Link is currently very slow, probably because Boortz has it posted as well.
So, under the school's idiotic no-tolerance policy on fighting, he was suspended, right? /sarc, but barely...
It is past due time to do away with those in power who would force us to be sheep. With extreme sanction if they won't leave quietly.
In an era when terrorists can strike anywhere at any time, this is no time to be disarmed.
My nine year old daughter was elbowed in the chest by a boy because he was angry at me.
When we went to the pastor about it, he disregarded it and took it for fact that my daughter had hit first.
One brave lady told him that if my daughter hit anyone, she was the Queen of England. (thank God for this lady) The pastor was taken aback but has done nothing about the kid.
Just like the article, the kid has a rap sheet a mile long.
I talked to my niece who is a Police Officer. She will teach my girls some moves to defend themselves. Until then, we are out of all church activities.
And my girls are getting pepper spray.
When did we become sheep?
Thanks and bump
I wish they would stop trying to be 'fair and balanced' and just be openly conservative and the hell with what the other news outlets say. The liberal media is going to call them names anyway (unless the just run completley liberal)
Their ratings would soar
Don’t get excited.
I feel like telling my school-fighting story. Back in 7th grade, some of the other girls had been pushing me around, over a period of several weeks. I just hunched my shoulders and ignored them. One day, I lost my temper and fought back, going all out. (Nothing worse than hair-pulling.) After that, they were very nice and polite to me. At the time, that was all I knew, and I drew the obvious conclusions from it.
But, the good part came several years later, talking to the principal’s secretary. It seems that one girl had gone home and told her parents that she had been roughed up by me. They came charging down to the principal’s office, demanding justice for their little darling. Evidently, the principal had been aware of the whole situation, and was following the old-fashioned principle of ‘let ‘em work it out.’ He leaned back in his chair, smiled at them, and told them that he hoped their daughter had learned an lesson from it—that it’s not always safe to pick on someone three years younger and a foot shorter than you are.
No joke.
Below learn of the valor of a nine year old child.
From Mary Carpenter's letter to the NC General Assembly:
May you stand before God and man as my two precious grandchildren's killer if you pass any more gun legislation that will make me a felon should I own a handgun or any other gun for that matter.
Mary Carpenter
A similar situation happened to me in elementary school. A friend kept hitting me with his coat. I told him, only once, that if he did it again I was going to punch him in the nose. He did it again and I kept my promise, and broke his nose. The next morning we were hauled into the principal’s office. He asked us both to state our version, and my friend, to his credit, told the truth. The principal simply said to him, “The next time he tells you to stop, leave him alone” and let us go. Neither of us got in trouble. It was a valuable lesson for me and my friend.
Many thanks for posting my article over here on Free Republic. The response has been overwhelming and to get praise from the Talkmaster is truly a great honor. I hope you have all enjoyed it and will visit the Buckeye Firearms Association site often as we have many great folks working hard to protect the rights of gun owners. Tim Inwood