The video is instructive...the martinet Casey...and Lambros doing his bit. I do believe that the US State dept is being run by a pack of fools if Casey is indicative of the calibre of bureacrats.
Apparently Iran sells weapons to the Albanians knowing they will get to the KLA-—gee isn’t that great!
Hey State dept...wake up fools!
The story was planted in the Bosnian Serb media, and has had no corroboration from any outside sources. It has simply been repeated, and has fooled the same people that the spurious stories of a Bosnian connection to the Madrid or London bombings did.
I imagine the state department is AGAIN covering clinton’s butt. Remember we supported the kla during clinton’s BIG war in that area. I think clinton “won”? Now we have a bunch of muslims running the area. The gate that kept out the hordes out, for centuries was knocked down by clinton and now we see the results.
102nd Pct. Cop Busted In Albanian Gang Sting
BALKAN CONNECTION (Albanian mafia in 80es threatening to Rudi Giuliani)