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Sunday Morning Talk Show Thread 22 July 2007
Various big media television networks ^
| 22 July 2007
| Various Self-Serving Politicians and Big Media Screaming Faces
Posted on 07/22/2007 4:39:17 AM PDT by Alas Babylon!
The Talk Shows
Sunday, July 22nd, 2007
Guests to be interviewed today on major television talk shows:
FOX NEWS SUNDAY (Fox Network): White House homeland security adviser Frances Fragos Townsend; Sens. Kit Bond, R-Mo., and Evan Bayh, D-Ind.; British entrepreneur Richard Branson.
MEET THE PRESS (NBC): National Intelligence Director Mike McConnell and Sen. Russ Feingold, D-Wis.
FACE THE NATION (CBS): Sens. Harry Reid, D-Nev., and Olympia Snowe, R-Maine.
THIS WEEK (ABC): Pre-empted by coverage of the British Open golf tournament
LATE EDITION (CNN) : White House homeland security adviser Frances Fragos Townsend; Pakistani Foreign Minister Khurshid Kasuri; Sens. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., and Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.; David Bonior, John Edwards' campaign manager, and Rep. Artur Davis, D-Ala., Barack Obama supporter.
TOPICS: Breaking News; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: guests; lineup; news; sunday; talkshows
Navigation: use the links below to view more comments.
first previous 1-20 ... 221-240, 241-260, 261-280, 281-287 last
To: bray; Alas Babylon!; CDB; AliVeritas; Laverne; Mo1; anita; Bahbah; maica; MNJohnnie; altura; ...
Top Ten Awards for July 22, 2007
Posted without article text for brevity
I'm not even going to attempt to assess these posts individually, except for the top 3, beyond a fairly arbitrary ranking of the top 10. By different criteria, all of which I believe are valid, I think I could put any of these 10 in any place in this list. On balance this is my final ranking for this week based on a gut feeling of how the posts, collectively, play against multiple criteria.
Early in the thread I joked that I was hoping for a light thread, under 300, so that things would be easy on me this week.
Well, be careful what you wish for, because you might get it and find it's not what you were expecting.
The thread only got up to 278 posts, but what posts they were! Out of that I've pulled 102 posts by 29 posters. I don't believe I have ever seen a Sunday thread so dense with excellent comments.
Thank you. Thank you all very much (and yes, that's both honest praise and sarcasm).
Phsstpok has now left the building.
10th place bray
9th Place Alas Babylon!
8th Place CDB
7th Place Bahbah
6th Place Laverne
5th Place Mo1
4th Place AliVeritas
Third Place maica - Excellent comments and observations, coupled with informative links to outside sources that provided helpful insight on the topics of the day. These type of posts are why I first came to FR and this thread.
Second Place anita - The Nuggets, as always, are priceless, but this week they were also framed by an extra helping of insightful and informative posts, including a couple of special zingers.
First Place MNJohnnie - Several essays that could stand alone, many excellent points, observations and insights along with informative facts and links. A tour de force!
posted on
07/29/2007 6:14:11 AM PDT
(Often wrong, but never in doubt)
To: bray; Alas Babylon!; CDB; AliVeritas; Laverne; Mo1; anita; Bahbah; maica; MNJohnnie; altura; ...
Top Ten Awards for July 22, 2007
with text
I'm not even going to attempt to assess these posts individually, except for the top 3, beyond a fairly arbitrary ranking of the top 10. By different criteria, all of which I believe are valid, I think I could put any of these 10 in any place in this list. On balance this is my final ranking for this week based on a gut feeling of how the posts, collectively, play against multiple criteria.
Early in the thread I joked that I was hoping for a light thread, under 300, so that things would be easy on me this week.
Well, be careful what you wish for, because you might get it and find it's not what you were expecting.
The thread only got up to 278 posts, but what posts they were! Out of that I've pulled 102 posts by 29 posters. I don't believe I have ever seen a Sunday thread so dense with excellent comments.
Thank you. Thank you all very much (and yes, that's both honest praise and sarcasm).
Phsstpok has now left the building.
10th place bray
- #116; "The Vietnamese Camps werent that bad and neither was the Gulag. It is estimated 300,000 S Vietnamese were murdered those torture camps. ... You have to understand, that is the gummit CommiecRats want for this Country. Guess who would be heading for those Re-educaction camps??... "
- #121; "Some would say congress has been on vaca ever since Do Nothing Nancy became Squeaker of the house."
- #140; "They hate all Republicans, its just that President Bush represents everything they hate about America. His love of God, Country and the Military are all the targets of PravdABDNC. ... The Surge having success is only multiplying their hatred by proving them wrong. ... "
- #141; "Dont forget that all of the Demappeasers want to invade Pakistan to find Ossama bin Hiden. They argue that we should be in Pakistan rather than Iraq....Right!"
- #203; "Remember the Stone Age Press saying the Taliban was preparing for a Spring/Summer offensive in Afghanistan? Remember how doomed out troops were going to be? Wrong again Pravda."
- #258; "The last great victory for the Dim Party was when our helicopters were evacuating the Saigon Embassy. They are having a harder time getting that victory in Iraq thanks to the stubborness of President George W Bush."
9th Place Alas Babylon!
- #56; "I think it is possible that the democrats really believe their moonbats, and think opposing the war in Iraq is a winner for them. ... In our opinion, of course, it is not a winner, and the dems could very well lose big because theyre betting their wad that this horse will win for them. ... Still, I hear people complaining all the time about the warand this is in Alabama, a very pro-military and Pres Bush state. The talk that these, I dont know what to call them, pro-losers? Anti-Iraq war? ... Anyway, the talk usually focuses on the fact that in there minds too many guys have been killed, followed by no reason to be there after Saddam was disposed, finished up with we should just nuke the whole place. ... I debate them and basically tell the truth, specifically: ... -We ARE winning ... -Weve had a remarkable number of LOW casualtieslower than ANY war in history, given the number of troops involved ... -Pres Bush said in his speech to Congress and the nation on 21 Sep 2001 that this war would be unlike any other. That fighting would take a long time, probably beyond his administration ... Now, given that you cheered this speech then, and you agreed to buck it up and let America do what the Pres said needed to be done, even if it took a long time, why are you NOW throwing in the towel? (this is very effective here in Bush countryit reminds them that they too made a commitment and to back out now is reneging on that) ... -Do you really believe everything you see and hear on the driveby media newscasts? Remember how you scorn their Leftist bias? Is it possible the DBM might be exaggerating the failures of this war to discourage you? ... -Talk to a soldier, Marine, Sailor or airman whose been there. Ask them what they think about the mission, and whether were succeeding or not."
- #205; "... I am hearing a lot of discouragement lately from, otherwise up to this point, stalwarts. I am concerned. ... The fact that the Republican party has not gotten out in everything from local newspapers up to beating the doors down of the big three broadcasters in support of this war and harping on its successes is killing us. In shouldn't have to be just the Pres and his administration doing this. Where are our Representatives and Senators? Compare their silence with how the democrats everywhere protected Clinton during his impeachment. What mattered more to this country? ... Still, the number one dealer in our defeat has been the DBM. Damn them straight to Hell! I said it right after the Nov 06 elections. Others might disagree, but Ill say it again. The DBM is doing more to lose the war on terrorism, worldwide, as well as in Iraq, than even the enemy. By their constant harping on atrocities by US (so unfair, if anything our military often gets itself killed to avoid atrocitiessomething no other military has barely bothered with) and their profound hatred of George W. Bush, they're willing to see us lose rather than a political enemy protect us (and look good in the bargain). ... I dont know how we can truly sustain our efforts to support the Pres in Iraq with this biased group of gatekeepers of whats occurring in the world. We truly have very limited access to the minds and hearts of most people to let them now whats really going on. ... I am sad to say I think were going to lose this thing. Unless some spectacular successes happen in the next two months, and then they might never be reported, when Gen David Petraeus makes his report come September more people weve relied on to keep their chin up will drop it and want out."
8th Place CDB
- #208; "Good morning all! Many thanks to AB for this thread, which continues to be WAY better than the Sunday talk shows. Congratulations to last weeks winners, and to all the informed posts on this thread. Iand probably most FReeperswould much rather read the ongoing debates between MNJohnie and Kabar than watch a phony 'debate' between rat Harry Reid and 'Republican' Olympia Snowe. ... That said, I have incredible problems, trying to understand this 'war weariness' phenomenon. Its everywhere. Even, as AB states, in Alabama. I see NO civilian sacrifices, low casualty rates, full employment, a 14,000 Dow, a soaring ecomomy, etc. etc. But 'critics' are 'tired of this war.' Until you remind em of the points that AB does such a good job of stating. ... The rats Congressional approval rating in lower than NIXONSon the day he left office (thanks, Anita, for the link to the blogger who pointed this out). As pointed out on this thread week after week, the rats sound just like the terrorists defense lawyers. The rats criticize everything the Bush Administration doesor they simply dont report the good stuff, like the truth about tax cuts, rising revenue flows, a fantastic economy, etc. Americans dont like being told (by the rats and the MSM/LSM/DBM) that good things for America are 'really' bad things, because they arent good for the rats. A 14% Congressional rat approval rating? The MSM/LSM/DBM will probably ignore this, too, like the do all positive economic news." (Note: reply to Alas Babylon!'s post #56)
- #233; "I totally agree, Maica. I've been telling everyone I know about Michael Yon's blog . A pal of mine is a distant relative of Ernie Pyle, and whole-heartedly agreed with me (after reading Yon's 'Dispatches,' that Yon is the Ernie Pyle of the Iraq War. Five years of negativity by the drive-bys, and NOT ONE report about POSITIVE events, is a really pitiful record. If those same drive-bys had reported on WWII, they undoubtedly would have insisted we retreat in full, after the Battle of Kasserine Pass. The drive bys of today would have told Americans that 'the War is Over.' And 'we'll never beat the ''battle-tested' Germans.' 'Let's surrender and go home.' Really, we should always say that we are 'pro-victory,' and not 'pro-war.' The other guys AREN'T 'anti-war,' they're 'pro-surrender.' HUGE difference. Up to recently. our side has not been very effective at all in countering the drive-bys. I hope that changes soon." (Note: reply to maica's post #223)
7th Place Bahbah
- #50; "Are we water boarding, asks Timmy. ... (I hope so, says Bahbah.) ... McConnell of course does not answer that with specificity either. He talks about the medical monitoring and other protections for the bastards we are questioning (my word, not his). ... Timmy keeps pushing. Would these techniques be troubling to the American people? (Not to me, as you can see from my comment above.) ... What if we did this to an American? ... McConnell doesnt want Americans to have to go through the process, but its not torture."
- #52; "McConnell is doing a very good job. He reminds me of the kinds of serious people we used to see on these shows years and years ago."
- #54; "Timmy is trotting out all of the MSMs action lines this morning...Iraq is a recruiting tool, its really sectarian violence...we torture...the Administration is trying to elevate the importance of al-Qaeda."
- #60; "McConnell didnt like the set up of a secondary intel unit in the Pentagon, but my God, with the CIA so utterly corrupted, what the heck else can you do. ... McConnell uses the unfortunate 'speak truth to power' phrase. ... He says now that hes on the inside, he sees things differently from when he was critical. The President and VP are quite open to the opinions of others, he says. ... He is not helping Timmy out at all."
- #69; "Feingold is going to intoduce a resolution censuring the President and Vice President."
- #71; "OMG, Feingold says this has been the greatest assault on our Constitution in the history of this country. ... And by the way, he lies all the way through this appearance."
- #72; "Hah! Feingold doesnt have any Republican support. He didnt say that, but its clear. ... What a contrast between the serious and plain speaking McConnell and the lying, over the top nutcase from my home state of Wisconsin."
- #79; "Its hard to say whether David Brooks does more harm than good. Listen carefully to some of the words that he uses when he talks about the President."
- #82; "It is not hard to say whether Woodward does more harm than good. ... I really dont know why anyone listens to him."
- #86; "Woodward wants to reassure us that this notion that there will be a slaughter in Iraq is just being made up and probably wont happen. ... Timmy tries to bolster that idea. We were wrong about everything else, he says, so maybe were wrong about the potential for genocide. (No, we are not.)"
- #106; "how did you like Kerrys Turneresque NK like statement on what happened after we pulled out of Vietnam? ... We need to plaster pictures of Vietnamese re-education "camps" all over the door of Kerry's Senate office, we need to fax thousands of them to his fax machine along with pictures of the killing fields." (Note: reply to AliVeritas post #93)
- #122; "Evan Bayh is dummer than a tree stump."
- #156; "Hmmm, the Pakistani foreign minister took American media seriously to task for reporting nothing but American casualties in this war. He point out that plenty of their military are dying in this fight as well. ... He was quite effective."
- #166; "The guy touting Hillary on CNN says she is the one who knows how to get things done. I have to agree with that. The problem is that I dont want the things that she wants to get done."
- #176; "No, no, Johnnie, not GOOD things. She knows how to get people smeared, she knows how to get people fired, she knows how to get hold of FBI files. I mean, the woman really can get things done, its just that those things are evil." (Note: reply to MNJohnnie's post #171)
6th Place Laverne
- #49; "Fran is doing a very good job on FNC talking about AQI, the NIE, and terrorism overall. Chris Wallace is asking some pretty biased questions. Example (paraphrased): We have taken our eye off the ball, and the real threat is Pakistan not Iraq, and how come the President talks about Iraq being the central front on the war on terror, when we know that AQ is reestablishing a safe haven in Pakistan. ... Townsend: Chris, I remind you of the very words of OBL who stated that Iraq is like world war III and they must win in Iraq. ... It drives me batty how the media ignore the facts and go with the spin. I prefer FNS when Brit is in the chair asking the quetions his are straight forward and non-biased; Wallace does not have the same skills, for sure."
- #57; "Kit Bond coming up on FNS; I dont recall seeing much of him on the talk show circuit. Are republicans finally understanding that they need to put out strong SUPPORTERS of the war rather than weak sisters (Hagel, Collins, Snowe, Voinivich) on the air? Based on comments above about what a good job Mitch is doing, and how Fran just did a good job on FNS, perhaps the new strategy is finally getting facts out rather than spin. ... Bond and Bayh, should be interesting. Bayh is not Schumer, he usually speaks with sanity, unlike Schmukie. ... LOL: Kit Bond essentially laughs at Wallace asking about a covert war in Pak. Says: Yeah right Wallace, we are really going to talk about that on national television. Kits facial expression and the words back to Wallace were humorous. I really liked it."
- #61; "HA! Wallace again asks the stupid question: Is Iraq the central war on terror? Bond answers correctly and talks about how successful the surge is. Bayh gives the typical spin answer: Iraq is NOT the central war on terror, its Pak and Afgan and there is where we should be fighting. ... Well, surprise of surprises: Wallace is questioning Bahy on his change of positions back then Iraq was the central front and now it is not. Bayh says, well Im right both times, it was then but its not now! Talk about your daily spin cycle."
- #73; "Juan Williams says have the 'trophy wife' on (gets resounding boos from everyone on the panel) in response to Brits suggestion that FNC should host a debate of the spouses (since they are getting such media attention). ... Juan says Hillary was right to ask the question and the DEPSECDEF was WRONG in his response. Maura says everyone knows the Pentagon plans for all contingencies and it was a political question from Hillar to begin with. ... I really dont like Wallace."
- #88; "Big Slap down to Juan by brit, and not a funny one, but quite a serious one: ... JUAN: YOU NEED TO READ THE NEWS MORE CAREFULLY BECAUSE RIGHT NOW WE ARE WINNING (surge success). ... Very serious smack down and a very well deserved one."
- #157; "I thought so too bahbah; he also took the american media to task overall on their reporting, although Woffie didnt catch it, or simply ignored it. Woffie was funny, 'this administrations NIE' (when we know its the intel agencies NIE, and that there are several intel community folks who want to undermine President Bush. Woffie is pretty snarky in much of what he says and really quite biased overall. No surprises there." (Note: reply to Bahbah's post #156)
- #159; "Mitch is on with Woffie and doing response to Feingolds effort to censure the President (I didnt know Russ was planning such an action). Feingold is right in league with the slumber party...not legislating, just playing politics. ... Woffie is reading the censure to make sure it gets out in the public. ... Mitch: Its safe to say that Feingold is not a fan of President Bush, and that the democrats are just playing games. ... Good for Mitch ... Woffie is a jerk"
- #162; "Mitch: We are waiting until September and will discuss the issues based on FACTS, not speculation from the democrats who have already decided that the surge has failed. ... Woffie brings up the four pubbies who voted for surrender. ... Shows Reid making a clymer of himself in the Senate and asks Mitch to respond/ ... Woof: Why are you standing in the way for a vote on surrender? ... Mitch: We had fewer defections on the Reed/Levin amendment; one democrat actually voted with us (Lieberman?), and 60 votes is typical on major issues. ... Turbin Durbin up next...time to turn off CNN."
5th Place Mo1
4th Place AliVeritas
- #80; "How can you censure the pres and vice pres? ... Do any of these guys read the constitution and procedures? ... Who does oversight on the judicial side? Nevermind. ... P.S. Feingold loves to silence everyone it seems."
- #85; "re: DEPSECDEF ... He shouldve written: ... Senator Clinton, ... Due to the propensity of classified and other documents turning up with your fingerprints... Due to your husbands administration and the destruction of Ops and National Security... Due to your seven sister organizations..."
- #87; "Did anyone think to ask (why do I bother), why the Cornyn amendment re: senate sense of withdrawal turns Iraq over to AQ and others and its a bad idea, passed 90 something to four the day before the pajama party? ... Has anyone asked yet, Why they asked for a change in strategy, took Petraeus through hell, approved him overwhelmingly, back in of extra troops in three weeks ago, success, then this... why?"
- #93; "Bah, how did you like Kerrys Turneresque NK like statement on what happened after we pulled out of Vietnam?" (Note: see Bahbah's reply in post #106)
- #99; "Did you see this? ... Newt To Twoofers - You're Insane! ... Chinese missiles smuggled through Iran into Iraq: US-(thats nice) ... Told people it was coming... environazis ... Science chief: cut birthrate to save Earth ... You know, obviously the MSM has no respect for life or death, let the lady get cold already: ... On Passing, AP Calls Tammy Faye Bakker-Messner Symbol of Greed and Hypocrisy in the 1980s ... Pelosi promises congressional contempt charge for Harriet Miers"
- #101; "Look whos holding hostages again ... Steyn"
- #139; "things some may have missed: ... Check out the Omri post, scroll down: ... The Non-Intelligent Response ... ... Also at Gateway: ... Ayaan Hirsi Ali Schools Canadian Far Left Boob (Video) ... Massive Rally in Bolivia Draws One Million Protesters ... For the Space Junkies ... ... Oh, check out the new approval ratings: ... In case you missed it: ... NY Times Bureau Chief Says US Critical To Iraq Stability ... What Is Really Happening In Iraq ... (Graphic Warning, Aces site) ... The previously deleted Kos post entitled Killitary on our troops becoming murderers and serial killers. (FYI, thank goodness he found it) ... Happy Moon Day ... Olbermann: This is Bushs War (clueless, transcript) ... For some weekend reading: ... ... ... In case you want to look at a bit of Sabotage... excerpt link at bottom ..." (Note: raw URL links mapped by me, any errors of title / link are my fault)
Third Place maica - Excellent comments and observations, coupled with informative links to outside sources that provided helpful insight on the topics of the day. These type of posts are why I first came to FR and this thread.
- #29; "Notice how quiet the DBM wing of the DNC has been about the 'August recess' of our esteemed [sptt] Congress. They will be leaving DC next Thursday at the latest - still July and returning after Labor Day == month of September. ... If the tables were reversed, the DBM would be calling this a three month vacation, using the math that Harry Reid used when he whined about '2 whole days' debating the cloture motion, when it was less than 24 hours of talking."
- #90; "Brit got the last word today, instead of running-out-the-clock Juan! ... Juan, you need to read the news more carefully..... ... Wow! It was beautiful."
- #146; "I just listened to the MTP panel for the first time in years. Nauseating. ... They posit that Cheney is destructive to the 'process' because he sits silently in meetings, and then tells the president his opinions in a 'secret, back channel' way. ... WOW! Now that is series! ... I guess the way Clinton practically barred Gore from the WH is a better way to operate."
- #223; "'I have incredible problems, trying to understand this 'war weariness' phenomenon.' ... The constant drumbeat of negative messages is wearying to the vast number of Americans who want to stop hearing about the carnage in Iraq when they hear a news broadcast or read a paper. ... Anti (American)-war activists call us 'pro-war', and this is not how people want to think of themselves, either. It is time to try to change this slogan to 'pro-victory.' ... Since the DBM/dem party have made such an issue of 'redeployment' we must fight language with language, and use the words 'withdrawal' and 'surrender.' We have to fight against the dbm/left control of language usage all the time."
- #228; "Investors Business Daily had an excellent editorial on Friday. I wish it would be required reading for every congressman, senator and media 'reporter.' ... To Win, Patience ... By INVESTORS BUSINESS DAILY | Posted Friday, July 20, 2007 4:20 PM PT ... Iraq: Timing is everything, they say, and thats certainly true in war. As a growing number in Congress seek to cut short our efforts to win in Iraq, the generals who know best say give us more time. They should have it. ... No one wants to stay in Iraq longer than needed. But to depart before the job is done would be a crime, leaving millions of Iraqis vulnerable to the predations of terrorists and creating a power vacuum that our enemies like Iran could exploit. ... Since winning Congress last November, the Democrats have tried repeatedly to force a 'withdrawal timeline' on this war something that would not only aid our enemies by letting them wait us out, but also diminish our chances of success. ... When President Bush announced the surge of 28,500 additional troops in January, it was in part a response to congressional complaints about not enough troops to do the job. Just a little over a month ago, the troop boost was completed. So far, as Gen. David Petraeus, the top commander in Iraq, noted last week, the surge seems to be working. But instead of lauding the plan and giving it time to work, Democrats continue to try to force an end to the war. That includes the silly slumber party they threw last week, which, fortunately, ended in failure. Obviously, some in Congress badly want us to lose. Why else would they try to force our own surrender just as were winning? ... continued.... ######## ... >>Obviously, some in Congress badly want us to lose. Why else would they try to force our own surrender just as were winning?<< ... This is the key question to ask our acquaintances who are growing weary, and who just want it to 'go away.'
- #251; "Yes, Michael Yon is a treasure. ... In the history repeats itself category, I ran across a story in an 1885 rural newspaper Khartoum entered by El Mahdi forces..., where the popular English General Gordon died, so I checked the reference on Wikipedia: ... Siege of Khartoum ... From Wikipedia ... Part of The Mahdist War ... (War of the Sudan) ... Date March 12, 1884 January 26, 1885 ... Location Khartoum, Sudan ... Result Mahdist victory ... Combatants ... United Kingdom ... Egypt Mahdist Sudan ... Commanders ... Charles George Gordon Muhammad Ahmad ... Strength ... 7,000 Egyptian troops 50,000 warriors ... Casualties ... Entire garrison killed ... Battles of the Mahdist War ... 'The Battle of Khartoum or Siege of Khartoum lasted from March 12, 1884 to January 26, 1885. It was fought in and around Khartoum between Egyptian forces led by British General Charles George Gordon and a Mahdist Sudanese army led by the Mahdi Muhammad Ahmad. Khartoum was besieged by the Mahdists and defended by a garrison of 7,000 Egyptian and loyal Sudanese troops. After a ten-month siege the Mahdists finally broke into the city and the entire garrison was killed.' ... 'On his way to Khartoum, with his assistant Colonel Stewart, Gordon stopped in Berber to address an assembly of tribal chiefs. Here he made one cardinal mistake by revealing that the Egyptian government wished to withdraw from Sudan. The tribesmen became worried by this news, and their loyalty wavered.[5]' ... Long story, which causes hair to rise on arms as I read it, General Gordon tried appeasement, mentioned withdrawal, and in the end the entire army under siege was killed by the Sudanese Mahdi army."
Second Place anita - The Nuggets, as always, are priceless, but this week they were also framed by an extra helping of insightful and informative posts, including a couple of special zingers.
- #17; "May be we are all sick & tired of the same recycling of the old news - Iraq, again & again. We made our point, though they (MSM) don't seem to be getting. Just see their eroding viewership. ... If the WH occupant was a dem, topic would have been Dow 14,000, it 's the economy stupid."
- #22; "... Bill Clinton's former WH aide & ABC News' George Stephanopoulos will moderate (with David Yepsen of The Des Moines Register as questioner) Republican 'This Week' Iowa Forum with Republican presidential candidates on August 5th @ Drake University."
- #27; "Right. Harry Reid tried with his minions on Liiby pardon a dirty trick which was going to back-fire with Mitch McConnel's Bill-Clinton sham(e) amendment on Harry Reid's (and dems) face. Then Harry went on to wipe the records to save their face. ... MSM as usual was silent not to report the shame." (Note: reply to MNJohnnie's post #23)
- #31; "True. There was also some suicide bombing which killed some 60 people there. ... Still for one party, it 's all 'Bumper Sticker' and nothing-else." (Note: reply to MNJohnnie's post #28)
- #38; "Worst. Congress. Ever. ... Bush - 34%, Congressional Democrats - 14%"
- #46; "Exactly. Ralph Peters, not a hard-core Conservative exposes both dems & the media's hypocritical ploys very well. Shame however, Fox is spreading Col.Hunt's lies unlike it's sister - NYPost." (Note: reply to MNJohnnie's post #42)
- #64; "People from the administartion go thro' Karl Rove filter to sunday shows. Other guests get selected by the networks thro' networks' democrat strategists. ... As for covert or other things, somethings are done for a reason, that will not be explained."
- #67; "This sunday's Media Nuggets ... ###### Truth in Reporting! Fox's Col.Hunt was blasting Iraq strategy all day, while CNN did REAL Iraq Reporting. Changing Times? ... ###### Washington Post "Analysis" piece or reprints from DNC press releases? Or, It is fantasy masquerading as analysis! ... ###### American newspaper industry Lying to their teeth! Another day, another debacle. ... ###### On the Record, Now! -> Reporters off-the-record barbecue With Mitt Romney. (Carl Cameron (with his two son)s, Times Mark Halperin, Politicos Mike Allen, USA Todays Susan Page, CNNs Candy Crowley, ABCs Rick Klein and The Washington Examiners Bill Sammon). And Romney gets Result. ... ###### Media General's second-quarter profit tumbles -> 75 Percent primarily due to significant decline at The Tampa Tribune. Also, McClatchy's Q2 revenue falls. ... ###### MSM Snub Vets! Black-out Vets For Freedom reportage, then exaggerate's antiwar shouts. (Shaming the Media, Vets met @ President Bush @ WH for over an hour.) ... ###### Not by National Press Club! -> Wounded Troops treated to Mediterranean Hospitality By Italian Ambassador. ... ###### ABC's Charles Gibson will anchor a special edition of "20/20" exploring Billy Graham's ties to 11 administrations -> from Harry Truman to George W. Bush. ... ###### Rest In Peace! -> Cincinnati Post & Kentucky Post 126 years-old newspapers & Business 2.0 magazine, 7 year-old Time Inc. publication. ... ###### Bill O'Reilly's "Intelligence Analyst" exposed -> by Larry Kudlow. ... This Just In ........... *** Getting a Job from W -> Speakeasy. ... *** "Twice as Good" is the bio of Condoleezza Rice by NYTimes' business editor, Marcus Mabry. ... *** Obama Girl to be Playboy's "Babe of the Month". ... *** Graceful! -> Remember the pain Bob Novak caused with his silence about Armitage leak? Well, Vice President Dick Cheney was toasting with Bob Novak @ his The Prince of Darkness book-release party. ... *** Fox signs Bo' Dietl (who called Obama as Barak Hussain Obama on Fox) as exclusive contributor. Liz Claman is out from CNBC Morning Call. ABC fires it's manager, John Boswell in Atlanta, then Fox hires him as it's Atlanta Bureau Chief. (Fox already become part of MSM.)"
- #75; "Feingold is fighting for terrorists civil rights. And he is one of those 3 voted against the resolution condemning Irans attack on our Soldiers."
- #81; "David Brooks is male Peggy Noonan. Also, remember his employer." (Note: reply to Bahbah's post #79)
- #91; "Hillary Clinton is making a big mistake in this to please her nutroots. Kerry found out meddling with military is a dangerous thing. Unless she make amends this will come back to haunt her like SBV."
- #126; "Yes, so many things media assumed as true, but turned different. They often characterise the President as lazy early sleeper. But forget that President is an early riser and comes to work @ 7 AM. (Bill Clinton used to show up @ 12 noon). ... Media people are as lazy as Clinton, go to party late nights and things of such. Being faithful to wife & family is rare on their turf." (Note: reply to snugs post #120)
- #191; "'Interesting now to consider that their are Iraqi stringers, who worked for AP in Iraq, who are in Iraqi prisons caught red handed building bombs with the Insurgents.' ... Not only that, these stringers are termed as 'journalists'. While these stringers fall victims themselves while they picture suicide bombings, media cleverly takes credit to criticise the war at the same time - claiming many "journalists" lost their lives in this war (only that two thirds of them were stringers)." (Note: reply to MNJohnnie's post #187)
First Place MNJohnnie - Several essays that could stand alone, many excellent points, observations and insights along with informative facts and links. A tour de force!
- #23; "Yeah that been really the interesting thing to watch. President went out and did another dog and pony show on Iraq this week. What coverage you saw, the very little of it there was, was all spun as 'Bush claims', 'Bush tries to make case' they pulled out every possible stop to spin it as 'Bush is desperate'. ... But at least Talk Radio is off the bench. With nothing else to talk about, they are finally having to get into the fight on Iraq. Interesting thing is since then, the Democrat position on Iraq is LOSING votes. ... They passed the 1st bill but then could not override the Pres. NOW they cannot even pass the bill. ... Time is not on the Democrats side on this. Really wonder what Harry will do now. Wonder if they will really go for cutting off the Iraq funding? They will lose ALL the 'Moderates' on that so they dont have the votes for that either but at least they can tell their insane wing of their base 'we tried'. ... Seems Harry is just too dumb to know when to simply fold a losing hand and move on." (Note: reply to anita's post #17)
- #28; "Beijings war on terror hides brutal crackdown on Muslims ... ... Interesting article in the London Sunday Times today. Seems the Chicoms are having their own Islamofacist problem."
- #32; "Yeah, every time they start whining about the Iraqi Parliament, I want to ask them 'And just what has the US Congress accomplished this year that justifies them taking a 6 week summer vacation EVERY year'?" (Note: reply to maica's post #29)
- #37; "'The Treason Lobby'. Oh my MS Coulter certain has a way with words." (Note: reply to anita's post #31)
- #42; "And the Leftist pollsters are all trying to claim it is because of Iraq. ... Wonder why they cannot see the obvious. ... Congress started with an approval rating of about 50% in Jan. They did NOTHING for 5 months but fight with the President over Iraq. ... The Presidents numbers stayed rock solid, except for a 4 point dip during the Immigration bill fiasco, while Congress CONTINUES dropping like a stone. ... So contrary to the spin being put on the numbers by the PC Media, it seems the Country is sick and tired of the Democrats Iraq fixations and wants them to actually DO something rather manufacture reasons to fight with the President." (Note: reply to anita's post #38)
- #100; "Pakistan is an ally. We cannot operate in Pakistan because it creates huge problems with the Pakistani Nationalists. Idiots like Wallace and the DC Old Boys club would make a tenuous situation in Pakistan take a disastrous turn (ala the fall of the Shah in Iran in 1979) with their stupid blustering and DC Arm Chair generalizing. ... It would be an utter disaster and defeat for the US to have Pakistan, and its nuclear arsenal, fall into the hands of a hard line Islamist regime. ... Iraq, like Italy in 1943, was the place we had the means, and the methods, to fight the this enemy. Contrary to all the senile stupid blustering from the DC Old Boys club, there WAS NO WHERE BUT IRAQ for the US to go to after Afghanistan. ... EVEN if Al Gore won in 2000 and 09-11 happened we would STILL be doing the exact same thing in Iraq. There was NO other viable strategic choice for the USA. ... Love the way the Do Nothings on both the Right and the Left desperately try to manufacture some reason to be against Iraq. ... The dirty little secret here is that Wallace and Hillary and the rest of the DC Clown Posse dont want US to be ANYWHERE. However, they KNOW the Country was demanding SOMETHING be done in the aftermath of 09-11 so they continually manufacture excuses why we should be anyplace but Iraq rather then admit they have been all wrong about International Relations since Vietnam."
- #110; "If you can turn them on to this Website. ... Vets for Freedom ... ... Nothing quite so effective has hearing the words from the front. These guys are a Capt, a pair of LTs, 2 Sgt and a Navy Corpsman. All are Iraq and Afganistan Vets. ... No politicans, not activists. Just real vets with words for the American people. Think what they say should penetrate the endless din of PC Media noise that is blocking the ears of most Americans when it comes to Iraq" (Note: reply to Alas Babylon!'s post #56)
- #138; "Please pass this on to your household Conservative this to chew on. Isolationism doesnt work. Like it or not these people want to kill them. We have to go kill them first. Their is no peaceful coexistence with these people. We cannot hunker down in Fortress America and wish these people would just go away. ... Why Iraq ... <SNIP>" (Note: excellent post with great Churchill piece, too long to copy, but make sure to read)
- #152; "Because the Democrats want to have their cake and eat it too and are merely relying on their toady's in the PC Media to cover up the fact that they are on both sides of the issue on Iraq. ... They try to posture as being FOR the mission but being against the way the mission is being run for the Blue Collar Dems and, at the same time, being against the War for their idiot fringe like, Act up, Kos Klowns etc. ... I mean, HOW many times do the Democrats have to lose the arguement on Iraq before they finally wake up to the fact the American people DO NOT, and never have, supported their DO Nothing about any serious issues while endlessly grandstanding for the big dollar donors PR stunts? There is a REASON their approval rating has gone from just under 50% to 14% in 6 months. Democrats are just lucky that their base hates us so much. Sane rational Americans would be spitting on the current crop of petulant, incompetent arrogant fools currently running the Democrat party." (Note: reply to AliVeritas' post #87)
- #160; "PJ O Rouke did a really funny chapter in one of his books about the Overpopulation Nazis. Title of the chapter was 'Just enough of me, WAY too many of you'. Just nailed them."
- #171; "Hillary knows how to get thing done? ... Since when? ... As Co president accomplished....nothing. ... As Senator has passed..... nothing. ... Since when is doing nothing 'getting things done'?"
- #187; "Interesting now to consider that their are Iraqi stringers, who worked for AP in Iraq, who are in Iraqi prisons caught red handed building bombs with the Insurgents. ... Seems the Leftist Anti American media hasnt learned a thing from the 1960s and their part in creating the Killing Fields." (Note: reply to ClaireSolt's post #184)
- #209; "I disagree. I see groups like this forming. ... Vets for Freedom ... I hear the Talk Radio hosts FINALLY getting off the bench on Iraq. ... The vote totals in Congress are moving against the Democrat Leadership. ... The 1st bill they managed to pass but could not over ride a Presidential veto. Now they cannot even get the votes for cloture and lost votes in the US House. ... You are seeing more and more positive coverage leaking thur the DNC directed medias censorship. You are even starting to see Repulican Congress critters, like Kit Bond today, get off their butt. ... Pretty soon the Democrats are going to have to get off the pot and actually try to pull funding. When they do that they will lose all the 'moderate' votes. ... Time is on our side, not theirs. It always is. The more information that gets out there, the worse it is for the DC Propagandists message. ... From Hillary Care, to Immigration to Iraq, the Elites can only win when they can move quick. The longer the debate drags out, the worse the DC Noise machine does. ... I think the problem is most of your peer group are Vietnam Era vets. So they tend to run everything thru the 'Lessons of Vietnam' rule book. ... Get the American people behind you. ... Win quick. ... Dont take many casualties. ... Get the heck out. ... Only problem is this rule book is written for a completely different sort of war. Vietnam and Iraq are not at all compariable. Here is why. ... Vietnam did not start out with a 09-11 style attack on the US homeland. ... There is no Watergate scandal to cripple the Administration. ... The PC Media does not control the flow of information to nearly the extent they did in 1974. Both Talk Radio and the Internet provide just as many people with their information as Big Media. ... The Talk Radio hosts are FINALLY starting to get into this fight. ... The activist base on the Right is much larger, better organized and more activist then Nixons 'silent majority'. ... The Anti American movement on the Left is much smaller, more wacko and not being funded and actively aided by our enemies like their were during the late 1960s-early 1970s. ... Iraq is not Vietnam Redux. ... Vietnam was a Cold War proxy war bettween the conventionally armed Superpower proxies that the American people could not understand why we were fighting. It was fought with a draftee army thus giving an overwhelming personal cause for the petulent brats of the 'anti War' movement. ... Iraq is not a proxy war. It is a war against a clearly deadly foe. It is being fought with a volunteer military. And despite some patetic PR performances by those on our side, that message is out there and being communicated. ... Forget the polling data. You can structure a poll to get almost any result you want. The fact is the Democrats did not even dare run against Iraq in 2006. They did everything to avoid having to clearly state a position. ... Then they went to DC and got seduced by the rabid 'Anti War' crowd that controls the US PC Media into beliving the 2006 results were all about Iraq. NO they were not. ... And the proof is in the pudding. For 6 months, the Democrats have done NOTHING but grandstand on Iraq. NOW the ONLY support they have is the same rabid Leftist 10-15% that even after 09-11 did NOT support the President or the US in any poll. ... No sir, time is on OUR side, not theirs."
- #214; "Curious thing. Even on Immigration you had Talk Radio hosts that were on the other side from the Majority. Know the one thing they are all 100% for? ... Winning in Iraq. ... Even rabid whiners like Savage and Ingraham cannot stomach the Democrats Cut and Run dogma. ... You are confusing real supporters of the war with the DC Old Boy like like Warner, Alexander etc who were never really on our side. They had to be dragged kicking and screaming to do something after 09-11, and merely found the quickest way to get back to their per 09-11 Neo Isolationists (aka Realist) world view. Why do you thing the Republican Old Boys in the Senate pushed so hard for the ISG to be formed? Because they knew with the right people on it it would give them the political coverage they needed to surrender on Iraq ... The Falling away in DC is the posturing of politicians who merely found it convent to ditch a position they never really wanted to have to embrace in the 1st place. ... That one of the interesting things. The old boys in the Establishment, on both sides (i.e. the Appeasement Now Left and the Isolationist Right) have a lot more in common with each other then they do with the American people. ... For them 09-11 was just a chance thing that now that they have passed some laws and spent some money they dont ever have to worry about. To the DC Machine 09-11 is no reason for them to give up the political dogmas they have spent their whole lives defending. ... Like most people living in a bubble world, the DC Political-media machine simply tunes out all uncomfortable facts to cling to their comfortable self satisfied existence. ... Not even a catastrophic event like 09-11 can really get the DC Dinosaurs to fundamentally alter their world view and their pat political dogmas. They can be forced for a time by an overwhelming response by the America people to pretend to change but in the end they always revert to form. ... That is one of the reasons Term Limits makes so much sense. By about the 3 or 4th term they have become so isolated by their staffs, and the DD Media machine, from reality they simply stop being the peoples Representatives."
- #243; "That one of the things that is getting lost in the DC Noise storm on Iraq. ... The Democrat leadership is losing ground on Iraq. ... In may the Republicans did not even have the guts to fillbuster. This time they did. The Democrats support is weakening in DC, not growing. The more they posture and the more they cater to their lunatic fringe base, the less chance they have of passing anything. The political momentum here is working against the Democrats, not for them."
- #271; "Point out to him Napoleon in Spain, the Nazis in Eastern Europe and the Russians in Afghanistan tried a sort of 'nuke them all' strategy. It sounds good, it doesnt work. ... I would just leave aside the obvious problem of the basic immorality of killing mass numbers of innocence's just because Americans find it emotionally unpleasant that the real world is an awkward, difficult place. ... My suggest to all those people so upset about Iraq? ... TURN OFF THE NEWS. Quit worrying about it. Iraq is a matter of supreme indifference to the lives of 95% of Americans. They neither know anyone in Iraq or even in the Military. ... Just stop worrying about it and let the sheepdogs get on with their job of killing the wolves. ... Too many American 'Conservatives' are allowing the Anti American Leftist that dominate the US 'News' media to manipulate their emotions. The ONLY reason they think they have to be upset about Iraq is because they listen to the nonsense screamed at them 24-7-365 by a drama queen media culture. ... Another thing, turn them on to this website. ... These are guys who have been there, done that. These are the people the people at home should be listening too. Not the political propagandists pretending to be 'Journalists'. ... How many times do Conservative have to be lied to by the failed 'news media' before they stop taking their noise as credible, factual and honest? I can think of at least 2 dozen lies told by the News media since 09-11-01 without even really trying. ..."
posted on
07/29/2007 6:15:17 AM PDT
(Often wrong, but never in doubt)
To: Alas Babylon!; All
Special Notice
Alas Babylon posted the following question on this Sunday's thread:
Question for the FReepers on this thread:
What do you think?
Are folks getting War Weary? Are they ready to throw in the towel?
Are the dems blowing their wad on the antiwar minority?
Are we going to win in Iraq?
Are we going to pull out of Iraq?
What is the future of this war on terrorists? (har, and buy me a winning lottery ticket!)
That question generated responses from a wide array of posters, all interesting and thought provoking, in my mind. This started with direct responses from
bray, #213; Fury, #218; snugs, #220; jackv, #226; maica, #228; BusterBear, 234
And those posts generated some of their own responses. I'd like to recommend that folks read through those posts and replies as well as consider the questions posed by AB!
Really well done IMHO, people!
posted on
07/29/2007 6:16:39 AM PDT
(Often wrong, but never in doubt)
To: Phsstpok
By different criteria, all of which I believe are valid, I think I could put any of these 10 in any place in this list.That is always the way I feel when I do this :)
posted on
07/29/2007 6:20:54 AM PDT
To: Phsstpok
Really good job “P”.Even though the thread was short it was packed with great posts.
posted on
07/29/2007 6:41:45 AM PDT
(Support The New media, Ticket the Drive-bys, --America-The land of the Free because of the Brave-)
To: Phsstpok; MNJohnnie; anita; maica; rodguy911; Alas Babylon!
Sunday Talk Show Awards for Sunday 22nd July 2007 courtesy of Phsstpok - thanks for your hard work and congratulations to the winners
posted on
07/29/2007 6:45:12 AM PDT
((An English Cheney Chick - Big Time))
To: snugs
Aw shucks, thanks. Gets my competitive juices flowing.
posted on
07/29/2007 10:06:07 AM PDT
(Have you have gotten mixed up in a mish-masher?)
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