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North America confab 'undermines' democracy
WorldNetDaily ^ | September 21, 2006 | Jerome Corsi

Posted on 09/22/2006 2:14:40 PM PDT by Tolerance Sucks Rocks

A closed-door meeting of high-level government and business leaders that discussed the merger of North America was designed to subvert the democratic process, charged an attendee of the confab in Banff, Canada.

Mel Hurtig, a noted Canadian author and publisher who was the elected leader of the National Party of Canada, provided WND the agenda and attendee list of the North American Forum at the Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel in Banff, Alberta, Sept. 12-14.

Hurtig said the "secret meeting was designed to undermine the democratic process."

"What is sinister about this meeting is that it involved high level government officials and some of the top and most powerful business leaders of the three countries and the North American Forum in organizing the meeting intentionally did not inform the press in any of the three countries," he said. "It was clear that the intention was to keep this important meeting about integrating the three countries out of the public eye."

As WND reported yesterday, the meeting was closed to the press, and the documents obtained by WND were marked "Internal Document, Not for Public Release."

The motive for U.S. participation, according to Hurtig, was "to gain access and control Canada's extensive natural resources, including oil and water."

As for Canada, he said, the Canadian Council of Chief Executives "wants to make sure that the 150 Canadian top companies who are their members who gain access to the American market and to American capital."

The office of Thomas d'Aquino, president and CEO of the Canadian Council of Chief Executives, confirmed d'Aquino attend the Banff meeting.

The North American Forum consists of the three individuals who co-chaired the Banff meeting: George Schultz, former secretary of state under President Reagan; Canadian Peter Lougheed, the former Alberta premier and former leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of Alberta; and Mexico's Pedro Aspe, the former secretary of the Treasury of Mexico.

The North American Forum has no business office and no business address. Attendees at the Banff meeting contributed funds to cover the organizational expenses. Attendees, including government officials, were responsible for their own travel, lodging and per diem expenses.

A spokesman for the Canadian Council of Chief Executives said the Council of Canadians, which he characterized as a "far left group," was the first to obtain and begin circulating the meeting's agenda and attendee list.

Meera Karunananthan, spokeswoman for the Council of Canadians confirmed to WND the group was responsible for obtaining and releasing the meeting agenda and attendee list. She took exception with the Canadian Council of Chief Executives, preferring to characterize her organization as "a citizens' advocacy group."

Karunananthan said the Council of Canadians released the North American Forum information because it questions the "privacy of a meeting that involves senior ministers of our government meeting with senior government officials in the United States and Mexico."

"The Canadian public has not been adequately informed about the on-going North American integration process, and we believe it is wrong for a meeting that involves top North American business executives and government officials to be held in secret behind closed doors," she said.

Jean-Yzes LeFort, also a spokesman for the Council of Canadians, told WND the group opposes the effort to create a North American Union because "the NAU represents an elite corporate agenda and to us what is being planned would be an unacceptable loss of sovereignty."

Attending the Banff meeting was Robert Pastor, the director of the Center for North American Studies at American University. Pastor is widely known for his extensive writings arguing for the creation of a North American Union, a new super-regional North American government based on the model of the European Union, with the intent of subrogating the sovereignty of the United States.

Pastor was co-chair of the Council of Foreign Relations task force that in May 2005 released a report entitled "Building a North American Community."

About one-third of the listed members of CFR task force attended the Banff conference. One prominent participant in both was Carla A. Hills, who served as U.S. trade representative from 1989 to 1993 and was the primary U.S. negotiator for NAFTA.

On the second day of the conference, a session entitled "A Vision for North America: Issues & Options" was moderated by Thomas A. Shannon, the U.S. assistant secretary of state for Western Hemisphere affairs.

Perrin Beatty, president and CEO of Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters, Canada's largest trade and industry association, also confirmed to WND he attended the Banff North American Forum meeting. Beatty described the meeting as "an opportunity for a small group of people from our three North American countries to get together informally and discuss issues of common interest."

When asked why the meeting was closed to the press, Beatty responded the meeting was not a "decision forum" but a "discussion forum."

Beatty claimed Pastor's views were not universally shared by all attendees.

"My interest in attending the meeting was economic," he told WND. "How do we insure we keep pace with the explosion in competition in the North American industry? It's absolutely critical to the economic growth of our three countries that we stay competitive and successful."

Among the U.S. government participants listed was Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, though WND was told he did not attend. Also listed were U.S. Department of Defense Lt. General Gene Renuart, USAF Senior Military Assistant to Secretary Rumsfeld, and Major Gen. Mark A. Volcheff, director of Plans, Policy, and Strategy for NORAD-NORTHCAM.

In what is apparently intended to be an annual event, the first North American Forum meeting was held last September in Sonoma, Calif., and a meeting for next September is to be held in Mexico.

Related offers:

For a comprehensive look at the U.S. government's plan to integrate the U.S., Mexico and Canada into a North American super-state – guided by the powerful but secretive Council on Foreign Relations – read "ALIEN NATION: SECRETS OF THE INVASION," a special edition of WND's acclaimed monthly Whistleblower magazine.

Get Tom Tancredo's new book, "In Mortal Danger," for just $4.95.

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TOPICS: Business/Economy; Canada; Constitution/Conservatism; Foreign Affairs; Government; Mexico; News/Current Events; Philosophy
KEYWORDS: canada; cfr; councilofcanadians; cuespookymusic; democracy; freetrade; icecreammandrake; jeromecorsi; melhurtig; mexico; morethorazineplease; naf; nationalsovereignty; naturalresources; nau; northamericanforum; northamericanunion; preciousbodilyfluids; robertpastor; sapandimpurify; superstate; theboogeyman; unitedstates; usa; usna; worldnetdaily; worldnutdaily
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Killing the North American Union Conspiracy
1 posted on 09/22/2006 2:14:41 PM PDT by Tolerance Sucks Rocks
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To: Tolerance Sucks Rocks

Let me guess they served Coca-puffs, because its all
"Coo Coo".

2 posted on 09/22/2006 2:19:14 PM PDT by jbwbubba
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To: Tolerance Sucks Rocks
The motive for U.S. participation, according to Hurtig, was "to gain access and control Canada's extensive natural resources, including oil and water."

Why does everybody with some natural resources think we're interesting in "controlling" them? Hell, if we want your stuff we'll just buy it. It's a lot easier than trying to take it by force or sneakery.

3 posted on 09/22/2006 2:21:16 PM PDT by John Jorsett (scam never sleeps)
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To: fanfan; Clive


4 posted on 09/22/2006 2:23:58 PM PDT by 1rudeboy
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To: Tolerance Sucks Rocks

I wondered why our Krogers was all out of foil today.

5 posted on 09/22/2006 2:25:36 PM PDT by CWOJackson
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To: 1rudeboy; Alberta's Child; albertabound; AntiKev; backhoe; Byron_the_Aussie; Cannoneer No. 4; ...

6 posted on 09/22/2006 2:38:27 PM PDT by Clive
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To: Tolerance Sucks Rocks
You guys can laugh and heap scorn all you want, but having grown up in Canada, and having seen how Canucki politicians did exactly this sort of thing, regardless of what people wanted ... I believe it.

Wouldn't American politicians LOVE to be able to live like dukes and lords, as the Mexican pols do?

7 posted on 09/22/2006 2:44:36 PM PDT by ikka
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To: 1rudeboy; GMMAC; Pikamax; Former Proud Canadian; Great Dane; Alberta's Child; headsonpikes; Ryle; ..
Canada ping.

Please send me a FReepmail to get on or off this Canada ping list.

8 posted on 09/22/2006 3:02:21 PM PDT by fanfan (Trust everybody, but cut the cards yourself.)
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To: ikka
Wouldn't American politicians LOVE to be able to live like dukes and lords, as the Mexican pols do?

I thought they already did.

9 posted on 09/22/2006 3:23:36 PM PDT by Tolerance Sucks Rocks (Hugo Chavez is the Devil! The podium still smells of sulfur...)
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To: Tolerance Sucks Rocks

FYI Mel Hurtig is a life-long commie/socialist.

10 posted on 09/22/2006 3:24:56 PM PDT by Former Proud Canadian (How do I change my screen name after Harper's election?)
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To: Former Proud Canadian
FYI Mel Hurtig is a life-long commie/socialist.

Ah, Geez, WorldNetDaily must be trolling the dregs of society to come up with this stuff.

11 posted on 09/22/2006 3:26:25 PM PDT by Tolerance Sucks Rocks (Hugo Chavez is the Devil! The podium still smells of sulfur...)
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To: Tolerance Sucks Rocks; Former Proud Canadian; fanfan; 1rudeboy
"WorldNetDaily must be trolling the dregs of society to come up with this stuff."

BINGO !!! ... and as you've been told before, Hurtig & all the similar wackos in his sundry front groups are members in exemplary standing of the Canadian Chapter of the Cosmic Order of Carpet-Chewing Moonbats.

Farah & his staff at WND should rightly be thoroughly ashamed of themselves for bestowing even their, albeit limited, credibility on this bunch.
12 posted on 09/22/2006 5:11:29 PM PDT by GMMAC (Discover Canada governed by Conservatives:
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Any fringe whack job will do when you have bizarre conspiracy theories to push.
13 posted on 09/22/2006 5:13:13 PM PDT by CWOJackson
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There is a substantial number people (and members here) who will post anything from anyone, regardless of source, as long as it promotes whatever moonbat notion they hold at the moment.

14 posted on 09/22/2006 5:18:19 PM PDT by 1rudeboy
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To: 1rudeboy; CWOJackson
Unlike America, where there are likely far more xenophobic morons on the political right than the left, in Canada the vast majority of hardcore 'nationalists', like Hurtig, are to varying degrees out in left field.

Since most base their 'Canadian identity' almost exclusively on not being Americans, they're easily taken in be the far left's anti-Americanism.
Yet, they'll break off calling our new Conservative PM a 'Bush clone' in a heartbeat if the opportunity presents itself to hypocritically & enthusiastically kiss the ass of any American commie like Michael Moore who deems to pay a visit.

While you'll find the odd 'Pat Buchanan type' up here on issues like immigration, most Canadian conservatives are pretty laid back in their patriotism & generally very pro-American.
15 posted on 09/22/2006 5:30:16 PM PDT by GMMAC (Discover Canada governed by Conservatives:
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Yet, they'll break off calling our new Conservative PM a 'Bush clone' in a heartbeat if the opportunity presents itself to hypocritically & enthusiastically kiss the ass of any American commie like Michael Moore who deems to pay a visit.

And these narcissistic fools would c*** in their pants if they actually attracted any media attention from the US of A. To them, gaining the attention of Uncle Sam is the be-all and end-all, much like an ill-disciplined child.

They are pathetic.

16 posted on 09/22/2006 7:18:16 PM PDT by headsonpikes (Genocide is the highest sacrament of socialism.)
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To: Tolerance Sucks Rocks; Trupolitik; hedgetrimmer

NAU ping. Can you (trupolitik and hedgetrimmer) respond if you read this?

17 posted on 09/22/2006 9:12:44 PM PDT by Jedi Master Pikachu ( Microevolution is real; Macroevolution is not real.)
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To: ikka

Americans wouldn't be the only ones getting anything out of this.

18 posted on 09/22/2006 9:14:14 PM PDT by Jedi Master Pikachu ( Microevolution is real; Macroevolution is not real.)
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To: 1rudeboy


19 posted on 09/22/2006 9:15:07 PM PDT by Jedi Master Pikachu ( Microevolution is real; Macroevolution is not real.)
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If you want to subvert citizenship for consumerism, you posts are top notch!

20 posted on 09/22/2006 10:28:03 PM PDT by hedgetrimmer
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