You guys (neocons) really need to get a clue. The base voted GOP, stay homers were few and far between. What the neocons (yall) did was drive Reagan Democrats (working middle class) into the Rats camp. Insane trade policy, out sourcing, amnesty, out of control spending and a unpopular war policy did it. The GOP base voted GOP, no one else did, so stop with the blame the GOP base crap.
We have gotten the clue.
We got it in 1992 when you and your ilk enabled 8 years of the Clintoons.
Now we are being punished again.
When the ACLU starts the war trials against Rummy and others in Congress next year and start trying our warriors in Kangaroo trials, our warriors and their family members can thank you for your cutting running, and enabling Pelosi and her thugs to do what ever they want to our warriors and the rest of us.
I think you are probably right on target. Many people say they voted Democrat because of "the economy." Statistically, the economy is booming, but many common folks don't feel safe with the mad rush to export our manufacturing to China. Even skilled professionals like engineers are not safe any more. Bush and his allies are obsessed with abstract theories about free trade and open borders, and listen only to the big-business and investor class. There is room for serious doubt that third-world tribal hellholes like Iraq can ever sustain democracy, either.
We have a winner. The typical Reagan Democrat took a look at things and decided that, if both sides are going to push through a massive immigration plan and support offshoring, the smart thing to do is vote Dhimicrat so at least his welfare check will be really nice when he loses my job.
They refuse to believe that the squishy middle are the culprits, not the right. There may have been some conservatives who stayed home, but I doubt it was of any statistical significance.
They are looking for someone to blame, and the easiest are those they argued with here.