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To: BigSkyFreeper
Rudy has stated more than once that he likes judges like Chief Justice John Roberts and Associate USSC Justice Samuel Alito, that he wouldn't hesistate to nominate more were he elected president. If that's conservatism's idea of evil, I want no part in it.

That is what Rudy SAYS now that he's trying to win a nationwide Republican primary election. But if you look at his history of appointing judges, it is the exact opposite of what he SAYS now. I'm sorry, but given his liberal past and his constant flip flops there is NO way that I trust him on this one.

The states have no jurisdiction overturning federal law, that's up to the federal government, and the only way we're going to get that far is by nominating more judges to the bench like Chief Justice Roberts and Assoc. USSC Justice Alito.

True. And there's NO way that anyone in their right mind, who has reviewed Giuliani's history and views on the subject, believes that he is going to appoint justices to overturn Roe v. Wade.

If you want to throw away 26 years of hard work, that's your business, I'm not here to convince you otherwise.

Right back at you. If you want to throw away 34 years of hard work by electing Giuliani as the Republican nominee, I'm here to be a snare to your feet every step of the way.

340 posted on 02/13/2007 5:28:19 PM PST by Spiff (Rudy Giuliani Quote (NY Post, 1996) "Most of Clinton's policies are very similar to most of mine.")
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To: Spiff
True. And there's NO way that anyone in their right mind, who has reviewed Giuliani's history and views on the subject, believes that he is going to appoint justices to overturn Roe v. Wade.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. You believe what you want, I'll believe what I want, but it's without a doubt, that he's said in the past that he supports Bush's nominations to the USSC and he would not hesistate to nominate more.  Roberts and Alito are Constitutionalist judges, just like our ally Scalia. Those are the facts.

If you want to throw away 34 years of hard work by electing Giuliani as the Republican nominee, I'm here to be a snare to your feet every step of the way.

You do what you have to do to stifle forward progress, even if that involves colored charts and pictures of Rudy in drag or throwing grenades at your fellow conservatives.  That's not how you fight liberalism.

I'm here to see that Roe v. Wade is overturned, and I hope that thought keeps you up at night. If you so much as advance liberalism by stifling even the thought, let alone the work, of nominating good Conservative judges to the bench, I hope you can live with yourself over that mistake and it's consequences.

360 posted on 02/13/2007 6:26:25 PM PST by BigSkyFreeper (There is no alternative to the GOP except varying degrees of insanity)
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