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Border Agents Recruited for Iraq Duty
AP ^
| May 19, 2007
| AP
Posted on 05/19/2007 9:36:18 PM PDT by LFOD777
PHOENIX (AP) -- A military contractor is recruiting current and former agents with the U.S. Border Patrol to teach Iraqis how to secure their national borders.
The U.S. State Department has asked Virginia-based DynCorp International to find 120 people with Customs and Border Enforcement experience to go to Iraq for the training.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Business/Economy; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: amnesty; bcbe; border; borderpatrol; dyncorp; immigration; iraq
With Amnesty just around the corner, Bush/Rove no longer need the extra border agents
posted on
05/19/2007 9:36:20 PM PDT
To: LFOD777
A military contractor is recruiting current and former agents with the U.S. Border Patrol to teach Iraqis how to secure their national borders.
you can't make this stuff up....
posted on
05/19/2007 9:38:25 PM PDT
(It's easier to get up at 6:00 AM to play golf than at 10:00 to mow the yard)
To: stylin19a
Are the Iraqis LOL?
posted on
05/19/2007 9:39:34 PM PDT
(a globalized and integrated world - which is coming, one way or the other. - Hillary)
To: LFOD777
Obviously, the U.S. State Department thinks we have too many border agents
Also, if these guys were complete failure (as evidenced by the 20 million illegals who bypassed them) why would American taxpayers be asked to foot the bill of them teaching other nations’ border agents?
I’m speechless.
posted on
05/19/2007 9:41:41 PM PDT
(In 2006, Washington spent $2.7 Trillion and ran a $248 billion budget deficit.)
To: LFOD777
It's a private military contractor. Not the state department. The agents would be employees of the contractor. Not the govt.
Besides, they may as well go to Iraq. They're sure not doing any bloody good here.
While they're at it, take the prez with them. He's not doing any good, either.
Carter gave away the Panama Canal. Jorge wants to give away the country. I wonder what the next bozo will want to give away?
posted on
05/19/2007 9:47:01 PM PDT
To: LFOD777
Not only that, but they will probably safer from injury, death and the Bush Department of Justice over there.
To: stylin19a
They’ve got to be kidding. The Bush-Kennedy Bill backers have been saying there isn’t amnesty cause they’re also enforcing the border with Mexico, yet they go and do this.
posted on
05/19/2007 10:10:13 PM PDT
(Thanks for nothing, Jorge!)
To: LFOD777
With as good a job they did on our border this might be like having the fox give training on guarding the chicken coop.
posted on
05/19/2007 10:26:21 PM PDT
("liberalism" = "do as I say, not as I do")
To: LouAvul
With Amnesty just around the corner, Bush/Rove no longer need the extra border agents With the Bush-Kennedy Mexico Merger upon us, we no longer have a border.
posted on
05/19/2007 10:43:25 PM PDT
(Mexico-Merger is Treason. Those who bring it about are traitors.)
To: LFOD777
I think our BP knows exactly how to do the job. Little hard to do it when the chain of command ties your hands behind your back and assists the Mexican government in seeing you put behuind bars for doing your job.
posted on
05/19/2007 10:47:02 PM PDT
(A strong democracy through citizen oversight.)
To: LFOD777
A series of contracts have been let for the recruitment of former or retired law enforcement officers, with former or retired Customs or Border Patrol officers specifically being sought, along with persons with extensive regular law enforcement backgrounds to teach in what is essentially the Police Academies of Afghanistan and Iraq.
The compensations paid are decent but not lavish considering the circumstances of hardships of living and instruction.
Salaries are roughly that of a Police Sergeant in a major metropolitan US city, although certain tax benefits do make it a bit more pleasant. I had considered it as a palliative to the boredom of being retired but eventually put the thought aside,
posted on
05/19/2007 10:53:52 PM PDT
Gideon Reader
(DEMOCRATS: Not quite American, and proud of it! And the Republicans are striving for parity.)
To: stylin19a
See for particulars of the job description and compensation.
posted on
05/19/2007 10:59:01 PM PDT
Gideon Reader
(DEMOCRATS: Not quite American, and proud of it! And the Republicans are striving for parity.)
To: stylin19a
Kind of like the French giving the Prussians advise on how to organize their army.
To: Gideon Reader
Salaries are roughly that of a Police Sergeant in a major metropolitan US city I don't know any city that pays Police Sergeants $134,110.08. I'm in the 5th largest major metropolitan city in the US, and the police Sergeants here would be lucky to get half of that $134,110.08.
To: LFOD777
We’ve got a couple in jail that would probably go. They may even elect to stay.
posted on
05/20/2007 1:13:04 AM PDT
To: Gideon Reader
I wouldn’t take another contract with “Dying Corpse” if they paid me (pun intended). They have difficulty honoring their contracts.
posted on
05/20/2007 3:40:48 AM PDT
To: Sarajevo
So I have heard.
But,...there are times when just sitting at the computer, or doing drills at the range, etc.,can be boring and empty.
The problem of old men who wish to be young men.
So I let Stan Getz, Art Pepper and Chet Baker play for me, and the finest examples of John Browning’s work occupy me, along with searching out authors worthy of spending time with,
Bill Moody’s Evan Horne series of Jazz inspired mysteries are highly recommended.
posted on
05/20/2007 6:03:27 AM PDT
Gideon Reader
(DEMOCRATS: Not quite American, and proud of it! And the Republicans are striving for parity.)
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