No, I don't know that they wouldn't leave their laptop, dog, or cell phone in the car.
What I do know is that I'm not about to judge these parents who have probably just made the mistake which is most likely ripping their hearts and minds to shreds, which will drive them either to, or as close to, insanity as a person can go and which will destroy all of their hope to ever have peace on this earth.
Who besides God can know them and their circumstances well enough to judge their actions?
Too many people on this forum think that they have the right to play God.
THAT'S what I find disgusting.
IN ADDITION, a great many of the judgemental people here proclaim to be Christians.
Well, I seem to recall Christ telling us that the one among us who HAS NO SIN has the right to judge others.
He also taught us that we are to LOVE our neighbor. He didn't make it optional.
And if there EVER was a couple of neighbors who needed love, it's these people.
“Well, I seem to recall Christ telling us that the one among us who HAS NO SIN has the right to judge others.”
Well, well. I guess nobody was left to die in the car. I guess two peoples’ careers weren’t more important than dropping their kid off at daycare (something I never did, and I raised three kids with far less income that these two upper-mobile superstars earn).
You sound like a defense attorney. First: prove there was a dead baby. Second: Prove it was theirs! Preposterous. Absolute criminal neglect on BOTH parties. They should both be locked up for life.
Or perhaps they should have had an abortion 7 months earlier, and then we wouldn’t be talking about it.
***And if there EVER was a couple of neighbors who needed love, it’s these people.***
I’m so glad you said the above.
I am with you. I wonder if some of the unbelievable smug people here are really teens. They don’t act, sound or feel like adults. Anyone who has had children knows deep down that there have been times that any one of us could be in these poor people’s shoes. They must be in an agony that is impossible to imagine.
I can think of five close calls we had with babies so I know how this can happen. Distraction, fatigue, lack of sleep, lives too busy, driving and thinking about the day ahead, a baby sleeping in the back seat, facing backwards so you don’t see them.
Nobody deserves this, the baby the parents, nobody. It is tragic and horrible.
Thanks for your post. I cannot imagine how this couple will cope. Such a tragedy...
I'm all for passing judgement when it means something -- every person on this planet must past judgements in order to survive. You walk into a restaurant that smells like rotten grease and has a foul-looking fry cook behind the grill, you pass a few judgements, you turn around and walk out, and save yourself a bad case of ptomaine poisoning. There's a lot to be said for passing judgement.
But pax et bonum, you are SO RIGHT to be disgusted with the posters here who are so quick to condemn the parents. I'll pass a judgement here -- such posters are chumps (and probably self-righteous mothers who are pains to their kids), every one of them. Better to pray for the comfort of the poor parents and then list our own happy blessings and thank God mightily for them. There but for the grace of God goes me -- and every poster on this forum.
Megadittos. It’s hard to understand how this happens. But it happened. And now they are just as you describe them.