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Foxnews Poll: Giuliani Leads McCain 56% - 31% ^

Posted on 02/15/2007 3:20:42 PM PST by MittFan08

Rudy Building Lead Over McCain... [Rich Lowry]

...according to the new Fox News Poll. Asked who would they support in a Republican primary if the choices were McCain or Giuliani, 56% of Republicans said Giuliani, and 31% said McCain. 50% of Independents said Giuliani, and 27% said McCain. This represents a big bump for Giuliani since early December. Then, 42% of Republicans said they would pick Giuliani, 40% McCain, and 35% of Independents said they would support Giuliani while 41% said they would go with McCain.

02/15 05:34 PM

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TOPICS: News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: duncanhunter; elections; fakepolls; falsechoice; foxnews; giuliani; giuliani2008; gop; johnmccain; junkpolls; lesseroftwoliberals; mcainmutiny; mcaniac; mccain; meaninglesspolls; medialies; nuts; pimpinrudy; poll; pollspam; pushpolls; rino; rinos; rudy; rudygiuliani; rudypeakedtooearly; wheresduncan; zooofrinos
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To: justshutupandtakeit

I don't know what a "Burn the Bridger" is.

And I'm not keeping a running tab of your posting history.

If you meant something other than what you said, use better words next time around.

361 posted on 02/16/2007 9:57:14 AM PST by WhistlingPastTheGraveyard ("and alllll the children are insane")
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To: WhistlingPastTheGraveyard

Brownback, Hunter, Huckabee, Hagel all have no chance.

It is not too early at all. In fact, now is the time that the money and organizations are being put together for next February. After Super Tuesday it will all come together very quickly.

362 posted on 02/16/2007 9:57:31 AM PST by justshutupandtakeit (Defeat Hillary's V'assed Left Wing Conspiracy)
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To: WhistlingPastTheGraveyard

Those who are threatening to bolt the GOP if they don't get their way are "Burn the Bridgers".

My posts are clear enough when read without preconditions.

363 posted on 02/16/2007 10:00:57 AM PST by justshutupandtakeit (Defeat Hillary's V'assed Left Wing Conspiracy)
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To: lormand

"Purity over Victory!"

364 posted on 02/16/2007 10:01:59 AM PST by Tarnsman
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To: lormand
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365 posted on 02/16/2007 10:03:36 AM PST by Cobra64 (
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To: Yankereb
Not everyone has the right to carry a gun.

Does it bother you that there are a whole lot of DU posters with a better understanding of the 2nd Amendment than you?

366 posted on 02/16/2007 10:03:39 AM PST by jmc813 (Rudy Giuliani as the Republican nominee is like Martin Luther being Pope.)
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To: Yankereb; majormaturity
Please don't compare Guiliani to Hitler.

There is atleast 2 comparisons , gun control to control the masses, and killing the weak, invconvenient, or hated humans.

Remember Hitler wasn't thought of as evil in the beginning.
367 posted on 02/16/2007 10:04:48 AM PST by Delphinium
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To: justshutupandtakeit

In other words, a "Burn the Bridger" is anyone who doesn't just shut up and take it. Got it.

368 posted on 02/16/2007 10:05:26 AM PST by WhistlingPastTheGraveyard ("and alllll the children are insane")
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To: Tarnsman
"Purity over Victory!"

"Purity over Pyrrhic Victory!"


369 posted on 02/16/2007 10:08:03 AM PST by lormand (Michael Wiener - the tough talking populist moron, who claims to be a Conservative)
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To: lormand

If they had any idea what a pyrrhic victory was, they wouldn't be here doing what they do.

370 posted on 02/16/2007 10:11:58 AM PST by WhistlingPastTheGraveyard ("and alllll the children are insane")
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To: justshutupandtakeit
Why don't you find ONE negative remark I have made about Hunter's ideology or the man personally.

Okay, and thanks for providing one later in the same post. Saves me the trouble of going back into old ones. Try this:

Just because Hunter's followers here are unaware or pretend to be that he cannot win does not mean I believe HE believes he can.

So you've just insinuated that he's running a deceptive, fraudulent campaign.

Or you can just apologize now for LYING about my concerns.

You are in dire need of a dictionary or thesaurus. If all you were expressing were "concerns," then you and I would likely agree on several things. Despite your portayal of us Hunter supporters, we actually do understand that the odds are heavily against us. Your tendency is to prognosticate what can and can't happen in the coming months, which, given the number of variables in play in both parties, is either wishful thinking on your part -- reflecting a desire that a conservative not win -- or stubborn cowardice in the face of an uphill fight.

NONE of those concerns are that Hunter is too conservative for me merely too conservative to win the votes of some of the 60+% of the voters who are NOT conservative.

Gee, when have we heard that before? Around 1980 or so, wasn't it? Yes, times have changed, but since Bush was elected twice painting himself as a conservative, you don't really have anything going for you except the results of last November's election, which only put us back into the same Congressional situation we had when Reagan was elected. And since you so doggedly shove your "concerns" in our faces, without the humility to acknowledge that things could develop in a way that you don't see as likely, I absolutely question your sincerity, since the only impact expressing your "concerns" is likely to have is to recruit others to your sorry outlook.

However, running is a good way to open the possibility for the VP spot on a Giuliani ticket which is the best the social conservatives could hope for given the current electorate.

You'll have to pardon me for giving the conservative message, powerfully articulated, a little more credit than that. The real delusion is thinking that Rudy can be elected if faced with a ticket led by a woman and/or a minority. When liberal meets liberal, party loyalty will take the day.

371 posted on 02/16/2007 10:15:14 AM PST by william clark (DH4WH - Ecclesiastes 10:2)
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To: WhistlingPastTheGraveyard

Rudy will do to the GOP, what Klinton did to the RATs.

372 posted on 02/16/2007 10:25:56 AM PST by lormand (Michael Wiener - the tough talking populist moron, who claims to be a Conservative)
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To: jmc813

Just because you don't agree with me, don't hide behind an insult in comparing me with a DU poster. Defend yourself intelligently, not by using Jr High tactics. Do you believe that people who are insane should have the right to carry a gun?

373 posted on 02/16/2007 10:45:33 AM PST by Yankereb
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To: Yankereb
Do you believe that people who are insane should have the right to carry a gun?

They shouldn't be on the streets. If they're well enough to be trusted in public, I have no problem with them being armed.

374 posted on 02/16/2007 11:15:23 AM PST by jmc813 (Rudy Giuliani as the Republican nominee is like Martin Luther being Pope.)
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To: WhistlingPastTheGraveyard

Nope, merely one threatening to burn the bridges or bolt the party. I have nothing against anyone running any candidate in the primary but the constant "If I don't get my way I am leaving" get VERY old.

375 posted on 02/16/2007 11:15:31 AM PST by justshutupandtakeit (Defeat Hillary's V'assed Left Wing Conspiracy)
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To: william clark

"So you've just insinuated that he's running a deceptive, fraudulent campaign." Nope merely that he has more commonsense than those pushing him.

"Your tendency is to prognosticate what can and can't happen in the coming months, which, given the number of variables in play in both parties, is either wishful thinking on your part -- reflecting a desire that a conservative not win -- or stubborn cowardice in the face of an uphill fight." Sorry but I am a realist not inclined to identify my opinions with those of the majority of the American voters. FALSE speculations on my motivation are irrelevant to the truth.

Given your tendency to LIE about what I have said when you are not misrepresenting it or distorting it I don't care in the slightest about your opinion that I lack integrity.

Pointing out obvious truths is enough to earn your scorn. So be it.

And you articulate nothing effectively rather your mendacity and insults merely undermine your candidate.

376 posted on 02/16/2007 11:22:04 AM PST by justshutupandtakeit (Defeat Hillary's V'assed Left Wing Conspiracy)
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To: justshutupandtakeit

Cite one lie.

377 posted on 02/16/2007 11:26:08 AM PST by william clark (DH4WH - Ecclesiastes 10:2)
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To: justshutupandtakeit
the constant "If I don't get my way I am leaving" get VERY old.

Not as old as the ever-present "MY candidate's the only person on the planet who can beat Hillary, you stuck-in-the-muck conservative rube". (I know you never said that, and I never said what you quoted... we're obviously talking in general now).

The arrogance of coming to the most rightward forum on the web and stridently peddling the most liberal candidate in party history while taking potshots at conservatives at every turn is more than a little off-putting. It's also a piss-poor strategy to win over potential voters. But then, the Rudyites aren't really trying to win over anyone. They're counting on Democrats in New Jersey (while igoring conservatives in Missouri, Virginia, Florida and Ohio). They're just here for the sport of it.

Like I said, I'm not going anywhere. If you get your way and Rudy gets the nomination, I'm not voting for him, but I'm not leaving the party, either. Somebody's going to have to be around to pick up the pieces after the fall, and it isn't going to be the front runners who sold the party's soul after one election loss in 14 years.

378 posted on 02/16/2007 12:06:55 PM PST by WhistlingPastTheGraveyard ("and alllll the children are insane")
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To: dirtboy

I meant it will be a lessor issue in the general election IF we have a prolife nominee. I don't think the Democrats will raise it to the level of the war.

On the other hand, if Giuliani is the candidate in the general, then the Republican party comes apart at the seams.

379 posted on 02/16/2007 12:32:23 PM PST by Jim Robinson ("Electable" gave us Gerald Ford and Bob Dole. Voting for the right-wing kook gave us Reagan. ~ A.C.)
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To: justshutupandtakeit
C'mon. Give us a break. Giuliani says a woman's right to choose is constitutional. He's perfectly fine with Roe vs Wade. It's settled law. He says regulating guns is constitutional as long as it's done consistent with the second amendment. He'll push for judges that share his liberally warped interpretation of the constitution. He won't lift a finger to push judges that respect life and liberty through the confirmation process.
380 posted on 02/16/2007 12:39:15 PM PST by Jim Robinson ("Electable" gave us Gerald Ford and Bob Dole. Voting for the right-wing kook gave us Reagan. ~ A.C.)
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