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Ted Olson Supporting Giuliani
American Spectator ^ | 2/13/07

Posted on 02/13/2007 12:34:44 PM PST by zarf

Theodore Olson, the stalwart conservative lawyer and former solicitor general for the Bush administration, told the Spectator he will be supporting Rudy Giuliani's presidential bid.

"I admire his character, his capacity for leadership, his instincts, and his principles," Olson said over the phone this afternoon. He said he will help Giuliani raise money as well as offer advice on legal issues and domestic policy matters that involve constitutional questions.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

TOPICS: News/Current Events; US: New York
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To: Unmarked Package

Thanks for the headsup

321 posted on 02/13/2007 4:10:32 PM PST by traderrob6
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To: jehardy


322 posted on 02/13/2007 4:25:45 PM PST by areafiftyone (RUDY GIULIANI 2008 - STRENGTH AND LEADERSHIP)
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To: Spiff
I have one more thing to say about this line, and it goes along with everything else JimRob mentioned in his post:

Rudolf Giuliani does not deliver us from this evil, he delivers us to it.

Rudy has stated more than once that he likes judges like Chief Justice John Roberts and Associate USSC Justice Samuel Alito, that he wouldn't hesistate to nominate more were he elected president. If that's conservatism's idea of evil, I want no part in it.

Roe v. Wade will be overturned in the courts, it's a federal issue, despite the fact that state after state has been passing legislation outlawing abortions within their own borders, that's their right.

The states have no jurisdiction overturning federal law, that's up to the federal government, and the only way we're going to get that far is by nominating more judges to the bench like Chief Justice Roberts and Assoc. USSC Justice Alito.

If you want to throw away 26 years of hard work, that's your business, I'm not here to convince you otherwise. 

323 posted on 02/13/2007 4:28:26 PM PST by BigSkyFreeper (There is no alternative to the GOP except varying degrees of insanity)
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To: RockinRight

"... But the solution lies in dialougue, not flinging insults..

Barbara Olsen would be repulsed at supporting homosexuals and abortion. Does that make you fewl better?

324 posted on 02/13/2007 4:35:39 PM PST by nmh (Intelligent people recognize Intelligent Design (God) .)
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To: justshutupandtakeit

nice of you to ask

325 posted on 02/13/2007 4:39:06 PM PST by Convert (Praying for a swift, honorable,merciful,charitable victory with peace founded on God's Mercy and Law)
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To: areafiftyone
"And how would you know? She died directly from terrorism and what makes you think that social issues would be important to her after what happened to her. If she were alive she would be siding with her husband after see 9/11 too."

It's a figurative way of saying that in no way, shape or form would she support a baby killer or a person advocating homosexuals. How do I KNOW that? Because of the stances she took on MORAL issues.

Unlike people like yourself ... MORAL issues matter. MORAL issues are LINKED. That much I have confidence in her seeing and understanding.

Are we truly much better than terrorists who behead those we don't like when we routinely rip apart the unborn through a vacuum like machine as in abortion? I see abortion as a form of domestic terrorism on the unborn and it is.

I didn't notice her as being selfish as you imply. To ignore one group the unborn to foster more terrorist protection is not something I see her capable of. She was smarter than that. TWO or, sitting down, THREE issues can be dealt with at the same time, abortion, homosexuals and their agenda as well as protection our country from terrorists. WHY oh WHY are people so unable to get this. Why all these FALSE CHOICES and FALSE dilemma?

IMO, it shows how dumbed down people have gotten and how SELFISH they are.
326 posted on 02/13/2007 4:41:39 PM PST by nmh (Intelligent people recognize Intelligent Design (God) .)
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To: PhiKapMom

Yes, but Rudy was there longer and he tried to be Senator.

327 posted on 02/13/2007 4:43:33 PM PST by Convert (Praying for a swift, honorable,merciful,charitable victory with peace founded on God's Mercy and Law)
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To: areafiftyone

BTW, what makes you so sure she is so utterly selfish to compromise on stances against abortion and advocating homosexuals and ONLY advocating measures against terrorism?

Understand some of us are still principled. Barbara was certainly a principled person and why I see her repulsed at supporting a baby killer and a pro homo for her own SELFISH agenda - her own protection.

328 posted on 02/13/2007 4:44:08 PM PST by nmh (Intelligent people recognize Intelligent Design (God) .)
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To: zarf
.... Olson, the stalwart conservative lawyer and former solicitor general for the Bush administration, told the Spectator he will be supporting Rudy Giuliani's presidential bid.

All I've got to say is, BFD!!!

Luved Barb, but Ted sounds like a RockyFeller Republican!

No thanks Ted! No thanks Rudi!

329 posted on 02/13/2007 4:45:03 PM PST by Reagan Man (Conservatives don't vote for liberals.)
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To: nctexan
"It's amazing to see this level of hateful spew, name calling and sliming of candidates (extending to anyone endorsing them). "

Must be public schooled ... its' a figure of speech, idiot.

"Level of hateful spew, name calling and sliming of candidates" ... are you at the RIGHT forum? DU would be a more comfortable place for you ... Just because someone doesn't agree with your PRO homo stances and PRO abortion stance doesn't make one "hateful and sliming candidates". "Name calling" - yeah old Rudy is advocating BABY KILLING - that is what abortion is whether you want to hear it or acknowledge it. GROW UP!

"Your channeling of Barbara Olson is as disgusting as John Edwards channeling dead babies."

Your sliming of a principled person is repulsive! Apparently you had NO idea on what Barbara's legacy was. She was PRO LIFE and against special rights for homos. YOU are the one disgracing her fine reputation and memory.

"The absolutely most amazing thing is to read the tag lines of the most offensive posters."

Yes, some of us, including Barbara believed in God. To the godless that is offensive.

"It doesn't lend credit to your message."

God always lends credit to truth because He is truth.
People like yourself don't like truth. You're too wrapped up in yourself. Baby killing and being pro homosexual, which I find disgusting are things that don't affect you. What a pity - can't imagine what that must be like - so utterly self serving and selfish on issues you endorse.
330 posted on 02/13/2007 4:50:43 PM PST by nmh (Intelligent people recognize Intelligent Design (God) .)
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To: merry10

If the shoe fits.

331 posted on 02/13/2007 5:00:38 PM PST by Godebert
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To: BigSkyFreeper; DKNY; TheBattman; justshutupandtakeit; Cyclopean Squid; PhiKapMom
Posted by DKNY to Convert On News/Activism 02/13/2007 3:30:13 PM PST · 298 of 327 And the difference between Rudy and Hillary is?

Hillary will walk away from Iraq, our troops, and the WOT ... Rudy won't.

I have a very personal stake in the WOT. I happen to know this person feels the same way I do

If you can walk away smiling from the killing of 47,000, 000 babies on the basis of an implausible hypothetical medical situation, how can I believe anything you say?

So I see no difference - and frankly, I think Hillary is scarier - if it's all about personal protection get the scary person.

332 posted on 02/13/2007 5:00:53 PM PST by Convert (Praying for a swift, honorable,merciful,charitable victory with peace founded on God's Mercy and Law)
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Comment #333 Removed by Moderator

To: Convert

You chose a poor example for difference between Rudy and Hillary (not talking about the WOT). Rudy is also "Pro-Choice" -

But I do understand the stakes in the WOT - but our current administration and the previous Republican-majority Congress chose to only half-fight the WOT. How can we possibly be fighting a WOT when our borders are less secure than the average mailbox?

Rudy's only strong point in my mind is his support of the WOT - then again, he has a personal stake in it, now doesn't he?!

Too many liberals do not have an investment in the WOT.

But there are other Republican names out there that are just as strong on the WOT, but are also much more conservative in just about every way.

If we vote an liberal into office - the WOT will proceed to be even more irrelevant, as we will loose what the Islamists want to destroy anyway- our strength and our freedom.

334 posted on 02/13/2007 5:10:26 PM PST by TheBattman (I've got TWO QUESTIONS for you....)
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To: nmh
"Must be public schooled ... its' a figure of speech, idiot..... blah, blah, blah..."

NMH... your latest posting proves my point about you quite well. Thanks for your public display!

I am a strongly pro life conservative Christian (who believes that marriage is strictly between a man and a woman).

You seem to be channeling me incorrectly, as with most of your other hateful spew...

You also seem to think that you know more about Barbara Olson than her own husband does... What an arrogant and insane view of oneself.

Again, the manner in which you impugn people is a discredit to yourself and the Christ that I love.

BTW, your initial comment kinda makes me think that you were schooled in a madrasa.

335 posted on 02/13/2007 5:21:33 PM PST by nctexan
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Thanks very much for the links. I didn't expect them. I appreciate that. No, I did not know what he thought. It looks like Olson, would back Giuliani on any infringment though.

336 posted on 02/13/2007 5:22:30 PM PST by spunkets ("Freedom is about authority", Rudy Giuliani)
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To: Dog Gone

I do see your point, and Bush has done decent job on the judges, Harriet Meirs aside. But Bush's pro life reputation rests pretty much on two things: stem cell research and the passage of a ban on PBA.

I saw his administration somewhat closely in Texas, and Bush pursued no pro-life initiative at all until he absolutely had to for his presidential run. I would argue that he followed a similar strategy as president. A ban on PBA and a ban on federal funding of stem cell research was, at the time, the minimum expected of him as a Republican. As it happens the Republican party has since lurched to the left on stem cell research and cloning, as has the general population, making Bush more conservative by comparison.

Bush has cut loose a few good court nominees that he should have kept. He has not pursued any cuts in federal funding to abortion providers. He has not pursued parental consent laws on a national scale. So that why I say he has a moderate commitment. Probably a moderate committment is more than most Republicans these days, but it simply means that he has a general bent that direction, but would risk little or no political capital to see policy enacted.

337 posted on 02/13/2007 5:24:21 PM PST by Zack Nguyen
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To: TheBattman; Buck W.; Clemenza; chiller; M. Thatcher; meg88; BunnySlippers; Zeroisanumber; ...
Exactly what is rudy going to do about the WOT?

Hillary will express displeasure with some terroist leader and one of her peons will kill him for her.

What is Rudy going to do?

kick some homeless people around? Help women kill their babies?

What is he going to do that Hillary won't do?

If he can walk away from 47,000,000 dead people, smiling, how can I trust him more than I trust Hillary

It's not like she is on her third husband

338 posted on 02/13/2007 5:27:07 PM PST by Convert (Praying for a swift, honorable,merciful,charitable victory with peace founded on God's Mercy and Law)
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To: WalterSkinner

Powell was pursued to run for POTUS v. Clinton in '96. He chose not to run and IIRC we didn't take the White House that year.

339 posted on 02/13/2007 5:27:54 PM PST by EDINVA
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To: BigSkyFreeper
Rudy has stated more than once that he likes judges like Chief Justice John Roberts and Associate USSC Justice Samuel Alito, that he wouldn't hesistate to nominate more were he elected president. If that's conservatism's idea of evil, I want no part in it.

That is what Rudy SAYS now that he's trying to win a nationwide Republican primary election. But if you look at his history of appointing judges, it is the exact opposite of what he SAYS now. I'm sorry, but given his liberal past and his constant flip flops there is NO way that I trust him on this one.

The states have no jurisdiction overturning federal law, that's up to the federal government, and the only way we're going to get that far is by nominating more judges to the bench like Chief Justice Roberts and Assoc. USSC Justice Alito.

True. And there's NO way that anyone in their right mind, who has reviewed Giuliani's history and views on the subject, believes that he is going to appoint justices to overturn Roe v. Wade.

If you want to throw away 26 years of hard work, that's your business, I'm not here to convince you otherwise.

Right back at you. If you want to throw away 34 years of hard work by electing Giuliani as the Republican nominee, I'm here to be a snare to your feet every step of the way.

340 posted on 02/13/2007 5:28:19 PM PST by Spiff (Rudy Giuliani Quote (NY Post, 1996) "Most of Clinton's policies are very similar to most of mine.")
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