Posted on 10/16/2006 9:06:00 PM PDT by SmithL
Secretary of State Bruce McPherson demanded Monday that the state sue his predecessor, Democrat Kevin Shelley, to recover nearly $3 million in federal funds that were misspent or mismanaged.
McPherson, in a letter to Attorney General Bill Lockyer, said it is "imperative that you bring legal action at once."
"It is wholly unfair and unacceptable that the taxpayers of California would be required to lose funds" due to the "documented misconduct and mismanagement of Kevin Shelley."
McPherson said he was reacting to a ruling Monday by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission that requires California to repay $2.92 million in federal election funds.
But McPherson's demand, coming three weeks before Election Day, prompted accusations that he is playing politics in an attempt to win a new four-year term.
"It is unfortunate that Secretary McPherson would stoop to such a low level," said Sam Singer, spokesman for Shelley, who resigned under fire in March 2005.
The federal EAC findings released Monday concluded that California must repay $2.38 million in federal funds to its own state election fund and $536,122 to the U.S. Treasury.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Shmellygate ping
California must repay $2.38 million in federal funds to its own state election fund and $536,122 to the U.S. Treasury.
Incredible. This shmells to high heaven.
I'm surprised these libs haven't indemnified themselves against all liability.
Why the squander of this particular three million warrants such outrage is beyond me.
Three million dollars wasted isn't why California taxes are among the highest in the country and businesses are fleeing the state. The California state budget is over 130 billion dollars a year. 130,000 million. Again, 130 thousand million.
Making a public issue over this bureaucrat's malfeasance is like Congress debating their annual raise. Political posturing for the sensationalist press while ignoring the brontosaurus in the room.
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