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MURTHA TO DROP OUT OF RUNNING [Update- Hoyer Wins!!!-Vote 149-86]
Polipundit ^
| Nov. 16, 2006
| Michael Sparxx
Posted on 11/16/2006 8:30:20 AM PST by conservativecorner
Conservatives with Attitude! insiders are informing us that Congressman John Murtha will DROP OUT of the running for the number 2 spot in the House as Majority Leader.
Even if he does stay in the race, he will fall short by a few votes.
This will serve as a big blow to Nancy Pelosi.
TOPICS: Breaking News; Crime/Corruption; News/Current Events; Philosophy; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: abscam; antiwar; bribery; cultureofcorruption; cultureofcutandrun; deeplydisturbed; hoyer; igotthevotes; murtha; puckeredcameltoe; repostingtookinawa; rushsankoljack; sanfranciscovalues; swiftboatedmurtha; waterboardedmurder; waterboardedmurtha
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To: soccer8
posted on
11/16/2006 9:12:58 AM PST
(Murtha still owes the Haditha Marines an apology-See
To: conservativecorner
Too bad. Murtha Murtha Murtha would have made a good majority leader (from our perspective). Pelosi will be unhappy about this.
posted on
11/16/2006 9:13:01 AM PST
(The Main Stream Media is dead! Fox News Channel and Freerepublic Rocks!)
To: siunevada
She stood up and nominated him this morning.
posted on
11/16/2006 9:13:02 AM PST
top 2 toe red
(~**~ I liked Tuesday, November 7, 2006...a lot, lot better before the votes were counted. ~**~)
To: conservativecorner
This will serve as a big blow to Nancy Pelosi.Nope. I said yesterday here on FR that this was a set-piece show for the moonbats. Nancy and Hillary are smart enough to know that they can't have an ABSCAM Eating Surrender Monkey as the number 2 in the House. But she had to try publically for the moonbats and then throw him under the bus.
To: pollyannaish
Yeah! And happy again.
(Note to the WHOLE thread before responding. Ha!)
To: Republican Red
Vote was 149 to 80something.
Real close.
Murtha's a fool.
Too bad for us. He would have been a great target.
posted on
11/16/2006 9:13:31 AM PST
To: cripplecreek
I don't mean to be stupid (I guess I am) but does this mean it will be easier or more difficult for Pres. Bush to work with Congress now.
I'll tell you truthfully I am so confused as to where we conservatives stand now that my head is spinning.
posted on
11/16/2006 9:13:40 AM PST
(Irish people enjoy whimsical humor)
To: cripplecreek
Maybe Pelosi will give him a purple heart for that shellackin'
posted on
11/16/2006 9:13:53 AM PST
(We need to move to the right.)
To: jrooney
Don't think that Stretch doesn't know who voted how. She knows and there will be recriminations.
Pass the popcorn. And not that low fat stuff.
posted on
11/16/2006 9:14:35 AM PST
gov_bean_ counter
( I am sitting under my cone of silence, inside a copper wire cage wearing a tin foil hat...)
To: conservativecorner
I think this may have been another ploy by the media.
They allowed Murtha to be roasted and let him take the scandal spotlight.
Meanwhile, no one was writing about Hoyer's problems.
To: cripplecreek
posted on
11/16/2006 9:15:01 AM PST
(Let's not enforce laws that are already on the books, let's just write new laws we won't enforce.)
To: areafiftyone
"Murtha had the votes!"
So who was lying? Did Murtha lie to Chris Matthews or did the Dem caucus lie to Murtha?
posted on
11/16/2006 9:16:18 AM PST
Republican Red
(if you don't want to root for the home team then get the hell out of the stadium)
To: steve-b
But he does take a lot of money from lobbyists, he does support earmarks, and he does seem to help those who give him money.
Still, he's not as bad as Murtha.
To: conservativecorner
For our sake - for us getting back in power - Murtha would have been better - but for the sake of the country, he would have been a disaster. Personally, I'm glad Murtha's out.
posted on
11/16/2006 9:16:28 AM PST
(The MSM 's so busy kissing democrat butt they can't see straight - come up for air guys.)
To: jazusamo
posted on
11/16/2006 9:16:47 AM PST
Just A Nobody
(I - LOVE - my attitude problem! NEVER AGAIN...Support our Troops! Beware the ENEMEDIA)
To: bunches
I'm not sure of all the implications, but here's something to make the heart glad, I just took a look over at Dummies Underground, and they are having a melt down. I love it!
posted on
11/16/2006 9:16:55 AM PST
(To those who vote Democrat.......Osama thanks you very much!)
To: conservativecorner
I was wondering something:
Alot of FReepers at the beginning of this thread WANTED Murtha to win because he would screw things up and make the Dems look bad.
Freepers wanted a politician to screw up our country so that the Dems would look bad.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that the same thing that we have been scolding dems about? NYTimes, etc, wanting a failure to make the Republicans look bad?
I would hope that if Murtha had been picked that he would do a good and decent job. Not mess things up to make my party look good.
posted on
11/16/2006 9:17:32 AM PST
(I'm your huckleberry)
To: Merlinator
Don't know much about Hoyer but if DU is upset then it must be good for the country.
posted on
11/16/2006 9:17:42 AM PST
Republican Red
(if you don't want to root for the home team then get the hell out of the stadium)
To: rottndog
Too bad for us. He would have been a great target.Yes, Murtha would've been fun, but this puts the country and WOT in a better position. Ultimately, that's what we want. We still have Nan (and the Senate nuts) for entertainment, anyway.
posted on
11/16/2006 9:18:08 AM PST
("Never let the enemy pick the battle site." - Gen. George S. Patton)
To: Merlinator
They can still pray for Alcee Hastings for Intelligence Cmte. Chair....Oh well, guess we are not re-deploying to Okinawa now..
posted on
11/16/2006 9:18:27 AM PST
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