Posted on 03/06/2007 4:59:02 PM PST by lowbridge
Posted by Tim Graham on March 6, 2007 - 18:00.
As we prepare for a network TV onslaught on the Scooter Libby conviction today, remember that on March 2, 2000, an aide to the Vice President was convicted of illegal funneling foreign money to Democrats, crimes that benefited the 1996 Clinton-Gore re-election campaign. Her name was Maria Hsia (pronounced like Shaw). Vice President Gore at that time was the all-but-certain Democratic nominee for president. Coverage was minimal. ABC gave it 19 seconds and CBS gave it 23 seconds. On NBC, Tom Brokaw skipped it. A few days later on the "Imus in the Morning" show, Brokaw had this telling exchange on Gore.
Imus jumped in: "He acted like he barely knew that this Maria Hsia, didnt he? Like he was ready to drag her up out of a park someplace." Brokaw agreed: "Oh, I know, yeah, it was: Did I miss that? It was as if he were saying, Did she get convicted? He said, It's still in the courts. It's no longer in the courts! The jury has ruled! Guilty! Five counts! Imus shot back: "Well, if he's watching NBC News he missed it." Brokaw conceded: "Yeah, well that's true." Imus: "And he only saw 19 seconds of it with Dan [Rather]." Brokaw: "Yeah, I know."
Brokaw did eventually raise it briefly with Gore in a Dateline NBC special on March 7, but only in terms that Gore was "vulnerable" to criticism since he and Clinton were "every bit as guilty in the soft money area" as Republicans. Earlier that day, Brent Bozell's column summed it up:
In a shocking victory for lackadaisical Justice Department prosecutors, Democratic fundraiser, Gore associate, and communist Chinese agent Maria Hsia was convicted on March 2 of illegally funneling $100,000 to Democratic candidates, including the Clinton-Gore campaign, in 1996.
In a much less shocking development, the major so-called "news" networks and so-called "news" magazines promptly ran and hid under rocks.
Okay, U.S. News mentioned it briefly, and ABC and CBS gave it a sentence or two before the throwing the story in the trash. But these acts of criminal wrongdoing are clearly much less exciting to the average reporter than groundbreaking political events, like, say, the quality of candidates performances on late-night comedy shows. And apparently, theyre far less newsworthy than who was nominated for what at the Oscars.
Newsweek devoted a whole story to how the Republicans want to capitalize on the Buddhist temple event, and even reported that new Secret Service documents show the temple fundraiser was listed as a "fund-raising luncheon" -- yet somehow managed to leave out even a mention of Hsia!
In between sobs over the disintegrating McCain campaign, the magazines Jonathan Alter groused: "As they chow down on soft money, neither Gore nor Bush will pay more than lip service to confronting the dangers of money in politics." How Newsweek can pontificate on such matters while simultaneously refusing to cover the lawbreaking exploits of the Clinton/Democratic machine is simply amazing.
This marks a new low for Americas so-called mainstream press. Up until now, theyve refused to investigate criminal wrongoding. Now theyre refusing to report the convictions. Conservatives across the country were perplexed. How can they ignore this? Can you imagine a Reagan fundraiser facing the possibility of 25 years in jail and the press staying quiet? The media continue to play the DNC fundraising scandal by Lanny Davis rules. Despite that troublesome conviction thing, their attitude is dismissive, that this is "old news."
Think of the fundraising scandal as a rolling snowball of ignorance with its own momentum. When you havent explained to people anything about John Huang, or Johnny Chung, or Charlie Trie, whos going to care about Maria Hsia? Who can even pronounce it? Its precisely what the DNC is banking on.
What really ought to anger the public about this media blackout is the medias very politicized approach to the topic of hypocrisy. When Dan Quayle supported the Vietnam War, but served in the National Guard, the media were a 76-piece brass band noisily blasting away at the hypocrisy. When a TV preacher is caught in an extramarital affair, the media cant get enough of the word hypocrite. But when Democrats support campaign finance "reform" while breaking present campaign finance laws, the networks are nowhere to be found, hypocritically AWOL on the story.
Speaking of hypocrisy, where is Common Cause, Public Campaign, the Center for Public Integrity, or the Center for Responsive Politics? They, too are silent, and with their silence, these "reform" groups are embarrassing themselves the way the feminists embarrassed themselves over Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky. If you cant comment on Chinese agents buying influence in a presidential election, it speaks volumes about your real "reform" agenda on campaign finance.
Those liberals who are commenting are playing the "everybody does it" game. On PBSs "NewsHour with Jim Lehrer," Mark Shields commented: "In a week...where Maria Hsia, principal fund-raiser and friend of Vice President Al Gore, is convicted of violation of election laws, George Bush, disables himself to use this issue by coming out for unlimited soft money expenditures." By this logic, you have no right to condemn Hsias crimes unless you buy the entire the socialist mindset against money in politics.
With all this organized inaction, forget any breakthrough on the Hsia story -- unless a major candidate or political party speaks out. Bill Bradleys had every chance, but he has no guts. John McCain only has courage to tear the entrails out of the Republicans, not the Democrats. Did anyone hear McCain jump on the Hsia story at the Thursday night debate in Los Angeles? Hell "beat Al Gore like a drum" on campaign finance. Blah, blah, blah.
But the Republican National Committee has shown some resolve in taking on the blackout. RNC Chairman Jim Nicholson is pointing out the absurdity of the major media spending more time on Jennifer Lopezs Grammy getup than on Hsias criminal actions. This is the only way this story gets traction. And if it does, expect these networks to whine about the horrendous "negativity" of it, all the way to Election Day.
Hillary's still got those 900+ FBI files too. NO STAUTE OF LIMITATIONS, don't mean a thing!!
"No Controlling Legal Authority", "He Played on Our Fears" of possible prostrate trouble with his "iced tea" defense. How can one possibly blemish the name of the latest profit, Allah ("Convenient Opinion") Gore.
Anything they report should be ignored or heavily scrutinized.
So Dingy Harry was lying today when he said this was the first time in the history of our country that such a high official was convicted. Of course, hearing the Land Baron of Nevada lie to his willing accomplices in the msm is no surprise.
As Rush Limbaugh once said: "The mainstream media IS the Democrat Party".
good find
That's why I call them "MediaCrats".
"Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached." - Manuel II Palelologus
Speaking of Media Bias. The MSM had one of their own moles on Libby's jury:
New Revelations from Former 'Wash Post' Reportor/Libby Juror
Editor & Publisher ^ | March 07, 2007 | Joe Strupp
Posted on 03/07/2007 7:40:14 AM PST by txradioguy
NEW YORK Denis Collins, the juror in the Libby/CIA leak case who delivered a post-verdict commentary for the press, spent about a decade at The Washington Post. Today, after a night on cable TV shows, he re-appears with a massive recounting of his experience at the Huffington Post blog.
His story is billed as "INSIDE THE JURY ROOM: WHAT THE JURY THOUGHT, DAY BY DAY, WITNESS BY WITNESS, AT THE SCOOTER LIBBY TRIAL" by Denis Collins, Juror #9. It calls it "unedited" impressions, memories and facts. Other jurors' names are changed.
The New York Times today reports that he is a registered Democrat. He recalls that he revealed when considered for the jury that he had worked with Bob Woodward for three or four years and also with the Post's Walter Pincus, another witness at the trial. Until a year ago, Tim Russert was a neighbor and he even attended backyard barbeques at Russert's place. But attorneys at both tables merely offered "ain't this a small town" grins, he relates.
He adds that he went to grade school with the Times' Maureen Dowd, who allegedly had a crush on Collins' brother.
One of the lawyers asked him the subject of his 2005 book. "You wrote about the CIA?" Collins said yes, which along with his reporting connections amounted to the "perfect storm." He comments: "Yet here I am," on the CIA leak case jury.
This decision shows why DC has become a bed of illiterate liberal idiots.
This decision is more dangerous to White Conservative Males than Ben Laden and al Qaeda. Now we can be found guilty for any imaginary crime the liberals come up with.
Sandy Berger walks with an admitted act of theft of top secret documents and treason. Libby is charged and found guilty with an imaginary crime.
Real Story Behind CIA Leak
Fox News Corp. ^ | 3-6-07 | John Gibson
Excerpt from this oped by John Gibson:
In any event Libby is a Republican and works for Dick Cheney to some liberals and to the media that in itself deserves Capital Punishment.
In contrast the national security advisor to President Bill Clinton, risking his livelihood, and his liberty stole classified documents from the national archives and destroyed them. He knew that this was a crime but the travesty is that he stole these documents in the midst of a bi-partisan commission's investigation into the terrorist attacks of 911. The implication of this act is treason.
The key questions, still unanswered are who was Mr. Berger covering up for? Was it his own mistakes as National Security Advisor that would be embarrassing to be made public by the 911 commission? Or, was he in fact covering up for mishandlings by Bill Clinton? History will never be able to re-create facts that were in those destroyed documents and therefore we may never know why the government failed to stop 911 from happening.
Almost 3000 Americans were murdered and the crime to cover up the facts surrounding that is largely unpunished. Mr. Berger is a liberal Democrat who worked for former President Bill Clinton. Being a Liberal Democrat who worked for the media beloved Bill Clinton got him a pass. So much for the balanced scales of justice.
What kills me is the MSM bleating about Libby being "the highest ranking White House staff member convicted of a felony" and suggesting some crime was committed by Dick Cheney that Libby's lies prevented Fitzgerald from pursuing. Yet Al Gore HIMSELF somehow weaseled out of being charged directly in this Chinese money case, with the lame "iced tea defense" and the "no controlling legal authority" BS.
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