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Doctor's Baby Dies in Hot Car
myfoxst.1 ^ | 08/23/07 | fox

Posted on 08/23/2007 6:08:28 PM PDT by TornadoAlley3

Each Parent Thought The Other Was Taking Daughter To Child Care

ST. LOUIS, MO ( --

A 7 month old baby girl died after police say she was left in a locked car for 4 hours in the sweltering summer heat.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: baby; car; carseat; dies; hot; infantdeath
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To: TornadoAlley3

Sorry but I must be real dense on this. The car was parked I believe in a hospital parking lot. Since the mom is a Dr, I would assume she works there. I wonder if the dad works there as well.

It just doesn’t make sense. Did they drive together to the hospital and then both get out and walk in without remembering there was a baby??

They both thought the other was going to drive to the daycare. I don’t know but it seems like something is missing.

21 posted on 08/23/2007 6:26:02 PM PDT by KJacob
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To: TornadoAlley3
Safe in the arms of Jesus.

Mercy and blessings on these afflicted parents.

22 posted on 08/23/2007 6:26:10 PM PDT by Jim Noble (Trails of troubles, roads of battle, paths of victory we shall walk.)
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To: TornadoAlley3

I recall reading a similar story also in St. Louis a few months ago. One parent backed out of the driveway and ran over the child, thinking the child was with the other parent.

I cannot imagine the grief the parents must feel. It is beyond comprehension.

23 posted on 08/23/2007 6:26:10 PM PDT by A_Former_Democrat
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To: Mygirlsmom

This happened right here in the Cleveland area back a few years ago. The dad had to drop the kid off since mommy couldn’t and because he didn’t normally do it, he forgot. The toddler died from the heat.

Also, there was a case several years further back where the lady was grocery shopping or something and left the kid in the carseat on top of the car’s roof. She got in and drove off and as she was going down the road, she heard a “thunk” and realized “OMG” and believe it or not, the baby was okay.

Sometimes I think we are living lives that are way too busy for common sense or safety.

24 posted on 08/23/2007 6:27:01 PM PDT by Paved Paradise
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To: Mygirlsmom

I am a devoted Mom and left my youngest at age two weeks in a restaurant. We had put her seat on the floor, she was sleepiing and we left with the two older girls and someone from the restaurant came chasing us down the street.

I felt like Joan Crawford!!

25 posted on 08/23/2007 6:27:49 PM PDT by cajungirl (no)
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To: Arthur McGowan

I’d like to think this idea is in the works. It is excellent. Maybe you’ve got yourself a patent there.

26 posted on 08/23/2007 6:28:20 PM PDT by Paved Paradise
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To: caseinpoint
Maybe it’s time to start putting babies back in the front seat.

Hear hear!!!

Not to mention the accidents caused by moms reaching back to the back seat searching for the lost binkie or whatnot.

27 posted on 08/23/2007 6:34:14 PM PDT by Ramius (Personally, I give us... one chance in three. More tea?)
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To: caseinpoint
Maybe it’s time to start putting babies back in the front seat.

Amen. This is a brutal unintended consequence of a prissy nanny-state law. If I was a new parent and had to cart an infant around in the rear seat, I know that at first I'd be a dangerous driver. My mind wouldn't be on the road because I'd constantly be looking behind me or studying the rear-view mirror. Eventually to "be safe," I'd have to check that perfectly good and healthy instinct at the door and retrain my mind NOT to look. After awhile ... drive the vehicle, baby, errands ... out of sight, out of mind.

And this guy is going to have to live with himself. My god, what sadness. His first, natural, healthy impulse would have been to put the baby on the seat beside him. This death probably would not have occured if not for a nanny state rule.

Chuck Yeager describes the essence of all great Americans when he writes: "I've always said that the rules are made for people who aren't willing to make up their own." Americans with the true interests of their kids and future will conclude, "Screw the nanny state rules." The real rules are to put their kids first.

28 posted on 08/23/2007 6:35:26 PM PDT by Finny (Only Saps Buy Global Warming)
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To: laweeks

You probably got it right. Any parent who could do this will get over it. Little error in their busy lives.

29 posted on 08/23/2007 6:36:58 PM PDT by mefistofelerevised
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To: TornadoAlley3

Thanks for the stats. Of course the real issue is whether lives are saved with having them in the back seat compared to being forgotten but there is a good idea of having the baby bag in the front seat so no one forgets the kids is way back yonder. Personally I think it is best to designate one parent to be primary caretaker, usually the mother. I love men to death but they are not multi-track naturally. When couples kind of wing it, I can see how one can perhaps forget whose day it was to drop off the kid. My kids are grown now, safely. The van we had for awhile was a VW, which tends to be more open and visible throughout. Nowadays vans are caverns of darkness and cushions and headrests.

30 posted on 08/23/2007 6:37:03 PM PDT by caseinpoint (Don't get thickly involved in thin things.)
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To: visualops
Someone was the last one to walk away from the car. I fail to see how one can have that sort of “mixup”.

I wonder if H & W had separate cars, each equipped with a child safety seat and, apparently, W puts the baby in H's car but H thinks W put the baby in W's car.

Any other way, and this makes no sense to me.

31 posted on 08/23/2007 6:38:17 PM PDT by Petronski (Why would Romney lie about Ronald Reagan's record?)
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To: A_Former_Democrat
One parent backed out of the driveway and ran over the child

It happened to a couple here. They set the baby in a car seat down behind the van and forgot. The baby survived.

32 posted on 08/23/2007 6:38:18 PM PDT by AppyPappy (If you aren't part of the solution, there is good money to be made prolonging the problem.)
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To: cajungirl

Thank you for your honesty. It is wonderful to see some normal people on this site, since so many are holier than thou.

I was going to use my example of living close to one of the facilities where I work. There are many times when I am on my way home and I drive right past the entrance to my house because my pattern is to go to work, or vice versa. When driving, you do get distracted.

It is pretty easy to see how this could happen. One parent probably put the child in the car; since the other parent didn’t do it, and thought parent #1 was taking the child to daycare, didn’t even realize the child was in the car.

Lives too busy is probably the biggest problem here.

33 posted on 08/23/2007 6:38:57 PM PDT by ican'tbelieveit (Join FreeRepublic's Folding@Home team (Team# 36120), KW:Folding)
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To: laweeks

I know this is not the same circumstance, but when my 18 month old son was choking and turning blue, we ran outside to the front lawn for rescue to come. He had expelled the the hot dog, which was cut in half, but still did it. The police and rescue wanted us to go to the hospital, and I almost did, but then I remembered I had a 3 month old sleeping upstairs. I still think about that after 26 years, and can’t believe I even forgot her at that time. That is probably the worst thing that I ever had in my life. A child choking, and a child I might have left behind. You never forget. By the way, we dislogded the hot dog, and he was running around the front lawn when they arrived. It is a day I will never forget.

34 posted on 08/23/2007 6:39:40 PM PDT by JBCiejka
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To: TornadoAlley3

Nothing to see here - just an extra-late term abortion (7 months POST-birth)...

35 posted on 08/23/2007 6:41:50 PM PDT by TheBattman (I've got TWO QUESTIONS for you....)
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To: caseinpoint
Maybe it’s time to start putting babies back in the front seat.

I totally agree.

It's crazy you can put a baby in the back of a VW bug, but the front seat of a Dodge Ram 1500 is illegal here. That's just madness.

36 posted on 08/23/2007 6:42:23 PM PDT by SteveMcKing
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I suspect that one put the baby in the other’s car to be helpful. And the one whose car the baby was in thought the other parent had it.

37 posted on 08/23/2007 6:43:05 PM PDT by kitkat (I refuse to let the DUers chase me off FR.)
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To: laweeks
Now, you know they WOULDN’T dare leave their laptop computer, show dog, nor cellular phone in the car, but then it’s only a baby. Disgusting. And the article seemed to feel bad for the parents (read near the end). I feel disgust with them.

No, I don't know that they wouldn't leave their laptop, dog, or cell phone in the car.

What I do know is that I'm not about to judge these parents who have probably just made the mistake which is most likely ripping their hearts and minds to shreds, which will drive them either to, or as close to, insanity as a person can go and which will destroy all of their hope to ever have peace on this earth.

Who besides God can know them and their circumstances well enough to judge their actions?

Too many people on this forum think that they have the right to play God.

THAT'S what I find disgusting.

IN ADDITION, a great many of the judgemental people here proclaim to be Christians.

Well, I seem to recall Christ telling us that the one among us who HAS NO SIN has the right to judge others.

He also taught us that we are to LOVE our neighbor. He didn't make it optional.

And if there EVER was a couple of neighbors who needed love, it's these people.

38 posted on 08/23/2007 6:43:16 PM PDT by pax_et_bonum
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To: JBCiejka

I’m glad you told your story. There is not one person on this thread that hasn’t made a mistake with their child—at least one. If they say “no”, they are liars. What a bunch of judgmental jerks.

39 posted on 08/23/2007 6:44:22 PM PDT by RichRepublican (Good fences make good neighbors.)
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To: Mygirlsmom

***All you’d need to do is have the baby’s bag in front with you. That visual should be enough to remind a person who is so distracted that they forget they are parents.***

Very good thinking.

40 posted on 08/23/2007 6:45:11 PM PDT by kitkat (I refuse to let the DUers chase me off FR.)
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