the suspect had eight aliases and at least five Social Security numbers. The sheriff said Lopez has a Kenosha address, although it was not known if it is current. Lopez, who was born in Durango, Mexico, has also been arrested several times. Photo of perp at link. This is 6 or 7 LEOs killed by illegal aliens since December.
1 posted on
05/18/2007 10:27:30 AM PDT by
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To: AuntB
Does this illegal perp get to apply 5x for Social Security benefits too?
2 posted on
05/18/2007 10:33:43 AM PDT by
(Take authority that's ours)
To: AuntB
I realize that it is an easy assumption, but is there confirmation that this guy is illegal?
Either way, it makes this no less tragic.
To: AuntB
Meanwhile, Bush and Kennedy are yuckin’ it up over their “compromise” Shamnesty Bill...
4 posted on
05/18/2007 10:35:00 AM PDT by
Dead Corpse
(What would a free man do?)
To: AuntB
Oh geez, I hope this incident won’t slow down the fast track citizenship train for this outstanding individual that Bush/Kennedy says America needs.
To: AuntB
R.I.P. Deputy Frank Fabiano Jr., and God be with your family & friends left behind.
So, would this suspect would be included in this amnesty program that Congress thought would be such a “great” idea? Lord help us all (PLEASE)......
7 posted on
05/18/2007 10:37:11 AM PDT by
(Come to know Jesus as your Savior, so YOU TOO can be saved!!)
To: AuntB
They’re only killing the LEO’s the regular Americans won’t kill.
9 posted on
05/18/2007 10:38:12 AM PDT by
To: AuntB
Well I guess the Feds will give this guy 5 Z visa’s under the new plan. That way he can vote 5 times.
14 posted on
05/18/2007 10:46:23 AM PDT by
To: AuntB
Ezequiel Lopez Ezequiel Lopez Ezequiel Lopez Heck, 3 of his names are the same........
16 posted on
05/18/2007 10:48:30 AM PDT by
Red Badger
(My gerund got caught in my diphthong, and now I have a dangling participle...............)
To: AuntB
He was shot once in the face, according to the Kenosha County Sheriff's Department. I wonder how the deputies on Kenosha Sheriff's Department feel about illegal aliens, and the amnesty being forced on us right about now.
18 posted on
05/18/2007 10:51:10 AM PDT by
To: AuntB
"Fabiano, an 18-year veteran of the force, received a silver star from the Kenosha County Sheriff's Department for rescuing someone from a burning building in Paddock Lake in 1991. He also received a purple heart in 1991 after getting shot in Paddock Lake. He graduated from Bradford High School in 1977 and loved to go golfing, Beth said. "
He also had a 7 yr old daughter.
To: AuntB
This F*ck Stick should have been shot resisting arrest!
To: All
R.I.P Dep. Frank Fabriano
God bless you and your family.
I wish someone could post the picture at of Mexican immigrants. Is this what our once great Country is coming to!
23 posted on
05/18/2007 11:27:26 AM PDT by
(God Bless Our Troops)
To: AuntB
Texas just recently gave a cop killer a dirt nap a few days ago.He was pursuing a gas drive off suspect[$22.50],I believe,when the suspects in a van opened fire on him.Send them all to the front of the line.LEO’s where I live earn their pay.Don’t know if he was illegal or not,but that makes no difference to me.
26 posted on
05/18/2007 11:33:08 AM PDT by
To: AuntB
LEO’s doing the job illegal aliens won’t do.
30 posted on
05/18/2007 11:43:57 AM PDT by
(Deport the illegal aliens NOW!)
To: AuntB
Please tell me this woman is suing the feds for allowing this POS to walk freely in this country while taking the life of her husband and her daughters father.
This tops it off for me today with Bush et al.
To: AuntB
Beth said the suspect had eight aliases and at least five Social Security numbers. The sheriff said Lopez has a Kenosha address, although it was not known if it is current. Lopez, who was born in Durango, Mexico, has also been arrested several times. THIS, is another reason we don't want no stinking amnesty. Mexico is a lawless society, and these criminals are bringing their violence/corruption with them. They have NO RESPECT for our laws. I bet you that they will send this guy back to Mexico. There's NO WAY that elPresidente Boosh will let America put this cold blooded murderer to death. He needs a bullet in the brain!
34 posted on
05/18/2007 11:51:37 AM PDT by
("The time is near at hand which must determine whether Americans are to be free men or slaves!")
To: AuntB
This is 6 or 7 LEOs killed by illegal aliens since December. Once the new amnesty is passed, there'll be a marked increase to this already too high a number.
35 posted on
05/18/2007 11:52:12 AM PDT by
To: AuntB
RIP Office Fabino, prayers for his family and that little girl.
45 posted on
05/18/2007 2:26:53 PM PDT by
(Lord, thank you for this miracle!)
To: AuntB
The Mexican that hit and almost killed me has at least two names. There was the one on the accident report and the one on the charging document after they caught him again.
53 posted on
05/19/2007 6:02:46 AM PDT by
To: AuntB
the suspect had eight aliases and at least five Social Security numbers. I wonder which one of these identities he plans to use to get his new Z visa? if he's smart, it won't be the one which is printed in his criminal record. Or maybe he'll just buy a new one and start fresh?
Lopez, who was born in Durango, Mexico, has also been arrested several times
Sweet. It's a good thing these people get deported when we catch them. Oh, wait a minute, you say he wasn't? Well, we'll have better luck after the new immigration bill is passed, that's for sure. The backers assure us that's what will happen!
54 posted on
05/19/2007 11:07:04 AM PDT by
(If this current Immigration Bill goes through, the GOP is doomed in 2008! - Rush Limbaugh, 05/17/07)
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