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FReep #110 Walter Reed Cook-out as Pinkos Are Smoked (Join us June 1)
DC Chapter ^ | May 30, 2007 | BillF

Posted on 05/30/2007 9:43:06 PM PDT by BillF


For those who haven't followed this over the years, FReepers from DC Chapter and beyond, joined by allies, have been outside the gates of Walter Reed to support our troops for over two years. Friday, May 25, was FReep #110 as FReepers have countered the U.S. enemy-supporting anti-troop hate group Code Pink and allies at their weekly obscene anti-war blood dance outside Walter Reed Army Medical Center.

On March 15, 2004, there was a preliminary skirmish, more than a year before the regular dueling protests between FReepers and Pinkos started. The leftists, including many Pinkos, protested at Walter Reed as they traveled in a mock funeral procession from Dover Air Force Base, Delaware to Walter Reed Army Medical Center to the White House. Doctor Raoul solo FReeped Chief Code Pinko Medea Benjamin and her allies at Dover AFB, whereas other DC Chapter members FReeped the leftists with their mock coffins at Walter Reed and at the White House as discussed in this thread: After-Action: DC Chapter FReeps Left for Exploiting War Dead and Wounded (March 15, 2004) including a direct FReep of Chief Pinko Medea Benjamin near the White House

More than a year after that skirmish at Walter Reed, the leftists returned to Walter Reed for a week straight in late March of 2005. We FReeped them on Wednesday, March 30, 2005 per the following link LIVE ACTION REPORT: Code Pink's Gail Murphy sends thugs into peaceful DC Chapter counterprotest.

Then the Pinkos decided to try their psych-op against our war-wounded heroes every Friday at Walter Reed. When we found out, we started counter-protesting them every Friday beginning on April 15, 2005. FReepers have been at Walter Reed peacefully counter-protesting the Pinkos every Friday since then, except that we missed one Friday in May of 2005 due to exigent circumstances.

After the first few weeks of the dueling Friday night demonstrations of support for the troops by us vs. support for the insurgents by the leftists, we had the two corners opposite the main gate and the Pinkos had the two corners of the main gate. After the Code Pinkos forgot to renew their permit for the two corners at the main gate, concretebob got a permit for those two corners, leading to January 20, 2006: Code Pink Retreats from Walter Reed-Freepers Win! (Week 40 Report at #1352).

FReepers have held the high ground, all four corners outside the main gate ever since. The Pinkos are a block away, out of sight of most of the troops and family members coming and going to Walter Reed.

May 25

This Walter Reed FReep was on Memorial Day weekend with many Gathering of Eagles (GOE) and Rolling Thunder (RT) members in town for Memorial Day activities.

We had such a great turnout, at least 50, so many that I couldn't get all the names, but I got most of the names as follows:

Albion Wilde
Alpha6 & Mrs (GOE from KS?)
Ann from MD*
Bill from MD*
Bob from FL*
Christopher Lincoln
Danita from TX*
David (aka Monk) from NY*
David from AZ (WR)*
Deborah from FL (GOE FL coordinator)*
don from manassas
EagleAlways (GOE from NC)
George & Ethel from MD*
Jack2397 (GOE)
Jerry from OH*


                  [GOE=Gathering of Eagles   WR=Walter Reed  
John from TX*
Laura from VA*
Marcus (brother of WR patient) from AL*
Mike S (father of WR patient)
Ponsdorf (FR, also GOE)
Sarah from NJ*
Sensei Ern
Ted from MD*
Tori from PA*
trooprally (Mr. & Mrs.)
Veeram (FR, also GOE, all the way from MA!)
Yakfisher (GOE from NC)
Zach from VA*

 *=lurker, many of the new  lurkers being brought in by reading about us on the GOE web site]

DC Chapter FReepers and WR regulars expected a large group of out of town people in attendance for Memorial Weekend DC ceremonies honoring our nation's war dead.

As we honored our nation's war dead and those wounded, we were honored to have David, a wounded Walter Reed soldier from AZ, join us. We also were honored to have Marcus from AL, brother of a WR patient, and Mike S from MI, father of a WR soldier, join us. Please pray for them, all our wounded troops and all of our troops and their families.

To accommodate those from out of town, we had a cookout with burgers, hot dogs, salads, sodas, chips, and dessert goodies. The cookout was a huge success as tgslTakoma cooked the best burgers and hot dogs that we've ever had. (It was so great to finally have a FReeper who actually knows how to cook!  :) Lurker Bill was kind enough to bring a popcorn popper and popped some for us.

The attendance was one of the largest group of patriots that we've had in a while. The large number overwhelmed my ability to get all the names. If you were there and aren't listed, don't be shy, please weigh in.

Also, I can't remember what each named person looked like. Therefore, I haven't named some people in some photos. Please post a correction if I misname you in a photo. Finally, the event was so large that I would ask that you post your own observations of events, especially circumstances that I haven't described.

Many photos are hyperlinked. Click on them and a larger version will appear in a separate window. Photos were taken by me and by trooprally (Mrs.). My photos under properties are numbered, whereas her photos have "DSC" filed by a number. I've included some of trooprally's photos, but you can see all of her fine photos here.

Northeast corner with the MOAB (Mother-of-all-Banners) visible to the WR patients in their rooms. Cookout was behind and back of banner.

Southeast corner with Albion Wilde's great banner, lurker Bill from MD and Bob from FL.

Northwest corner showing WR hospital itself in the upper left. Patients can see the banners and FReepers.
Our wounded troops are known to tell each other when we are out there, especially those too wounded to
look out the windows.

The Southwest corner. Like the Northwest corner, this was once a Pinko location until they were "exiled" to a
block away during FReep #40 as mentioned above.

Patriots on Northeast corner.

As shown at right, a sign indicating that 'BufordP says "I'm Here In Spirit"' was displayed during the FReep.

BufordP is one of our most dedicated FReepers and rarely goes a week without being at an event. However, we have reason to believe that his meeting with his friend Hally Burton this past weekend went well and we look forward to his return with the supplies donated by Burton.:)

And for those of you who live within reasonable distance of DC, for those of you who've been to WR, but not for a while, or those of you who've never been to Walter Reed, join us this Friday, June 1, 6:30 to 9:30 pm.

Being there with us in spirit is great, but we need people to hold the MOAB (Mother of all banners), other signs, and flags.

The dimensionally impaired Flat BufordP got a FReep credit, similar to a carbon credit, to allow him to be absent. Plus, he has done much more than his share. How about you coming out to support the wounded heroes at WR? Maybe you can't come every week, but please make it your patriotic duty to join us at least once in the near future. Don't be a spirit, a ghost, a phantom. Show up in person and introduce yourself. You'll be glad that you did.

As always, the DC Chapter's rules for protesting will be in effect. Briefly, they are: No violence. No profanity. No racism. No provocations. Obey the law. Treat all law enforcement officers with respect.

Walter Reed Army Medical Center, 7200 Georgia Ave., at Elder St., NW, Washington, DC

On street parking is usually easy to find. Location is about 6 or 7 blocks from Takoma metro station and is walkable, but it is best if you get a ride. If you want a ride, FReepmail tgslTakoma and me, preferably with your cell phone number as far in advance as possible. If you wait until Friday afternoon, it may be too late to coordinate a Metro ride.

This sign appeared to signify the presence of BufordP.

Pinkos, Bus, Luke Has Issues, and Pinkos Smoked Out

Arrayed against the 50 or so patriots were at most 15 America-hating traitors and their well-meaning, misguided dupes situated about a block from the patriots' four corners.

FReeper signs (ala Burma Shave type signs) prepare motorists for Pinkos

During the FReep, and as shown below, the peaceniks brought in their bus. They ended up parking it near their protest position (left of below photo).

Comrade Bruce Wolf (left of photo), in his usual proletariat blue shirt, blue jeans, starts to get into his car to move it so that bus can park. Patriots deploy at the back of the peacenik's bus.

As the bus parked, a few patriots gathered at the rear of the bus. After it was parked, the Pinkos apparently called the police to complain about the patriots presence.

Police officer in middle sorts out verbal sparring between leftists on left of officer plus Luke leaning on bike to
right and patriots kristinn and trooprally (Mr) at right.

The Pinkos wanted the officer to order the patriots back to our permitted area, but the officer declined. The bus extended outside the Pinkos' permit area such that we were allowed to stay there. The officer did order both the patriots and the Pinkos to move in from the street.

Greek TV crew tapes with loony leftist Luke and Bob from FL on right and officer talking to other leftists on left.

BillF, Bob from FL, and Luke discuss Luke's cowardice charge against the GOE people

As the officer talked with the patriots and Pinkos at the back outside of the bus, Bob from FL and leftist Luke, a rather strange character, were talking. Luke (aka Wuke) accused the GOE people of being cowardly bullies who attacked the Code Pink women on March 17 and then hid from the SDS leftists with their traffic barrier shields. Bob denied being a coward or a bully.

Luke said "Let's see you after dark in the neighborhood and see how far you get."

Having been challenged by Luke, Bob said "Pick a corner and I'll be there."

I questioned the idea and tried to discourage the meeting.

Click here for the sound file (10 sec, 105 Kb, WAV format) clearly indicating that Luke was the one who initiated a physical threat.

After some distractions and the officer left, Bob asks Luke to "give me the street corner," I try to talk him out of it, Luke leaves the scene and fades away from his poor decision to challenge Marine combat veteran Bob to a street fight. (I didn't want Bob beating up the guy and going to jail. In addition to the moral and legal issues involved, we value our reputation and didn't want it damaged, even though Luke had initially challenged Bob.)   Wolf, who missed most of the conversation, said that Bob didn't talk that way when the officer was around. Click here the sound file (21 sec, 231 Kb, WAV format).

Amazingly, Blueshirt Bruce volunteered out of the blue (what other color would he use?) that Luke was mentally ill.

Specifically, Wolf said "you know that he [Luke] has issues."

I told Comrade Wolf that "I know all you people have issues."

As reported on this FR thread: Peaceniks Make Threats to GOE and RT Attendees, shortly after Luke left the Pinkos, he posted a thread on a leftist website reciting numerous lies and trying to get others to damage Rolling Thunder motorcycles on Memorial Weekend. Of course, Bob, who countered Luke's threats and forced Luke's pitiful retreat, was not an RT member. Plus, Bob simply called Luke's bluff and didn't do anything like threatening peace people in general.

After I had left the area behind the bus, several FReepers smoked cigars there.  The Pinkos, who had earlier failed in their ridiculous attempt to have the officer order trooprally(Mr) to put out his cigar, complained about smoke, but got smoked out. The lived up to their pro-surrender stance and fled back to their permitted area.

trooprally (Mr) reports the following:

Some of us arrived early, around 6PM to start setting up. Even Lurker bill arrived early with generator and popcorn maker. He also had a new banner to set up, which will also be a regular at the Olney FReep.

After FReeping for a while I decided to grab something to eat. While eating I noticed several FReepers down by the peacenik bus. They looked out numbered by the moonbats so I grabbed my flag and sign and headed down to help.

The two Freepers there had been there for a while. Sensei Ern had the Jimmy Valentines Brother s Dingy Harry Reid Traitor . He was holding it close to the Impeach Bush words on the back of the bus so that passing cars could only see Impeach Traitor and dingy Harry s face.

I arrived, cigar in mouth.

One idiot tried to get in front of me, so I got in front of him, continuously puffing cigar smoke. I didn t have control over the wind, but let me say, he was down wind most of the time.

He told me to put the cigar out or go away because he had cancer. I told him that I was sorry he had cancer, but I was on public property. He also kept saying that we were in their permitted area. I told him that we were in a no mans land (for the PC crowd, no person land ) between the two permitted areas. Eventually, after some more verbal engagement, he left. More about him later.

Also in our group, Sensei Ern, Tom The Redhunter, and EaglesUpFlorida were smoking while also by the bus. [I reworded this paragraph after receiving a correction from trooprally.]

There was also a Vet????? there with the moonbats. He was part of the bus. We bantered back and forth for a while. To shut me up, he asked if I had served. He calmed down when he learned our son is heading to Iraq in mid-June and my brother was KIA in Vietnam. He was really taken back in disbelief when I told him that the moonbats called our troops terrorists right in front of Walter Reed. Bruce tried to down play my facts so I told the Vet to look it up on FR. He said he would out of courtesy to me. Before he left the area, he came up to me and wished our son well in Iraq. Maybe if the Vet????? realize who they are cozening with, they may back off supporting Code Pink and Company.

Then the police showed up. She kicked everyone out of the street onto the curb. While our group stayed just inside the parking lane, the moonbats were in the travel lane to get their signs so passing cars can read them.

Once on the curb, the moonbat who said he had cancer told the officer to make me put out my cigar because he had cancer. The officer didn t say a word. When the moonbat got up into the officers face, Bruce had to pull him back. Again there were complaints about us being in their permitted space. I argued to the officer that this was a space between the two permitted areas.

Sometime in all this verbal engagement, a moonbat argued that they NEVER come up to our area. It was brought up that several weeks ago they, with Medea Benjamin and a Canadian film crew in tow, they came to our corner and started a heated argument. That s when the moonbats called our troops terrorists . That s also when [Mrs] T was pick pocketed. She lost a silver heirloom cigarette lighter that was my mom s.

The two groups agreed to play nice . The officer left while Bruce and Kristinn stayed to keep us all in line while they verbally engaged each other.

But we still had fun. With my longer arms I was able to stretch out into the road with my sign. One moonbat laid across a moonbat s car to get further out than me. So I just lowered my flag way out into the street and blocked her. She tried to leap frog me until Sensei Ern came to the rescue. We sandwiched her between our signs, all the while smoking our cigars.

After an expletive, she left.

Moonbats irritated - MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!

If you can't get to D.C. to join us but would like to do something for the wounded, you can find a wealth of ideas by FReepmailing Albion Wilde, Cindy-True-Supporter, VAFlagwaver, or PleaDeal.

Come join us every Friday night between the hours of 6:30pm to approx 9:30pm.

Directions to our Walter Reed FReep location from the Takoma metro station

BufordP's Walter Reed FReep archive

Blogs of a few regulars at WR:

Tom the Redhunter's blog

PleaDeal's (GunnNutt) blog at Semper Gratus

TOPICS: Activism/Chapters; Foreign Affairs
KEYWORDS: codepink; codepinkdc; dcchapter; walterreed
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To: BillF
Thanks for all you do. I am stationed well away from DC and never say ‘thanks’ enough to fellow Freepers and true patriots who stand up to the traitorous left. Yes, I called the left ‘traitorous’ for their words and actions.

I am still wondering why organizations like Code Pink, who brag on their website about the money they sent to terrorists and the democrats that helped them, are allowed to run free. I wish people would remind their congressmen what these “anti-war” groups say and do on a daily basis.

With what happened at Ft. Dix, my family’s firearm collection is now much more accessible and I am moving my CCW (for off duty only) to my new state (delayed due to deployment last year).

With the fact that leftists have been planning these acts for years ("rationalized" with leftist misinformation and lies), see below, I have to wonder how many are actively assisting the terrorists in planning the deaths of my wife, sons, friends, and their families.

One reference:

61 posted on 06/04/2007 12:26:25 PM PDT by M1Tanker (Proven Daily: Modern "progressive" liberalism is just National Socialism without the "twisted cross")
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To: BillF

Yes thank you that would be great did I see that I missed (tenn nana) last friday?

62 posted on 06/05/2007 2:03:01 PM PDT by don from manassas
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To: trooprally
Smoke'em if you have'em Troop!
Light'em up!
Matter of fact you are in good company - maybe some of these fellas will stop by sometime and help you out.
Thanks, and take care!

63 posted on 06/07/2007 6:55:38 AM PDT by lapsus calami (What's that stink? Code Pink ! ! And their buddy Murtha, too!)
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To: lapsus calami; BufordP
Good company - absolutely!!

Occasionally I get to give some cigars to the troops, but they are the more expensive of the cheap drug store types.

Check Cigars International's Brothers in Arms section. It is like Uptown Cigars, only BufordP got some pics of us in front of Walter Reed. You need to be patient because you need to click one by one to Sept. 06 or 09,2006.

[Mr] T

64 posted on 06/07/2007 8:57:11 AM PDT by trooprally (Never Give Up - Never Give In - Remember Our Troops)
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To: trooprally
Thanky for the link - the Sept. 08 pic is a really good one of the folk and display.  I like how you all do your signs - sharp and crisply lettered, easy to spot and read particularly by any passerby zipping by in cars.

65 posted on 06/07/2007 9:35:15 AM PDT by lapsus calami (What's that stink? Code Pink ! ! And their buddy Murtha, too!)
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