Posted without article text for brevity
I'm not even going to attempt to assess these posts individually, except for the top 3, beyond a fairly arbitrary ranking of the top 10. By different criteria, all of which I believe are valid, I think I could put any of these 10 in any place in this list. On balance this is my final ranking for this week based on a gut feeling of how the posts, collectively, play against multiple criteria.
Early in the thread I joked that I was hoping for a light thread, under 300, so that things would be easy on me this week.
Well, be careful what you wish for, because you might get it and find it's not what you were expecting.
The thread only got up to 278 posts, but what posts they were! Out of that I've pulled 102 posts by 29 posters. I don't believe I have ever seen a Sunday thread so dense with excellent comments.
Thank you. Thank you all very much (and yes, that's both honest praise and sarcasm).
Phsstpok has now left the building.
10th place bray
9th Place Alas Babylon!
8th Place CDB
7th Place Bahbah
6th Place Laverne
5th Place Mo1
4th Place AliVeritas
Third Place maica - Excellent comments and observations, coupled with informative links to outside sources that provided helpful insight on the topics of the day. These type of posts are why I first came to FR and this thread.
Second Place anita - The Nuggets, as always, are priceless, but this week they were also framed by an extra helping of insightful and informative posts, including a couple of special zingers.
First Place MNJohnnie - Several essays that could stand alone, many excellent points, observations and insights along with informative facts and links. A tour de force!