NFP is supported by the Catholic church. It couldn’t be farther away from abortion.
The NY Times is *so* busted. The NFP helps women *avoid* abortions.
They teach Abstinence-Only-Until-Marriage Education.
NFP as supported by the Catholic Church stands for Natural Family Planning. Not the same thing.
Not that this changes my support for Fred in anyway......
I think you’re confusing the group with Natural Family Planning, the method used by many to avoid pregnancy. The group about which the article is written is some ‘Family Planning’ group. Maybe they were trying to get federal funds for abortion. Didn’t work.
“NFP is supported by the Catholic church. It couldnt be farther away from abortion.”
I believe you are mistaken.
Natural Family Planning (NFP) is supported by the Catholic Church, not National Family Planning(ie-ABORTION).
When will you realize you are supporting a mirage?
BTW, Life is not about federalism. I know some of you have convinced yourselves that Fred’s vague statements about “a woman’s decision,” and “between her and her doctor” can somehow be stretched into a federalist argument. It can’t.
Natural Law is fundamental to this country’s founding. Before there was a constitution, there was a declaration that listed THE RIGHT TO LIFE as the first and most fundamental of our natural rights. The protection of life is both a national and state obligation.
By suggesting we can “give it back to the states” is to say “I wash my hands of it. The people will decide if they want Jesus or Barabbas.”
A society that does not defend innocent human life defends nothing. There are no librites without life. There is no pursuit of happiness without life. There are no rights to private property or to defend oneself or one’s family if LIFE is not protected as SACRED.
A government that does not defend life is no government. A politician is worthless if he only takes a public stand when it helps his own career.
Tennesse is a conservative state. To take a prolife stand when running in Tennessee is not an act of courage-it is pragmatic.
A person who actually cares about the brutal torture and dismemberment of the most vulnerable members of the human family, “the least of our brethren” does not allow aides to fill out paperwork regarding his position on life and he does not hide behind attorney-client privilege-especially when those documents have been exposed by his former clients.
Go get some coffee, find a quiet corner, and examine the facts for yourselves.