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Live Thread of The Path to 911 (Part I) [8- 10:30 pm Eastern - ABC]
Freepers evertwhere ^
| 09/10/06
| mware
Posted on 09/10/2006 9:16:53 AM PDT by mware
Edited on 09/10/2006 3:32:33 PM PDT by Admin Moderator.
I didn't hear if anyone was planning for a live thread of the film tonight. Just in case anyone wants to start early. Some in Australia already have seen part 1. Part 1 airs tonight at 8pm Eastern Time on ABC.
TOPICS: Breaking News; Crime/Corruption; Foreign Affairs; Government; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: 2001; 911; abc; abcminiseries; abcpathto911; benedictarnold; bentone; berger; binladen; bush; clinton; clintonblowjs; clintonlegacy; clintonsfault; clintonterroracts; corruption; dncisthepathto911; dncpathto911; docudrama; documentary; fifthanniversary; flight93; georgewbush; groundzero; islamisevil; kenya; letsroll; massood; massoud; neverforget; obl; oklacityterroract; osama; part1; pathto911; pentagon; rudy; sandyburglar; sandypants; sept11th; september112001; sicksociopath; tanzania; thatspathetic; toddbeamer; twa800terroract; twintowers; usembassies; vincefostermurder; w; whiners; whydidwtc7fall; whylibsarehowling; youssef
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To: thomaswest
There is not nearly enough emphasis on Clinton's failure to act that I had hoped for.. but there is some 2hrs into it.
posted on
09/10/2006 7:07:14 PM PDT
(God Bless America and All who protect and preserve this Great Nation.)
To: Howlin
When is that Nightline show going to air? I hadn't heard about that.
posted on
09/10/2006 7:07:17 PM PDT
(The Clintons pardoned more terrorists than they captured or killed.)
Am staying away from this thread because the flick is to be shown later on here. But I saw your moniker and had to say hello......and Aloha! Salaam aliekum! I won't spill anything on the movie except to say that I'm pleasantly surpised at what appears to be a lack of spin.
posted on
09/10/2006 7:07:23 PM PDT
(Home, Sweet Home!)
To: Bloody Sam Roberts
[ABC cut that scene to peices. It was originally 3 minutes and 28 seconds long. They cut it down to 30 seconds. It looks nothing like the scene I viewed earlier today.
The original can be seen her:
Thoroughly disgusting cowards.]
But the great thing is that each of those edits is now preserved as a clip that will circulate through the Internet for an eternity. I think Billy pulled a real boner protesting so stridently.
To: rintense
To: defconw
touchdown eli to shockey. colts 16, giants 14. just think if the Giants hadn't kept killing themselves with offensive penalties...
To: montag813
Have they lost their minds??? Nope. Just their balls.
posted on
09/10/2006 7:07:40 PM PDT
Bloody Sam Roberts
(Winning shows strength. Winning without fighting shows brilliance.)
To: defconw
No, I know that. But because Bush didn't get rid of him, they will say its Bush's fault (as always).
posted on
09/10/2006 7:07:44 PM PDT
(Liberals stand for nothing and are against everything- unless it benefits them.)
To: prairiebreeze
posted on
09/10/2006 7:07:44 PM PDT
(The Clintons pardoned more terrorists than they captured or killed.)
To: PghBaldy
clinton's about to testify/aspirin plant bombing.
posted on
09/10/2006 7:07:47 PM PDT
(CNN on Castro - Intestinal Crisis 2006: A People Mourn.)
To: rintense
Here is the asprin factory.
posted on
09/10/2006 7:07:48 PM PDT
(Land of the FREE because of our BRAVE)
To: rintense
cut or uncut, edited or not, this movie is devastating to the Clinton administration.
To: pbrown
I believe a bomb was in a tv camera and he was murdered.You are correct. The organization that arranged the meeting was called "The Associated Press". Weird. I will dig up a link.
To: Howlin
I wonder who the Clintons have sent out to do their bidding on Nightline. Richard Clarke, BenVeniste, Weasley Clark....
posted on
09/10/2006 7:08:15 PM PDT
(We officially have a new American political party. The American Democrat-Stalinist party.)
To: Tribune7
They dolled up Allbright too much
posted on
09/10/2006 7:08:24 PM PDT
(Confucius say man who go through turnstile sideways going to Bangkok)
To: PghBaldy
"Do we have a retaliatory plan?" If this doesn't scream what is wrong with the Dems, what does?
You don't retaliate, Dem idiot! YOU ACT FIRST SO YOU DON'T HAVE TO!!!
posted on
09/10/2006 7:08:24 PM PDT
(Earth to libs: MARXISM DOESN'T SELL HERE. Try somewhere else.)
To: YaYa123
I think this movie is the saving Grace for Nov.
To: Arizona Carolyn
If they had kept their big mouths closed ABC would have shown this and a lot of us might or might not have watched it. Now, I'm willing to bet millions that didn't plan to watch will watch now... so, in the long run, this flap may be a good thing -- for the GOP. Count me as one who had no plans to watch ... until the donkeys started braying.
To: frogjerk
posted on
09/10/2006 7:08:44 PM PDT
(Xin Loi! Saddam)
To: Tribune7
Isnt she looking bad though.
posted on
09/10/2006 7:08:44 PM PDT
(The new axis of evil: The UN, the terrorists, and the American Democratic party.)
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