I think you are probably right on target. Many people say they voted Democrat because of "the economy." Statistically, the economy is booming, but many common folks don't feel safe with the mad rush to export our manufacturing to China. Even skilled professionals like engineers are not safe any more. Bush and his allies are obsessed with abstract theories about free trade and open borders, and listen only to the big-business and investor class. There is room for serious doubt that third-world tribal hellholes like Iraq can ever sustain democracy, either.
42% of voters said that the Dems would be better for the economy
29% said Republicans
That is telling. Cut spending, cut pork, kill earmarks.
That is why I think we lost the election, jobs-trade-immigration, not just Iraq.
Funny you should mention dis-satisfaction with the "booming" economy. I know quite a few people who have yet to see any sort of recovery from this "booming" economy.