-raising scandal.

Three former Clinton administration officials have refused to give the U.S. Congress documents subpoenaed for investigations of Democrat fund-raising -- claiming a Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination. The three are: former Associate Attorney General Webster Hubbell, former Commerce Department political appointee John Huang and Mark Middleton, a former aide to the White House chief of staff. (Associated Press, 2/28/97)

Others have fled the country to evade indictments and answering questions.

John Huang was involved in fund-raising while he was a political appointee at the Commerce Department.

EPA Administrator Carol Browner used the EPA to campaign against Republicans running on the Contract with America, an illegal use of the executive branch for political campaigning.

Senior Advisor, Bruce Lensey, as treasurer for the Clinton gubernatorial campaign in 1990, signed withdrawals from Perry County Bank, the president of which has pled guilty to conspiring to conceal these withdrawals from the IRS and FEC.


William Kennedy, David Watkins, and Patsy Thomasson was accussed of fabricating charges against White House Travel Office personnel to have the business taken over by Clinton friends. They coerced FBI and IRS agents into complicity with this scheme. Kennedy and Watkins have resigned.

Travel Office employee, Catherine Cornelius removed documents from White House Travel Office. Because those documents later became the subject of a trial against Office Director Billy Dale, that could amount to obstruction of justice.


On June 6, 1996, The Los Angeles Times reported that the White House sought confidential FBI background documents on fired White House Travel Office chief Billy Dale. The next day, the White House admits it ordered FBI files of more than 330 people, including dozens of Republican leaders, saying it was working off an "outdated list" of people who had applied for access to the White House. Eventually it is discovered that about 1,000 people's FBI files were obtained by Clinton officials.

Linda TrippOne of those people whose FBI file was obtained by the White House was Linda Tripp, who blazed onto the national scene when she released to Independent Council, Ken Starr, secretly taped conversations she had with Monica Lewinsky about the sexual conduct of the President. Tripp's connection to FBI files also include her witnessing fellow employees copying FBI files onto White House computers when she worked in the Clinton White House. (The Washington Times, 9/4/98) Tripp is also at the center of conspiracy theories involving Vince Foster’s suicide. Tripp had worked in the early Clinton administration in 1992 as executive assistant to Bernie Nussbaum, then the White House counsel. Tripp first surfaced in the original report on Foster’s death by former independent counsel Robert Fiske. Fiske said in his report, that Tripp was the last person to speak to Foster before he committed suicide. It was also Tripp who provided testimony on what happened inside Foster’s office after word of his death surfaced, again leading to questions of impropriety.

Tripp also is the original source of information regarding Kathryn Willey’s reported claim that Clinton had kissed and fondled her, claiming to be the first person to talk to Willey after she left the Oval Office.

Co-President, Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton became the first first lady to testify before a grand jury when she was subpeonaed by the Whitewater grand jury.

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Foreign Affairs; Front Page News; Government
KEYWORDS: boots; china; clinton; corruption; hillaryscandals; impeachedx42
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To: tennmountainman
However, what has Bush’s justice department done to put the Klintons and Klintoista’s behind bars? NOTHING.

The corrupt "Two-Party Cartel".

61 posted on 08/25/2007 11:17:10 PM PDT by Digger (If RINO is your selection, then failure is your election)
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To: Alamo-Girl

This seems like a shortened version of the Downside Legacy!

62 posted on 08/25/2007 11:56:42 PM PDT by NotJustAnotherPrettyFace
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To: AliVeritas
This is just toooo good I have bookmarked it forever!!
Kinda opened my eyes a little wider about just how important it is to get something, “anything” on GW and how ans why BDS is such a must to the dirty dems. They can’t have a clean pubbie president for 8 years with the baggage the clintonistas carry around.
63 posted on 08/26/2007 4:57:11 AM PDT by rodguy911 (Support The New media, Ticket the Drive-bys, --America-The land of the Free because of the Brave-)
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To: tennmountainman

Excellent post here, I totally agree.

64 posted on 08/26/2007 4:57:54 AM PDT by rodguy911 (Support The New media, Ticket the Drive-bys, --America-The land of the Free because of the Brave-)
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To: Coleus; Fedora; windchime; backhoe; Liz; nicmarlo; Viking2002; piasa; LucyT; KylaStarr; Cindy; ...


65 posted on 08/26/2007 5:13:02 AM PDT by Calpernia (
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To: Dr. Marten
Road to Moscow: Bill Clinton’s Early Activism from Fulbright to Moscow

66 posted on 08/26/2007 5:18:53 AM PDT by Calpernia (
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To: Interesting Times; stockpirate; justiceseeker93; Liz; doug from upland; Alamo-Girl; backhoe


67 posted on 08/26/2007 5:20:30 AM PDT by Calpernia (
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To: Dr. Marten


Pauline Kanchanalak, a Thai national, and Duangnet Kronenberg today agreed to plead guilty to campaign financing-related offenses and to cooperate in the Justice Department’s ongoing investigation, the Campaign Financing Task Force announced.


Kanchanalak caused more than $690,000 in foreign money to be contributed to the DNC and other political committees between 1992 and 1996. All of the illegal contributions were made on checks drawn on the accounts of Duangnet Kronenberg and Praitun Kanchanalak, who is Duangnet Kronenberg’s mother and Pauline Kanchanalak’s mother-in-law. A portion of the funds that were used to make the illegal contributions were provided to Kronenberg and Praitun Kanchanalak by Ban Chang International (USA), Inc. (BCI), a Cayman Islands corporation of which Pauline Kanchanalak was President. Duangnet Kronenberg also was an officer of BCI.

According to the Superseding Information, Kanchanalak engaged in the conspiracy in order to gain favor with the DNC, and thereby to gain attendance to fundraising and political events with President Clinton, members of his Administration, and prominent members of the business community. Kanchanalak and her coconspirators believed this would help develop business and networking opportunities for Kanchanalak and BCI’s clients. More than $457,000 of the illegal contributions caused by Pauline Kanchanalak were provided to the DNC and five state Democratic party committees in connection with a “coffee” held at the White House on June 18, 1996. The coffee was attended by, among others, President Clinton, Pauline Kanchanalak, John Huang, and two executives of Charoen Pokphand Group (also known as the CP Group), a Thai corporation.

Count Two of the Superseding Information charges Pauline Kanchanalak with causing BCI to make an illegal $20,000 corporate contribution to the DNC’s federal account in May 1994, in criminal violation of the Federal Election Campaign Act (”FECA”).


68 posted on 08/26/2007 5:24:40 AM PDT by Calpernia (
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To: Dr. Marten

On September 15, 1999, Lawrence Penna, the former President of a now-defunct New Jersey securities firm, was charged with violating election laws by funneling illegal campaign contributions to the 1996 federal election campaigns of President Clinton and Senator Torricelli. Penna’s case was transferred by agreement to the Southern District of New York where charges relating to his violation of United States’ securities laws were pending.

69 posted on 08/26/2007 5:27:39 AM PDT by Calpernia (
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To: Dr. Marten

David Chang, an international businessman, is one of the Democratic Party’s biggest donors. He visited with President Bill Clinton at the White House on several occasions and claims to have eaten pizza with the President in South Korea. On April 13, David Chang was placed under 24-hour house arrest for allegedly coercing a former employee to lie about the methods in which he made campaign contributions.

Chang is a target of the U.S. Department of Justice’s Campaign Financing Task Force. His house arrest stems from taped conversations made by federal investigators between fired Chang employee Chris Kim and Chang in which Kim was reportedly asked to lie to federal authorities about Chang’s alleged laundering of $80,000 in South Korea. At the time, Chang was free on $500,000 bail after being charged with making illegal campaign contributions to Senator Robert Torricelli (D-NJ) in 1996.

A letter from the Justice Department released in mid-April states the government has evidence that Chang “received and/or solicited” help from Senator Torricelli on four matters. These matters are helping to unfreeze Chang’s assets in North Korea, helping him purchase a South Korean insurance company, writing college recommendations for relatives and making introductions for him with foreign dignitaries.

Torricelli’s office admits to helping try to unfreeze Chang’s North Korean assets, but reports it was unsuccessful. Chang received bipartisan support in his attempt to buy the Korea Life Insurance Company as well as seeking Torricelli’s assistance, but that also failed. On a trip to South Korea last September during negotiations on the sale, Chang was accompanied by President Clinton’s chief fundraiser Terrence McAuliffe.

Regarding charges that Chang funneled $23,000 to Torricelli’s 1996 Senate campaign, three people have already pled guilty to the illegal activity and one has fled the country. Chang passed money to members of the Bergen County (NJ) Democratic Party leadership which then reimbursed others for their donations to the Torricelli campaign. Torricelli’s initial response was to speculate that every member of Congress gets donations from such “straw donors,” and that “people have to learn to take these laws seriously.” He denies knowledge of any illegal contributions.

70 posted on 08/26/2007 5:29:28 AM PDT by Calpernia (
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To: Dr. Marten

>>>A Federal judge orders a trial on July 25, 1994 to determine if Hillary Clinton’s heath care task force illegally operated in secret.<<<<

Healthy People 2010 is the result of this health care task force:
Healthy People 2010

71 posted on 08/26/2007 5:51:30 AM PDT by Calpernia (
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To: NotJustAnotherPrettyFace

Indeed, it does!

72 posted on 08/26/2007 6:01:46 AM PDT by Alamo-Girl
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To: Dr. Marten
All this pales in comparison to the Scooter Libby crimes.

Gee, get with the program

73 posted on 08/26/2007 6:05:12 AM PDT by Popman (Nothing + Time + Chance = The Universe ---------------------Bridge in Brooklyn for sell - Cheap)
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To: Dr. Marten
BREAKING HARD ON FREE REPUBLIC - Peter Paul Passes Polygraph in Paul v Clinton Case

74 posted on 08/26/2007 6:06:55 AM PDT by Calpernia (
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To: Dr. Marten

In 1993, John Huang was very close to the Clintons, having worked with both Bill and Hillary during the Arkansas years at the part-Indonesian-owned Worthen Bank. Bill Clinton’s personal choice for the Commerce Department was former Lippo banker John Huang.

Indonesian billionaire Moctar Riady and James Riady paid Huang very well at Lippo Bank, much more than any income he could legally earn at the Commerce Department.

Huang pulled down six figures while at Lippo but barely broke $50,000 a year inside the Clinton Commerce Department. When Huang left Lippo for the Clinton administration, he bravely took a major cut in pay and a secret clearance.

Mrs. Clinton reportedly insisted that John Huang be given a position at the U.S. Commerce Department under Ron Brown. Mrs. Clinton has not made any public comment on her relationship with Huang’s employer, Indonesian billionaire Moctar Riady. Yet there is a very nice picture of Mrs. Clinton greeting Moctar Riady in the White House.

Indonesian billionaire Moctar Riady has been accused of passing illegal monies to the 1992 and 1996 Clinton-Gore campaigns. His son James pleaded guilty to passing illegal money to the Clinton campaign.

Ironically, the CIA also accused Riady of working for Chinese military intelligence. According to a 1998 CIA report presented to Senator Fred Thompson, R-Tenn., “James and Moctar Riady have had a long-term relationship with a Chinese intelligence agency. The relationship is based on mutual benefit with the Riadys receiving assistance in finding business opportunities in exchange for large sums of money and other help.”

“The Chinese intelligence agency seeks to locate and develop relationships with information collectors, particularly with close association to the U.S. government,” states the CIA report on Riady.

John Huang

Documents from Huang’s office show that while at the Commerce Department he worked on weapons exports. Huang had detailed documents covering proposed exports of Patriot missiles to South Korea, artillery to Kuwait, attack helicopters to the Netherlands, and fighter jets to the United Arab Emirates.

During his stay at Commerce, Huang obtained a secret clearance and attended more than 37 classified briefings from the CIA.

Huang’s documents show that the Commerce Department and the CIA were aware of massive corruption inside electric power plant deals for Indonesia. The “corruption, collusion and nepotism” cost the U.S. and Indonesian taxpayers billions of dollars siphoned off into the corrupt Suharto family dictatorship.

John Huang pleaded guilty in 1999 to federal charges of making illegal political contributions to the Clinton-Gore campaign. In addition, Huang took the Fifth Amendment over 2,000 times when asked under oath if he was an agent of the Chinese government.

The federal judge in charge of Huang’s case has cited him for contempt for not answering questions under oath. Still, the judge has never enforced any penalty on the convicted felon for not answering questions.

Blame It on Freeh

Bill Clinton mentions the Chinagate scandal in his 957-page book only once, blaming the entire series of events on FBI Director Louis Freeh.

“I didn’t believe Freeh was foolish enough to think the Democratic party would knowingly accept illegal contributions from the Chinese government, he was just trying to avoid criticism from the press and the Republicans,” writes Clinton.

Of course, Clinton does not go into the close working relationship his wife had with Johnny Chung. Chung frequently paid visits to the White House, delivering brown paper bags of cash to the first lady – no questions asked.

In 1996, the head of Chinese military intelligence, General Ji, met with Johnny Chung in the basement of a Hong Kong restaurant. At the same time, Johnny’s daughter and her teenage friend were inside communist China, under the close supervision of Chinese army agents.

“We like your president,” General Ji told Chung before passing a check for $300,000 across the table. “We want him re-elected.”

Considering that his daughter’s life was at stake, Johnny Chung was certainly in no position to disagree with General Ji. Some of the $300,000 in red army money made it to Clinton and Gore through the Democratic National Committee.

Johnny Chung pleaded guilty and currently cites his bank-account record as proof that Chinese army money was passed to the Clinton-Gore campaign.

75 posted on 08/26/2007 6:11:54 AM PDT by Calpernia (
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To: lapster

post 75

76 posted on 08/26/2007 6:24:47 AM PDT by Calpernia (
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To: Dr. Marten

Horrible flashback ping {{{{shiver}}}}

77 posted on 08/26/2007 6:38:06 AM PDT by servantboy777
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To: Dr. Marten

Remember Les Aspin’s news conference when he said he wouldn’t send tanks into Somalia to back up US troops because ‘we’re saving the tanks for Bosnia’. That let the cat out of the bag that the admin. was planning to send US ground troops to the mess in Bosnia without any by your leave from congress or the people who pay the bills. With that remark, US participation in Bosnia turned into air strikes.

78 posted on 08/26/2007 6:44:11 AM PDT by hershey
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To: servantboy777


79 posted on 08/26/2007 6:47:06 AM PDT by Unicorn (Too many wimps around.)
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To: the invisib1e hand
I agree, I wish they had not even mentioned the word “bilderburger”. I let out an inadvertent groan when I read that word.
80 posted on 08/26/2007 6:57:00 AM PDT by Ditter
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