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Bipartisan betrayal (Thomas Sowell) ^ | June 12, 2007 | Thomas Sowell

Posted on 06/11/2007 9:05:04 PM PDT by jazusamo

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

With immigration, as with other issues, the most important decision is: Who is to make the decision?

It should be too obvious for words that decisions about who is to come into the United States and live among Americans should be made in the United States by Americans.

In reality, however, for years that decision has been made in Mexico by Mexicans and by others who chose to cross the border from Mexico into the United States with impunity, knowing that even if they were caught, they would at worst be turned back -- and could try again.

Many would not even have to face that. They would be released within the United States, with instructions to report back to the authorities for legal proceedings. But why should they be expected to obey that legal requirement when they did not obey the law against crossing the border in the first place?

None of these facts is news. Nor is it rocket science to figure out what the consequences have been and will be.

Both political parties know what is going on and both parties choose to see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil. Neither wants to risk losing the Hispanic vote, though it is doubtful whether all Hispanics are in favor of open borders.

The net result has been empty promises about controlling the border, paired with various schemes to legalize the illegal immigrants, and washed down with fraudulent statements that insult our intelligence.

The first of these frauds is the argument that the economy "needs" illegal immigrants to fill "jobs that Americans won't take." Both parts of this argument ignore the most obvious three-letter word that is left out: Pay.

Virtually any job is a job that Americans will not take, if the pay is low enough. Nor is there any reason for pay to rise if illegal immigrants are available at low pay.

Then there is the "family reunification" fraud which claims that we cannot in good conscience keep out the families of illegal immigrants who are living in the United States but must let those families reunite.

With all the nations on the face of the earth, why is the United States of America the only country in which someone can be united with his family? Illegal immigrants can reunite with their families back where they came from.

The grand fraud of all is the claim that we must have "comprehensive" immigration reform -- that is, simultaneously deal with border control and the legal status of illegal immigrants already here.

There is no logical reason why these two issues must be dealt with together, though there are political reasons why elected officials want to do so. Passing border laws described as "tough" gives Congress political cover when they legalize the illegals.

It allows Congress to be on both sides of the issue, which is where most politicians want to be on most issues.

From the standpoint of the country, however, it is urgently important that the two issues be taken up separately, with border control being proven to be established first.

Otherwise, the American people get promises from politicians with a long track record of broken promises, especially on immigration, while illegal immigrants get their benefits up front and irrevocably for themselves and for the additional millions more who will cross the border.

Last year, the sop to the American people was the promise of a fence on the border. This year, the big question is: "Where is the fence?"

That will still be the question ten years from now, if we let the politicians soothe us with words.

The one encouraging aspect of the immigration issue is that the combined efforts of the White House and both Houses of Congress, together with most of the media, have thus far failed to turn the immigration fraud into the law of the land.

It is a disgrace that they have tried but a healthy sign of the commonsense of the people that they have still not succeeded.

Thomas Sowell is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institute and author of Basic Economics: A Citizen's Guide to the Economy.

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Editorial; Government; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: illegalimmigration; sowell; thomassowell
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1 posted on 06/11/2007 9:05:06 PM PDT by jazusamo
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2 posted on 06/11/2007 9:07:06 PM PDT by jazusamo (
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To: jazusamo

Amen. If more AA’s thought like him, these RINO’s wouldn’t worry about the Hispanic vote. The GOP was the party that freed the blacks. Furthermore, the southern Dems of the 20th century were racists. On top of that, most blacks agree with the GOP on issues of gay marriage and abortion but yet they usually vote Democrat. Thus, having a tough immigration bill will not necessarily be the death nail in the future of the Hispanic voting bloc. Just b/c all of the indications point in your favor doesn’t mean you will have your way.

3 posted on 06/11/2007 9:10:10 PM PDT by conservativeinferno (My SUV is the urban squirrel's worst predator.)
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To: jazusamo

Thomas, how about an endorsement for the guy who has been fighting this fraud for the last 26 years?

4 posted on 06/11/2007 9:10:35 PM PDT by pissant
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To: jazusamo


5 posted on 06/11/2007 9:13:45 PM PDT by BenLurkin
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To: jazusamo
"Illegal immigrants can reunite with their families back where they came from."

I had exactly the same thought. What should we do with the babies of illegals born here? Send them back where they came from with their parents. Simple.

6 posted on 06/11/2007 9:14:30 PM PDT by TAdams8591 (Guiliani is a Democrat in Republican drag! Mitt Romney for President '08)
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To: jazusamo

I still say that Thomas Sowell would be a great VEEP.

7 posted on 06/11/2007 9:16:41 PM PDT by no dems (Dear God, how much longer are you going to let Robert Byrd and Ted Kennedy live?)
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To: conservativeinferno

Agreed, let the votes fall where they may but get this mess straightened out. If Sowell had been calling the shots we wouldn’t have this mess.

8 posted on 06/11/2007 9:18:52 PM PDT by jazusamo (
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To: pissant

It’s Hunter and I’ll give him a Bump!

9 posted on 06/11/2007 9:20:09 PM PDT by jazusamo (
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To: TAdams8591

Yep...I think Dr. Sowell has nailed it with all his thoughts.

10 posted on 06/11/2007 9:21:22 PM PDT by jazusamo (
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To: jazusamo

This man’s batting average is now WELL OVER 10,000!!! Nailed it AGAIN!

11 posted on 06/11/2007 9:21:41 PM PDT by dcwusmc (We need to make government so small that it can be drowned in a bathtub.)
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To: no dems

I agree but I doubt he’d want the job.

12 posted on 06/11/2007 9:22:21 PM PDT by jazusamo (
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To: jazusamo
As usual, a common sense essay that will be ignored by the political class in their continued rush to merge Mexico and the U.S., and subjugate the will of Americans to that of Mexico.

We all need to stop using just the word Amnesty. The bill goes far beyond simple amnesty, and is in fact a set of laws which would create a new protected class of people with special privileges far beyond those of citizens.

Affirmative Action for Illegal Aliens -- because crime has to pay, but only if you're from Mexico.

13 posted on 06/11/2007 9:26:54 PM PDT by Regulator
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To: jazusamo

This is not over yet. Bush refuses to give up this easily. It's his stubborn character. He will try to resurrect it and call it something else. We have to keep our guard up. We need to keep the pressure up.

STAGE TWO is to go after the people who hire illegals. Start giving them fines and arresting them. Just catch ten or 100 of them on the nightly news. The magnet will dry up and most of the 12 million will go home by themselves.

As an addendum, we should anonymously call the IRS, people working "off the books" means taxes ain't being paid. Make anonymous fliers and hang them around the neighborhood, name names. It's time to embarrass these bustards, whether they give to the GOP or Rats, we don't need them.




Bombard the Democrats as well, especially the ones that ran on an anti illegal immigration plank and the ones in marginal districts who could be vulnerable. keep pounding on them. This is a bipartisan issue not a Conservative or Liberal issue BUT AN AMERICAN issue.

14 posted on 06/11/2007 9:29:12 PM PDT by Cacique (quos Deus vult perdere, prius dementat ( Islamia Delenda Est ))
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To: jazusamo

Dr Sowell is as about as smart as they come. He’s a great author too.

15 posted on 06/11/2007 9:29:39 PM PDT by jgilbert63
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To: Regulator
Affirmative Action for Illegal Aliens -- because crime has to pay, but only if you're from Mexico.

Well said and so true.

16 posted on 06/11/2007 9:33:17 PM PDT by jazusamo (
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To: jazusamo

This brilliant man runs circles around so many shallow men who run our government.

17 posted on 06/11/2007 9:37:16 PM PDT by windsorknot
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To: no dems

No taste for the battle. I would make him head of the Council of Economic Advisors.

18 posted on 06/11/2007 9:42:18 PM PDT by Roy Tucker ("You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality"--Ayn Rand)
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To: pissant



19 posted on 06/11/2007 9:44:27 PM PDT by stephenjohnbanker ( Hunter/Thompson/Thompson/Hunter in 08! "Read my lips....No new RINO's" !!)
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To: jazusamo

I love his logic!

20 posted on 06/11/2007 9:45:33 PM PDT by passionfruit (When illegals become legal, even they won't do work American's won't do)
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