Hillary's still got those 900+ FBI files too. NO STAUTE OF LIMITATIONS, don't mean a thing!!
"No Controlling Legal Authority", "He Played on Our Fears" of possible prostrate trouble with his "iced tea" defense. How can one possibly blemish the name of the latest profit, Allah ("Convenient Opinion") Gore.
Anything they report should be ignored or heavily scrutinized.
So Dingy Harry was lying today when he said this was the first time in the history of our country that such a high official was convicted. Of course, hearing the Land Baron of Nevada lie to his willing accomplices in the msm is no surprise.
good find
"Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached." - Manuel II Palelologus
Speaking of Media Bias. The MSM had one of their own moles on Libby's jury:
New Revelations from Former 'Wash Post' Reportor/Libby Juror
Editor & Publisher ^ | March 07, 2007 | Joe Strupp
Posted on 03/07/2007 7:40:14 AM PST by txradioguy
NEW YORK Denis Collins, the juror in the Libby/CIA leak case who delivered a post-verdict commentary for the press, spent about a decade at The Washington Post. Today, after a night on cable TV shows, he re-appears with a massive recounting of his experience at the Huffington Post blog.
His story is billed as "INSIDE THE JURY ROOM: WHAT THE JURY THOUGHT, DAY BY DAY, WITNESS BY WITNESS, AT THE SCOOTER LIBBY TRIAL" by Denis Collins, Juror #9. It calls it "unedited" impressions, memories and facts. Other jurors' names are changed.
The New York Times today reports that he is a registered Democrat. He recalls that he revealed when considered for the jury that he had worked with Bob Woodward for three or four years and also with the Post's Walter Pincus, another witness at the trial. Until a year ago, Tim Russert was a neighbor and he even attended backyard barbeques at Russert's place. But attorneys at both tables merely offered "ain't this a small town" grins, he relates.
He adds that he went to grade school with the Times' Maureen Dowd, who allegedly had a crush on Collins' brother.
One of the lawyers asked him the subject of his 2005 book. "You wrote about the CIA?" Collins said yes, which along with his reporting connections amounted to the "perfect storm." He comments: "Yet here I am," on the CIA leak case jury.
This decision shows why DC has become a bed of illiterate liberal idiots.
This decision is more dangerous to White Conservative Males than Ben Laden and al Qaeda. Now we can be found guilty for any imaginary crime the liberals come up with.
Sandy Berger walks with an admitted act of theft of top secret documents and treason. Libby is charged and found guilty with an imaginary crime.
Real Story Behind CIA Leak
Fox News Corp. ^ | 3-6-07 | John Gibson
Excerpt from this oped by John Gibson:
In any event Libby is a Republican and works for Dick Cheney to some liberals and to the media that in itself deserves Capital Punishment.
In contrast the national security advisor to President Bill Clinton, risking his livelihood, and his liberty stole classified documents from the national archives and destroyed them. He knew that this was a crime but the travesty is that he stole these documents in the midst of a bi-partisan commission's investigation into the terrorist attacks of 911. The implication of this act is treason.
The key questions, still unanswered are who was Mr. Berger covering up for? Was it his own mistakes as National Security Advisor that would be embarrassing to be made public by the 911 commission? Or, was he in fact covering up for mishandlings by Bill Clinton? History will never be able to re-create facts that were in those destroyed documents and therefore we may never know why the government failed to stop 911 from happening.
Almost 3000 Americans were murdered and the crime to cover up the facts surrounding that is largely unpunished. Mr. Berger is a liberal Democrat who worked for former President Bill Clinton. Being a Liberal Democrat who worked for the media beloved Bill Clinton got him a pass. So much for the balanced scales of justice.
What kills me is the MSM bleating about Libby being "the highest ranking White House staff member convicted of a felony" and suggesting some crime was committed by Dick Cheney that Libby's lies prevented Fitzgerald from pursuing. Yet Al Gore HIMSELF somehow weaseled out of being charged directly in this Chinese money case, with the lame "iced tea defense" and the "no controlling legal authority" BS.